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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I Hate Moving

I really hate moving. It makes me on edge until everything is in the new place and ready to go. I keep hoping that the next time I move from my apartment (I've been there for three years), I will be able to hire movers. However, regardless of my feelings about moving, Alex has to leave his current apartment and go into a new one THIS WEEK. See, he was living in this one apartment thanks to his internship for the last was part of the job. He was thrilled by it: icemaker, dishwasher, washer AND dryer, and two bedrooms. Well, there's just no way we can swing something that luxurious this time around. He needs another place to live for this following year as he finishes up his schooling at USC, and then he will move in with us. Maybe one day we'll even get a house, but hey, that's far in the future right now.

So, the housing hunt started, and it was difficult to find a place that didn't look like a slum that was also a) in his price range and b) near the school. He has a bike but no car, so being within walking distance of the school was important. We *think* we finally nailed down a place, and we should be able to get the key tomorrow. Then we have to have everything moved in by Friday at 1p because at that time, we leave to take kids back to their father...and then head down to Atlanta to hang with some bloggers.

The move is stressful because I also have several other stressors brewing at the back of my head. Yes, we're planning on doing a civil ceremony within the next month or so and doing the full blown party later on in France. So, we've had to research rings and divert funds to pay for said rings. I'm still doing research on the marrying of a foreigner part too. Alex's lame ass French school still hasn't paid his tuition bill at USC, although they promise it will be done soon. This means he can't use the USC facilities nor officially find out on blackboard his homework assignments because he's been "kicked out" by the graduate school. The business school is accomodating him because they know his school will eventually pay the bill (or we hope so!!!), but they can't do anything about the graduate school's official policies when fees have not been paid by the set date. I'm stressed about this and want them to pay for it...but hey, it's the season for VACATION in France, so his school is shut down for two weeks. Woohoo! What else am I worried about? Oh yes, when I thought that Clemson U had pretty much turned me down, I received a surprise phone call and email that let me know I was still on the consideration list. Holy fuck. But no, they still haven't let me know one way or the other. So! I don't know if I have to prepare for another full year at Tech or prepare for all new classes at Clemson. I don't know if I'll have health ins. through Clemson or I'll have to wait until Alex and I marry to get it through USC's student health ins. policy. Well, after he's officially enrolled, that is. Oh, there are more stressors, but that sampling is enough to give you an idea of what's on my mind.

Alex's new place does not have a washer and dryer, so that sucks. It is one bedroom, and small, but it is nice enough for him to enjoy. It's close to the school, and all of us can fit when we're down visiting. We just need to get moved into that place and then I need to clean up this apartment before we're done with the move. Then that'll be one stress gone, I suppose.

You can tell that I'm off balance this week because I'm low on patience and snappish. Pitty my children. I hate myself when I'm like that, but other than copious alcohol intake, I don't have a clue on how to make myself be nice!


Overheard while I was in the bathroom...

The kids walked by the bathroom yesterday morning while I was in it. I heard Ariana say, "Well, it's what Alex calls mom all the time. It's THAT word." Five year old Jared's response: "Sexy? You mean it's sexy?" I laughed so hard that I couldn't find out what word Ari was actually looking for! Haha!


And on the "my god it's a miracle" front...guess what me, my ex, Alex, and the kids did this last Saturday? We all went swimming at a local lake for a few hours and had a great time! I shit you not. It went smoothly. The kids were SO happy to see their daddies getting along, too. My mom thinks it's wierd that the new trend in divorce is to have the new families be nice to each other and do things together. She told me that there's something wrong with that. Excuse me? My kids were relaxed and relieved to see us all getting along, joking, and having a good time. Were Alex and I a bit tense before going due to the whole "my ex husband is there" thing? Sure. But it went great, and we just might do it again because it obviously meant so much to Ariana in particular. Well, provided that my ex can cope with the marriage after it becomes official. That one may just take time.

I found out exactly how lazy I am these days, though. I did fourteen trips across an inlet about the size of the inlet on my lake that I grew up on. When I was a teen and swam a lot, that would have been NOTHING. NOTHING, do you hear me? This time, the day afterwards, it was paralysis. Every muscle cursed my name and called me bitch. I wish I lived on the lake though. I swear I'd swim every day with the kids over the summer, and I'd be fit! Swimming isn't exercise to me; swimming is fun. That's the only way to get me to it fun and have me believe it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate when I get all grumpy and take it out on the kids too. Right now, it's usually Matthew b/c Anna understands PMS and other things that make me not quite myself; she knows how to steer clear when I'm snappy. Matthew just wants attention regardless, so he'll start doing the preteen boy weird noises thing or whatever until I get really peeved at him and yell. (It's not unlike what happens when you teach middle school.)

