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I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mothers and Star Wars

Well, this last weekend, Alex and I drove down to Atlanta to see Grant again. We really have a lot of fun with him (and he feeds us AMAZINGLY WELL!), so we seem to go down quite a bit. We went down in November, twice in December, and then this weekend. Although he started out my friend, he's definitely Alex's too. Alex told me once that he was so glad to have Grant as a friend because most of the other friends he's made through me are more my friends than his, not having so much in common with him as just loving him because he's attached to me. On the other hand, Grant has a fair bit in common with Alex as far as interests go, and Grant tries to communicate with him too, so he feels like he finally has his first mutual friend in America. That's cool because it makes it easier to convince Alex to drive down for the weekend to see Grant!

Anyway, we primarily eat good/great food, drink too much alcohol, and see lots of movies whenever we visit. This past weekend, we decided upon a Star Wars theme. We started with episode one, then we went to episode five. We didn't get to reach episode six (aka Return of the Jedi) because we ran out of time. We also got to watch two Japanese related movies in between the other movies for variation. Anyway! One thing about episode three (aka Revenge of the Sith) really pissed me off. Padme was a crap mum. Let me explain.

Padme is pregnant. For some reason I cannot figure out, technology in this high tech society does not involve ultrasounds because she has no idea--nor does anybody else--that she's carrying twins. Sure, you can go on the theory that since she wasn't supposed to be married to Anakin/Darth Vader, she just didn't go to the doctor's. But really, even the biggest moron could see she was pregnant at the end, so what would be the point there? Due to Anakin's conversion to the dark side of the force, she loses her will to live. She gives birth. She names her kids. And then she dies. Stupid bitch...I want to kill her. Sadly, however, she's already dead.

See, motherhood is not easy. Motherhood is worth just about anything, but it's not easy. She gave up before she began because she decided that her husband was the most important thing in her life and her kids didn't matter. For nine months she carried twins, and she never grew to love them so much that she would want to live to take care of them. I just don't get it.

Now, before anybody tells me, "Kira, you don't know what it's like to be depressed, severely depressed, and that's why she decided to just die." Bullshit. When my marriage fell apart, I certainly was so depressed that death was a beautiful option, a release from my misery. I distinctly remember falling asleep at night, hoping I'd die in my sleep, only to wake up crying because I was still alive. I remember the kids waking up and needing me, the tears still streaming down my face, me mentally telling myself that only a woman who didn't care for her children would stay in bed and wallow...and boom, mentally kicking myself over and over again, I was out of bed and taking care of them. I loved them. In fact, my love for them was the only good and beautiful part of my universe left at that point. How could I kill myself? How could I just lose the will to live when my kids needed me so badly? Impossible!

So, I guess it really bothers me that Padme just....named her children and slipped away. Wuss. Real women love their children even when the father is psycho, evil, and the dark lord of the universe. Real mothers forage on because we have been given this extraordinary strength to live when others would fail. My therapist told me once that when women have kids, they become statistically very unlikely to commit suicide. However, she stated that when men have kids, the rate of suicide largely remains unchanged. Therefore, caretaking through extreme depression should indeed be a mother's trait. (for a side note, however, I know for certain that my ex's love for his kids pulled him through some desires for suicide too, so I realize men can have that bond as well with their kids)

I liked Padme all the way until the end. Then I became furious. Good thing she enabled her children to be adopted elsewhere because she never could have been a real mom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now, I interpreted it differently. I thought Anakin accidentally killed her. I thought when he was choking her, it made her go into labor prematurely, and the injuries from the fight with him were too much for her to deal with while giving birth to twins. According to Matthew, he beats her up a little more in the comic version, so maybe it was intended that way, but they did make it violent enough in the movie.

But if she DID die of a broken heart alone, I agree with you. Kids make you a million times more resilient, so that wouldn't be very realistic for the way her character was up until that point.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Well, this second time around I distinctly heard the robot nurse say that they didn't know what to do for her as she seems to have just lost the will to live. So, even though the choking might have triggered premature labor, it was the lack of the will to live that made her die! She was so strong up until that point. Am I supposed to believe that the reason why she was strong was Anakin, and without him her kids meant nothing? I just don't get it. No real mom would feel that way.

