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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Meme

Amanda tagged me, so here we go.

Three things that scare me:

1) The loss of those I love dearest, esp. my children and Alex
2) Being stuck in an elevator for a very long time
3) Becoming permanently physically or mentally incapacitated

Three people who make me laugh:

1) Alex
2) my kids
3) Grant
...there are actually quite a few more as I tend to surround myself with folks who make me laugh. Why cry when you can laugh?

Three things I love:

1) My family and friends
2) My new car!
3) Food and alcohol

Three things I hate:

1) Anorexic looking people who declare that they are fat
2) A weak backbone
3) Containers that won't open

Three things I don't understand:

1) Deliberately and consistently mean people (that is, we all have our bad days, but all the time?)
2) Parents who don't love their children
3) How George Bush managed to get re-elected

Three things on my desk:

(there's way, way, way more than three's cluttered, as all who have seen it can testify!)
1) Geek books (with appropriate dice!)
2) The Black Knight
3) Headache medicine

Three things I'm doing right now:

(Can we define "right now?")
1) doing this meme
2) fixing dinner
3) keeping children from killing each other

Three things I want to do before I die:

1) travel more, specificially doing wine tours of various nations
2) get something published
3) get a shitload of wine certifications

Three things I can do:

1) Alex
2) Cook
3) Talk a long time without taking a breath

Three things I think you should listen to:

1) Me!
2) Waves crashing on a beach on a quiet, moon-filled night
3) Did I mention "me" yet?

Three things you should never listen to:

1) People telling you that you can't do what you want to do in life
2) My Uncle Gordon
3) Whining children

Three things I'd like to learn:

1) French beyond a beginner level
2) Enough about wine to be considered an expert
3) How to teleport

Three favorite foods:

1) Cheese
2) Chocolate
3) GOOD bread

Three shows I watched as a kid:

1) Sesame Street
2) He-man
3) Gilligan's Island

Three things I regret:

...I refuse to do Amanda's chicken shit way out of it ;) even though I certainly would not change things if it meant I had no kids nor Alex, you know?

1) Not getting my PhD when I wanted to do so and had the time to do so
2) Having sex for the first time at 17. I sincerely don't think I was ready for it, looking back. I needed another couple o' years.
3) Not taking the elite creative writer's course that I was invited to take at Duke. You had to be signed in by a professor who thought you were very talented, and Dr. F tried to get me to do it after reading a play I wrote. I was intimidated by the capacity of the other students (we would have to do peer review), and I was afraid that the time it took up (like that of several courses instead of just one) would cause problems with my boyfriend (that'd be my ex). Some days I'm more stupid than others.

Three people to tag? Nah, but I fully encourage all of you to do this one. Enjoy!

...oh, and visiting Atlanta to see Grant was fabulous, even though somebody banged two paint chips off my new car while I was parked overnight. Grrrr...bastards...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone banged chips of paint of my new car Sunday, but I couldn't stay mad at her when her eyes welled up with tears and she said, "Please don't be mad, Mama."

Very cool meme. I think I'll do that instead of studying Ausbel. If my trial's not over on Friday, I'm going to have to borrown some of Kathy's ADHD meds to be ready for Comps on Thursday! I shared my Lortab with her when she hurt her knee and we were out of town; she's already offered, lol! I'm kidding - I wouldn't take it because I have no clue what it'd do to me. Off to procrastinate by doing the meme...

6:54 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I got #1 and #3 right on the who I should listen to section!! Though I don't have the nerve to carry out certain mandates....

Chicken shit way out it!! Since when did laziness become a chicken shit way out? ;)

7:50 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

Fantastic list...a nice combination of humour, honesty and geekiness. You rolled a natural 20 on that one!

8:49 PM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...

I've lost Amanda...where did she go??

4:15 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

Interesting. And I understand exactly how you feel. I listen to me all the time.

Regarding your last post, I sympathize with Alex. I have difficulty understanding the Quebec accent too--however, I have a Neanderthal command of French.

3:58 AM  
Blogger Juanita said...

Oh Kira. You make me laugh every time. List three things you love? You couldn't do it, could you? I count at least five. And skinny people who declare themselves fat? Oh yeah -- that's a good one.

Hey, Laura mentioned your gift. You are truly the cat's meow. I know that took some of the pressure off her preparations. I'm so happy for her and have been thinking of her all day long. She should be getting close to Paris, only four hours away now.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

That sure did! Thanks! I was able to get an RER ticket into the city and a few more things...and I sent you a post card from Tuscany!

(I used to be a skinny person who thought I was fat...sorry)

7:24 AM  
Blogger A* said...

Um Raleigh visit?? Please? Soon?

What's the haps with that!?!?

Smooches to Alex & kids

9:15 AM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

You know, I think I've heard about this play before, if it's the one mg mentioned in a certain publication we both know of. But I've never seen it. Because you don't love me enough. Clearly.

9:33 PM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...

Things I can do...Alex! HA! LOVE IT!

7:57 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Angie--Argh! No, I couldn't get mad at either of my kids if they put it that way, new car or not...

Amanda--lazy, chicken shit...who can tell the difference? :)

NWJR--woohoo! Can I roll again? 'Cause if I roll a 20 again, there's no sayin' what kind of damage I can do :) gets French like a native, not surprisingly, and the Quebec accent kills him. He got back from his trip and told me he has to make actual eye contact in order to understand them. Whew! That reminds me of some of my students who have more pronounced accents, though, so I suppose it shouldn't surprise me.

Juanita--well, you're the only one who caught me, so if you're quiet nobody will know! Haha! I guess I'm one of those happy people who love too many things in life. I'm guessing that's not so bad though.

Laurita--oh come on! I STILL think I'm a "fucking cunt bitch whore" thanks to my ex, and I am guessing that nobody but him thinks it's true. I'm talking about the women who know they are skinny compared to the rest of the world, yet they want to make folks feel badly by announcing that they are "fat." Your first hubby insisted you were fat when you were not; that's not exactly the situation that I am talking about here. By the way, I still insist that I'm a bitch, but Grant tells me that I piss him off because I'm totally not that. Hmm. Come to think of it, Joe has told me the same thing...something like, "why do the women who are NOT bitches think that they ARE bitches?" Sometimes our environment make us do weird things.

A*--darling! We fully intend on coming up once this summer. I'll let you know when we have plans!

Joe--shit! I put it in the 'zine? I don't remember, but I bet I did. People REMEMBER it? Does that mean it was actually good? I never can believe that which I write is good, you know...

Mandy--well, YEAH! If I can't do Alex, I can't do anything, ya know? :)

7:47 PM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

No -- you didn't put it in your zine. mg was trying to convince you to do so, but you never did.

8:12 PM  

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