I think you're doing the right thing to go ahead with the civil cermony. Just make it official, and have the insurance available. I hope CU lets you know something soon... I know that they are preparing some new hire stuff that they didn't have when I switched over to the lecturer position. It sounds like they want to help the professors/lecturers have an easy transition. If it's business or technical writing, you shouldn't have too much trouble coming up with a syllabus. If you use the book I use, for example, the beginning chapters are okay, so it gives you some time to get your feet wet without floudering too badly. I know that's little consolation when you just want to get your plans straight. Change is HARD no matter how beneficial it might be long term. I got so stressed last year around this time. But you can hold it together and it will all be okay.

Tech (the institution, not the students) doesn't deserve you or Chuck, so I hope you're both moving to CU soon. Rita went on and on when we were at the campsite about how the general consensus at Tech is that you and Chuck are the only good profs in the English Dept.

Drink some nice wine and eat some nice chocolate. It will all be okay. =o)

3:49 PM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Hey, if I move and wind up not needing my W&D, you can have it, but you'll have to come get it, OK? Sure you don't want to come help *me* move? ;)

5:55 PM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

I think it's awesome that you, Alex and the ex can hang out.


7:23 PM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...'re brave. I prefer to keep the ex and the current apart. The clashing of worlds could cause some sort of astrological disaster!

7:51 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

Moving always sucks when you're attached to a place. And if you've been there for three years, you've probably accumulated a lot of stuff.

I don't envy you.

Congratulations on your civil nuptuals. I hope you continue to have a civil relationship with your ex, despite what mom says.

Well, I'm sure his school will pay. They're just on "ete" time. Sad. Schools used to let students slide on things if they knew another source had locked into paying tuition. How things have changed.

I read about your Atlanta pow-wow on Angie's board. I hope the four of you have a wonderful time. Take pictures. Post them here. We would love to see them.

8:56 PM  
Blogger Grant said...

Oh, great. You're going to visit in a foul mood. To make things better, my new and wonderful Charter Internet service abruptly stopped working and tech support can't puzzle out the problem, so I can't be contacted except at work.

6:28 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Angie--thank you for passing on Rita's comments. I have been feeling morose about my role as a teacher lately, and that perked me up some and reminded me why I am doing this.

Joe--only if you give me a massage:) The new place for Alex doesn't even have w/d connections, though, so having a w/d won't do us good. I appreciate the offer, however!

Laura--you want to know something else amazing? Over the July 4th weekend, he took them camping for three nights. They had a great time and he didn't drink for the duration of their trip. I think we're in miracle territory for sure. Well, then he couldn't see them for two weeks because he was so drained from the experience (hahahah! but I'm NOT when I deal with them every day?). However, they had a blast and a memory to last forever. I'm pleased this summer. It's going well. I just hope he can continue to be as reasonable after Alex and I get married...

WW---well, a few months ago I would have felt the same way. But the ex is being more rational lately, and I'm taking FULL advantage of it. We'll see if it lasts!

X. dell--well, it's just Alex who moves this time around, not me. Me and my three years of accumulated stuff are still staying in our apartment in the Upstate. Alex, however, has a year left with his schooling in Columbia at USC, so marriage or not, he has to live here for a year! Yes, we move him out fully tomorrow, then wait a year and move him up to us again. Ug. I want to win the lotto so we can hire professional movers. I don't like moving at all (I have a bad's not that I'm a wimp or anything, I just pay for it in the long run!). Oh, and there will be FIVE of us meeting in Atlanta. Woohoo! Pictures could be posted here, but it would be with Grant's digital camera. I don't own one.

Tim--only alcohol and sex make it ok.

Grant--remember these words of wisdom: feed me alcohol. If you do so, I will be in a good mood no matter what.

8:34 PM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Try to only stress when it might accomplish something. I only worry about bills from 9-5 and never on weekends, for example.

I do hope that you have the civil ceremony and enjoy it. Here we can "rent a judge" and they will come out to a home or whatever to do the ceremony. One sis was married in Mom's back yard by a judge. You might want to think about a park or something. The office ceremony is a little cold for some people.

The love you have for each other should overcome any lack of fuss. The joy of being legally committed will ease your days.

Hugs to you both.

8:03 AM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...

Never count on anything GOOD lasting...not if it is connected to the EX!

Renting might be a good idea. I don't know why I didn't think of that. Funny...maybe I've owned for too long.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Valerie -- How does that not worrying trick work? Do you just tell yourself you won't worry after hours and it works? Is there any thing you do if, say, you find yourself worrying at other times? I'd like to understand this.

7:45 PM  

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