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You inspired me to go read more about this, lol. It's a big debate in cyberspace. Most people agree that she died of a broken heart; some think it's okay - her entire life fell apart with not only Anakin going haywire, but the whole government falling apart and all her friends being murdered. I did read one interpretation that put my mind a little more at ease... maybe she got a little bit of the Force while in labor and realized that Anakin would ALWAYS find her. So, if she were raising the kids, they would never be safe. The only way for them to be raised without his dark influence was if she were dead, leaving him unable to sense them. So, she chose to die in order to save them from the Dark Side.

Now, the movie did NOTHING to draw any of that out, and it would be the only plausible way I'd accept her choosing death. Maybe Lucas was just in a hurry to make more $$$, so he didn't flesh that storyline out enough.

I agree with you - it's troubling.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Enemy of the Republic said...

Will you please please please get Grant to blog again? I'm glad he visits me and I owe him an email, but gosh, I miss his blog. He is unique.

I will say more on Star Wars soon. I'm grading papers right now, but I am also a Star Wars FREAK!

6:36 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

EotR, if I could get Grant to blog again, I WOULD. He cracks me up. I have chuckled at more of his posts than I can ever detail. At least he did the Cat Blog over December...that was hilarious!

6:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

G. Lucas is a man, and therefore, knows very little about women. Except that women in metal, gold bikinis are sexy ;)

Refering back to Padme, I agree!
Another point to raise, is that the light side of the Force is supposed to be a tool of healing. Yet, Anakin never even tries to learn about that. Really a wuss of a character.

The prequels are so much better if you just concentrate on ObiWan and try to tune Anakin out as much as possible.

Kira would have made a terrific jedi as long as I was around to remind her that anger leads to the dark side ;)

9:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Padme and Anakin Skywalker were both whiny little bitches, if you ask me. You can tell this trait is genetic, because it carried into Luke. I don't know how Leia managed to become such a strong woman, but it must trigger a Nature vs. Nurture argument on a galactic scale.

Then again, we can't blame Luke for the way he is. I mean, Darth Vader is the ultimate deadbeat dad, off running around with his grand schemes of galactic domination that end up going nowhere, and you KNOW he was secretly glad Padme died so he didn't have to pony up the child support payments he was going to owe.

On a different note, let non-Blogger commenters comment please, I'd like to be able to use my "real" name. ;)

5:18 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...

@madwanderer: "G. Lucas is a man, and therefore, knows very little about women. Except that women in metal, gold bikinis are sexy ;)"

That's all you really need to know, isn't it?

All the great stories follow one rule: Start in the middle, tell the beginning, and then tell the end.
Therefore, the correct order to watch the "Star Wars" saga is: Episodes IV, V, I, II, III, VI.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Foilwoman said...

Kira: I didn't see that movie (not such a big Star Wars gal, but TigerGrrl is, so I'll see it eventually) yet, but I have to agree with you. If you are lucky to have great kids, like you and I do (Parents, `fathers and mothers, please take note: if you don't think your kids are absolutely the greatest, there is nothing wrong with your kids. Think about that.), you'd walk through acres of shit, walk barefoot over broken glass, etc. etc. etc. What's a little heartbreak regarding some useless man or woman when you have children who absolutely love you and think you are absolutely essential (and you are)? Nothing. Padme, grow a fucking spine. And a sense of what's really important.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Tamanna said...

wow. well done for getting up in the morning and ploughing on with life for the sake of your kids. i think it must be something in built in all mothers in order to preserve the species.

i for one know that i cannot lie in bed when my nephew comes to stay over and looks so forlorn when his aunt doesnt wake up and play with him or give him breakfast when he asks so nicely!

3:52 PM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Wait a minute. That was science fiction. Pls. don't get all blubbery over science fiction. Unless, of course, this is someone you know...

