This Busy Weekend
Wow, the excitement burns! What a busy weekend!
First of all, Amanda and Angie are heading to Savannah this weekend. They will have a decadent, well-deserved break. If they don't eat something delicious in my honor, I'll be highly offended ;)
Secondly, I shall be heading to Columbia with the munchkins to visit Alex. The kids are WAY too excited. I'm amazed at how completely they've accepted Alex as the Bonus Dad. Even Jared, who usually prefers men neuter themselves and then jump off the balcony than get anywhere near HIS mom, loves Alex and has asked me like ten times since yesterday, "Can we see Alex NOW? Why do we have to wait?"
And thirdly, and MOST importantly....SC and his Redhead are getting married this weekend!!!! WOOOHOO! I know they'll have a great marriage and life together because SC has given EVERY indication that he knows exactly how to handle a Redhead! And believe me, that's a special talent. I think only younger men can truly do it right.
Ok, so the "I really like your brother, and I respect his TV" comment that Alex made a month ago has become the family joke. I told Ariana that Alex bought a TV for his apartment last weekend. She asked me how big it was. I said, "Well, it's only 20 inches because money is tight and he just wanted something that'd work for now." She shook her head and said solemnly, "That is NOT a TV to respect. How is he taking it?"
I swear, she doesn't act seven years old...haha!
First of all, Amanda and Angie are heading to Savannah this weekend. They will have a decadent, well-deserved break. If they don't eat something delicious in my honor, I'll be highly offended ;)
Secondly, I shall be heading to Columbia with the munchkins to visit Alex. The kids are WAY too excited. I'm amazed at how completely they've accepted Alex as the Bonus Dad. Even Jared, who usually prefers men neuter themselves and then jump off the balcony than get anywhere near HIS mom, loves Alex and has asked me like ten times since yesterday, "Can we see Alex NOW? Why do we have to wait?"
And thirdly, and MOST importantly....SC and his Redhead are getting married this weekend!!!! WOOOHOO! I know they'll have a great marriage and life together because SC has given EVERY indication that he knows exactly how to handle a Redhead! And believe me, that's a special talent. I think only younger men can truly do it right.
Ok, so the "I really like your brother, and I respect his TV" comment that Alex made a month ago has become the family joke. I told Ariana that Alex bought a TV for his apartment last weekend. She asked me how big it was. I said, "Well, it's only 20 inches because money is tight and he just wanted something that'd work for now." She shook her head and said solemnly, "That is NOT a TV to respect. How is he taking it?"
I swear, she doesn't act seven years old...haha!
When you visit Alex, if you "don't eat something delicious in my honor, I'll be highly offended." :-P
That has to be one of the funiest things told to me!!!!! :D
I swear Ari is a genius! :D
Oh my God, Joe! This is a FAMILY blog!!! Ha ha!!!
Alex, I bet Kira's family offers you a respectable TV as a wedding present one day.
Kira, have a great time in Columbia! Aren't you lucky to have a good "bonus dad" for your kids. He's an amazing find!
tell alex i have a 4 inch black n white telly and radio combi if thatll suffice?
You and your children are lucky to have a man like Alex in your lives. That's said without a doubt.
See, good things do happen to people who unselfishly give to others. I don't mean giving in a monetary sense, rather an emotional bonding way. Women such as yourself are a rare find and a treasure to keep. Alex realized this, kudos to Alex!
Have fun!!
This is like a "Happy Days" script (said in a nice way).
I'm falling off my chair laughing. That child is SO YOU!!! She's priceless!!!
Laura -- sorry: I'm a potty mouth. I'll say about anything if I think I can get a joke out of it.
Are you saying that we redheads are dangerous to have as wives?
I'm not disagreeing if you are!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend with Alex :)
We had a plethora of fabulous food items in your honor, my friend! We need to get a group and go back down there - it's the most wonderful place to relax and forget the stresses of the normal world.
Ari is just brilliant!
Joe--Haha! Well, kids were there with us this weekend, so THAT kind of eating was more difficult to do ;) And Laura has a worse potty mouth than you do, so don't worry :)
Alex darling--of course she is. She's my daughter!
Laura--family blog? Is that why I make lewd sexual references and curse a lot in it? Haha! Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if my family handed him whatever the hell he wanted if we marry, actually. They are just SO relieved to see a man be this good to me that they all are about to burst. And yes, bonus dad is terrific. I can't even describe how wonderful of a father figure he is. I watch my kids want to see him and interact with him more than their biological father and I think how lucky I am. I mean, finding a good man who is husband material is hard enough...but a man who will just take your own kids in as his? Wow!
Cookie--no, I'm really sure that's not a respectable TV either...haha!
SC--can't wait to hear about the wedding when you get back!
April--your title of official Ego Feeder remains unchallenged as you once again give my Ego a huge dose of choccy to keep it going for a long time! Thanks!
Hoss--gee, I knew I missed my calling. I could have written for TV shows...
Mandy--yes, she is very much like me, isn't she? Haha! My poor seven year old uses sarcasm so sharply that the other kids in her class just don't get it. Why? Well, I'm her role model, that's why!
MR--yes. That's exactly what I am saying, and I'm glad you don't disagree! We had a fantastic weekend. I can't wait to go back next weekend.
Angie--yes, I'd love to plan out a time to head down there sometime...I'd love to show Alex the town too sooner or later. He'd love it. He loved Charleston, so I feel he'd love Savannah! And I can't disagree with your assessment of my child's intellectual capacity :)
but did u get laid kira? ;)
Weeeeeeelll...just once. The kids were there, and that made it an obstacle course ;)
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