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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lip Lip Lip Lip

In my house, my dad had the Look of Death. The Look of Death was given as an immediate warning that Death Would Occur should said child continue upon her wanton path of self destruction. Often, no further action needed to be taken. Dad's facial expression was enough to stop us in our tracks.

My dad was just not a force one challenges. Questioning dad's commands was NEVER an acceptable solution. I knew this. I always knew this. It just wasn't a bright thing to do.

However, I remember very clearly one day sitting at the table and getting per usual. My parents would be happy to testify that my biggest pain in the ass feature is a child was that I always questioned and ALWAYS had to know the reason why we were to do anything. If the reason didn't make sense, I protested. I didn't care if I got a swat (rare, but it happened) or sent to my room or the TV taken away for two weeks. If it didn't make sense, I didn't do it. I risked the wrath of dad that way more than any other child in the family because dad WANTED and NEEDED blind obedience out of his children on most occasions. And publically, I gave it to him out of my love for him. Privately, however, I jumped into hot water since I was able to speak. And there I was at the table, pointedly questioning yet another of dad's decrees. My dad was sick of it...despite his extreme fondness for his youngest child who had tremendous backbone.

"Young lady," I remember him growling out over the table, my two brothers and sisters freezing, my mom looking worried, "YOU WILL GIVE ME NO MORE LIP!"

It was one of those moments wherein my mouth flew open and my brain screamed NOOOO KIRA DON'T DO IT, DON'T DO IT!!!!! But it was too late. The words came out as clear as day:

"Lip Lip Lip Lip Lip Lip!"

I froze. The family froze. My dad looked startled. And then...instead of thrashing my ass, he burst out laughing. LOUD! Relieved, the whole family laughed too. I think I laughed the loudest. Damn. I told dad later on that I was glad I was saved by my cuteness because I saw my life flash before my eyes in that one brief moment!

And now, now what has happened to Ol' Lipper? Well, do you remember the mother's curse? May you have a child who is JUST LIKE YOU?


Ariana questions everything unless I give her the clear, cold logic and reason why we must do so. My parents saw her do this the last time they were around her, and they just laughed. My mom said, "Yay! The curse finally worked!"

Indeed. It did. And honestly? I wouldn't have her any other way, even if sometimes I want to throttle her just like my parents wanted to throttle me! Haha!


I told Angie's aunt/my former student, Rita, today all about the proposal Alex delivered to me in January. She got the full blown story, and I was touched that she actually cried when she heard all the details! I suppose it touched me because to me, it meant that she knew exactly how much it meant to me, and she was happy for me.

I also ran into a former student at Wal-Mart on the way home today. She needed an ear. This gal was SUCH a hard worker, but she's having a rough time of it now in the nursing program. I feel helpless because I can't tutor her in science stuff...just writing. And this woman needs some help, and she deserves to be a nurse. Sigh. I suppose just listening and being sympathetic was good enough for now because she gave me a big hug before she left...

...and then the final student story. I have a student in one class who opened up wide to me today about life events. Horrified, I listened attentively as I heard about his genuinely nutty mother. She was a cutter. I understand that one, but I've never heard of a cutter who then turned around and did it to her small five year old son. She told him, this helps me face the pain, and life is painful, so I'm helping you. Please don't tell daddy or he'll take you and leave me and you'll never see me again. Egads! He still has the scars across his back and on his upper arm. I know for sure because he told me...but also because I rested a hand on his shoulder at one point and I FELT them through the shirt. Woof. They're in a location that could only have been inflicted successfully by another person, too. Then one day his mom killed herself...but it is a spookier incident than that. He stated that God was good to him because for some reason, he was off doing something unexpected with his dad that morning. In his mom's journal, she had written that she was going to kill off her husband and son WITH her since she loved them so much, she didn't want them to be in pain and deal with life EITHER. He's such a happy, chipper, funny fellow, you know? I always am impressed to see a student bounce back from hell like that. Those people are the ones who impress me more: the ones who say "fuck you, life! is that all you can dish out?" and turn around and get to the task of making the world a better place. Yay, Student C! He's just a facinating, wonderful, nice person.


Blogger Unknown said...

Holy Shit :s
Poor dude...

And yes, if Ari ever says Lip, lip, lip, you, I shall look forward to the howls of laughter from your parents :D

4:29 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I miss my students...except S. I'll never miss S.

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - tough guy - much we can all learn from him.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Grant said...

Hopefully Student C makes up for the dingbats who ask your advice about their rotten relationships and then don't follow it.

I've noticed that people mooch advice from you they way the come to me for money, beer, and free rides.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Juanita said...

That is one helluva story about your abused student. How incredibly sad. Lately, I've had to question human nature so much, and here I go again. You have a mom like that on one hand, and a guy like Tim who offers to help a complete stranger, for free. Amazing. As for your nursing student, I can give you a first hand opinion that nursing school is hell. HELL. 99% of nursing students don't think they're going to make it. I think it's designed to be that way, I don't know. Best of luck to her, and tell her take it one day at a time and don't be afraid to ask for help.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

It's funny how people can take a story like student C's to prove opposite points (there is a God, and there isn't a God). I see the fact that he was out with his dad as evidence that God exists and is interested in our lives on a personal level. Wow.

And lip lip lip lip lip to you.

If the parent curse turns out to be true, my children will be perfect angel/honor roll kids...who buy beer before choir practice and hang out in gay bars when they're 17.

ai yai yai

1:33 PM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Well, to make this perfect, Student C needs to get an A!

2:55 PM  
Blogger April said...

I too ask questions and if the answer does not make sense, I voice my opinion. This has caused people to not like me, but oh well. Fuck 'em.

And Ethan? He questions everything too. We have our work cut out for us, eh?

Honestly, who wouldn't cry when you told them about Alex proposing to you??

Good for C!!

3:14 PM  
Blogger Chief Slacker said...

I was a little littel bastard too, though i learned not to be when the punishment came with shamppoo being squirted in my mouth and having to hold it there till turned green. the mouth stayed clean till i was in college, then I still felt bad swearing or mouthing off around mom. heh.

4:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It amazes me how strong some people can be, like your student. They actually live through hell but are pleasant, nice people. Other people have everything going for them, but think the world is against them for some of the dumbest, small reasons and are big crybabies. It's incredible really.

9:33 AM  

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