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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Monday, June 27, 2005

Once Upon a Time...

...there was a girl named Kira who was talking to a guy on the net. The guy was the best friend of a friend of hers who apparently "decided" he had to talk to her after seeing a picture of Kira laying around the friend's house. The conversations went well until one night, the Evil Friend of a Friend (EFF) started pressuring the poor, innocent, defenseless Kira for Naughty Pictures of Herself.

The EFF wouldn't take no for an answer and kept up this line of questioning no matter what topic Kira tried to press instead. Kira contemplated her options: she could block him; she could leave msn messenger; or...she could send him a picture!

"OK darling," the innocent, defenseless Kira purred, "I've got a great picture of my pussy for it is..." *send*


EFF sputtered, howled in rage, and then went off the net. Innocent, defenseless Kira snickered and never had to deal with him again.

Meet my one and only cat, Chian (pronounced Key-An)!

The end.


Blogger Kira said...

Yes, except then technically you'd be sending Cowboy a picture of MY pussy ;)

2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROFL - well played, my friend! Very well played!

3:12 PM  
Blogger Foilwoman said...

A superior tabby! The best.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Jezzy said...

Well done, my friend.

Great piccies, btw, you look really pretty. Love the hair.

3:54 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Thanks, guys! Yes, Chian is a superior tabby. He's a better family pet than any dog has ever been in the history of mankind. He's protective of the kids (esp Ariana...'his' person), he will put up with ANYTHING from small children and never get mad (he just walks off when he's done), and he is friendly and loving with all small children, period.

Jezzy, thanks for the compliments! My hair is really long because, not only do I like it that way, but I use my head as a garden for the Locks of Love program here. I don't know if you have that in Australia...basically, they need at least ten inches of donated hair to make wigs for children with cancer who lose their hair due to chemo. So, it takes me about two years, and then every two years I get my hair hacked back to just past my shoulders...and then grow another crop. Haha! I'm really happy because a couple of my students at school did the same thing after they saw my shorter hair, asked what happened, and heard my reasoning.

I used to do volunteer work at a children's cancer clinic when I was growing up, so I guess it's a special topic for me.

3:02 AM  
Blogger Chief Slacker said...

Well groomed, just the way... hehe

That's about as good as a buddy of mine who is a living bar joke. he has the words "Your Name" Tattooed on his ass... it's great, we can get people going for house about how J has your name tattoed on his ass!

And the lock for Love thing is great! I'd do it if I could stand having hair longer than 1/2".

1:43 PM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...

Very cute and clever indeed. I'm in the midst of a dilemma you can likely help me with. Too tired right now. Will touch base with you by this weekend.

The Whiz.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Haha! Well, then send him a pic of my pussy then, Amanda ;)

CS--that's hilarious! How drunk WAS he when he got that tattoo?

WW--sounds great, but just make sure to reach me before Friday. Friday I leave for the family reunion!

6:09 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...


THAT is funny.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

So, Kira, is there *anything* you *don't* sexualize? Besides me, that is? ;)

12:57 PM  

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