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I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Interview

Innana has interviewed me as part of a blog game. She's picked up some very interesting questions...but that does not surprise me as a) she's extremely intelligent and b) she read over my blog to figure out what to ask me! I can't promise to be half as clever with questions for those who want me to interview them. Here are my answers:

1. If a movie were made of your life, who should play you, and why?

I would choose Jodie Foster. She's a fantastic actress, so I know she would do a good job. I wouldn't want some "hottie" actress playing me because that would be unrealistic. I'm pretty, but not gorgeous or sexy or enticing (hush Alex), and that's about right for the 'aura' Jodie Foster gives off. Plus, I've just never seen the woman do a bad job in any part, even if the movie she's in is Suck with a capital S.

2. What shape, a color and a number from 1-10 first come to your mind? (This is a private little psychic thing I ask some people. It's supposed to tell me things about your personality.)


3. Do you have a favourite goddess? Who is she?

Rough question! Which pantheon?

For Greek mythology, I would say Hecate. I like the goddess of the underworld and magic and crossroads, etc. because of her origins. She was pre-Olympian, Tracian in origin, but when she was absorbed into the Greek pantheon, she was given all the lineage and placement appropriate for a goddess there. If you go pre-Greek to her roots, she was a strong all-powerful Goddess figure...yet in the patriarchal Greek system, she had to be reduced to a lesser figure. But if you read some of the earliest tales we have, you can tell from the words and phrasing that Zeus is afraid of Hecate--and that's our call back to her origins! Go girl power! It reminds me of Beowulf, actually. He swears not to use weapons to fight Grendel and be manly about it. But when he goes to fight Grendel's MOTHER, he loads up on weapons and armor. Why? Because girls kick ass and Beowulf feared the woman more than the man (Ok, I have another theory which was that since women were peaceweavers in this society and men were the warriors, having a woman who was in battle was a violation of the 'roles' and hence especially scary...but I digress).

The online name that I have used on many forums and places on the net has been Aradia, Italian moon goddess and daughter of Diana. So Aradia has a special spot for me as well.

I'm not going to suck up by saying that Innana/Ishtar/Astarte is a favorite. I swear. haha!

Other honorable mentions: Ma'at (Egyptian goddess of law, truth, justice, and divine order); Brighid (complex to explain, so let's just say the Gaelic goddess of fire, insipiration, and healing); and Kali Ma (Hindu goddess of destruction, but of NECESSARY destruction...people often misinterpret her as being just 'bad' because of her area of power, but there is a creative force associated with her destruction as well).

4. What English grammar mistake irritates you the most?

We do not have enough time to list them all. Haha!

Ok, first pet peeve: apostrophes. Guys, if it shows possession, use an apostrophe. Please remember that the possessive pronouns do NOT need an apostrophe...they are already in the possessive form.

Secondly: they're/there/their and you're/your confusion

Thirdly: alot is not a word. Put a damn space between the 'a' and the 'lot.' Thank you.

Fourthly: guess what? Alright has not been formally accepted in America either, even though you see it in print! Try "all right."

Honorable mentions: improper usage of verbs, specifically irregular verbs; over comma disease; never use a comma disease; and a lack of a question mark when it is damn well clearly a question.

5. What do you think heaven is like (Christian, Buddhist, pagan, whatever)?

You know, it is telling of my personality that I'd rather you ask me a question about my sex life than about religion! I'm one of those strange people who feels more naked in front of a group discussing my religious beliefs than anything else AT ALL.

*shifts uncomfortably*

Ok, what I am about to say is probably not going to make much sense to the rest of you, but it's like truth or dare, folks...I have to answer.

I went to eleven years of Catholic schooling. I always remember that, in my religion classes there, Hell was defined as the absence of God. This definition made sense to me depending on how you consider God/the Divine.

The universe has a certain unity that binds it together. Starhawk once wrote, "Love is the glue that binds the universe," and to some degree I see her point. I think that here, on Earth, on a day to day basis we experience both Heaven and Hell. Hell is when we feel separated from the love of the universe, and so we feel alone and in pain. This loneliness and pain drives many people to do many stupid things. Heaven, on the other hand, is the integration of our soul/spirit into the love of the universe. One feels whole and complete. One feels unity and belonging and togetherness. Most of us get flashes of this joy in our daily lives, just like we get flashes of the separation and agony that follows.

So, to me, heaven is simply that joining to the love-glue of the universe, making us feel completely whole and together and at peace and at One with All...but in a constant state instead of the flashes we get in our mortal bodies.

That's really what I do believe, and all I ask is that nobody laughs at me about it because...woof...I feel like I just ran around the streets of downtown New York City nude after that one...haha!

All right! Phase two!

Rules of this game:

1. Leave me a comment saying 'interview me please'
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here on my blog (not the same questions you see here)
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions


Blogger Buff Huntley said...

Well-- this was fun! You're not going to believe me, but when I wrote question 1, I had Jodie Foster in mind for you.

No. 2 -- your answers tell me you are much more at peace and centered than I expected from the long and energetic posts you write. Also I would expect you were mature at an early age -- probably called a "little adult" when you were a child. Very family oriented. Independent mind. Unconventional. All this I could have gotten from your blog archive, I suppose. Did you have issues with siblings? Just a feeling.

3. Boy I liked your answer. It was very thorough. I'm a big Brighid fan, as well. I think in the Celtic zodiac she is supposed to be my ruling deity. Hecate I didn't know much about but know am curious to learn more. Kali creeps me out with her skull necklace. Grendel's mother I imagine was also scary because of what Foilwoman calls the Mama Grizzly syndrome. Attack someone and the mother will come along to chew your face off.

4. Grammar - I can see you've graded a lot of papers!

5. Heaven in your description reminds me of Dante's heaven all in all. Do you think we do anything there? Change? Meet others?

Thanks! I enjoyed that!

5:53 AM  
Blogger Chief Slacker said...

hehehe, you said Love-Glue ;O)

That was a good interview. Summing up religious stuff in a decently short post is jsut about impossible. Good work though.

8:12 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Innana--I really DO feel I'm at peace and centered. Part of how I get that way though is to write on my blog and let out what's on my mind! One can also be at peace and be fairly active/energetic...which I am :)

The rest of your deductions are on target. I was a little adult who got along better with adults as a child than the other children;I'm certainly unconventional; and yes, my family is my life. As far as the sibling question goes, I've never had any problems whatsoever with Rose and Ken, but Mark (the next youngest...he's five years older than me) and I got along viciously until I hit my teens. We haven't had problems since then, though.

CS--LOL! Well, you dirty pervert, it hadn't occured to me that love-glue could be...yeah, well anyway, you're right LOL!

2:45 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Interview me!!! I'm more interested in seeing what questions you ask me than how I would respond. :)

9:36 AM  

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