5:16 PM  
Blogger Juanita said...

I wanna be friends with Grant! Waaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Alex--you know, I never realized that the light side of the force can heal since it's, I dunno, not mentioned in the movies that I know of...that makes it difficult to expect, as a viewer, that Anakin would emphasize it.

SC--when I originally read that comment, I laughed so hard that I had to share the comment with everybody around me in my office. Good thing they were all geeks! Can I make non-bloggers be allowed to comment without allowing anonymous comments? That's my issue. I've seen too many folks who do not have a life decide that today's entertainment will be to leave random, rude comments on somebody's blog. That bores me, so I prefer not to allow it.

NWJR--ok, I can see your logic, but I still have always wanted to see it in the numbered order. I liked viewing it that way, actually.

FW--yes. That's exactly my point. What mere man can ever be worth my children? And I say that knowing full well that Alex will read this and nod instantly, saying that of course the kids are superior to all people, let alone men. That's why I married him. Well, one of the reasons at least. As far as the Star Wars series goes, you should not miss out on them. Some people think they are filled with cliche, but the medievalist in me can point out all the folk tale motifs and happily watch onwards.

FB--it's absolutely a genetic code in real mums to do just that. My kids survived a lot of chaos because I was able to put them first no matter how awfully I felt. Now, I have two terrific kids who seem really well adjusted. I win! And before I had my kids, my sister's girls always could do just what you described easily enough. I was a total sucker. I still adore my nieces, and even though they are now teenagers, they can still sucker me :)

Hoss--oh come on, dear! You know I'm an English professor. I have degrees in dissecting and analyzing fiction characters. Besides, I didn't get blubbery...I got irritated ;)

Juanita--yes. I understand. I feel like we're the lucky folks here. Who says that the net can't lead to great friends? Grant's a hell of a lot of fun. He's got a wicked sense of humor that I completely appreciate (and so does Alex).

6:18 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

Depression is not what causes suicide. What causes suicide is loss of hope.

5:28 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

I rule!

4:28 PM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

Real women love their children even when the father is psycho, evil, and the dark lord of the universe.


You need to go to YouTube and search for Robot Chicken Star Wars.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

To have you think less of me would hurt my heart but to base our friendship on less than the truth of me would be showing you only what I want you to see, not the reality of me.

I love all my children. They love me. At different points in my life I decided they were safer and better cared for in other places and by other people. I was not with them every minute of their growing but my heart was.

The reality is that my children lived with my sister for a short time and then with their father and his wife for seven years or more before returning home to me. I also have a daughter that I adoped out at eighteen months. I have two step daughters who are also dear to my heart and I have helped raise over twenty years.

I am not a bad woman. I was not a bad mother. I am a loving woman and a loving mother.

Because you could keep your children with you and love them does not mean that sending my children away from me was not loving them.

Is it putting myself first to realize I can't give my children what they need, security and two loving parents, or is it putting them first to be willing to give them a better future by depriving myself of their loving presence in my life? They were all I had to love and be loved by. I gave them the best I could, loving, secure homes I was unable to provide.

I didn't realize you touched me so deeply but there it is. I am used to a more compasionate and gentle side of you Kira. You surprised me.

Will you hate me now? Are we still friends or am I just another blogger?

11:40 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Val--No, no, no! You don't seem to get what I am upset about with Padme. I was once a foster care worker, and believe me, I wish some of those parents had cared for their children enough to adopt them out or foster them instead of making them suffer. If a mother cannot afford to keep her children, or she finds herself unable to be a good mother, she should do as you have done. That is NOT what makes me upset at Padme.

To me, Val, a mother has a choice to put her kids in front of herself and their father...or she can make a choice to put the father first. I find the latter unacceptable. Padme did just that. Without Anakin, she loses the will to live. Her children are not important. She just assumes that those around her will take care of the children. She doesn't even stick around long enough to make sure that her children are well-placed! She can't even wait to die for THAT long! You, on the other hand, realized that you could not do as you would like by them, so you had them live with others or adopted them out. You didn't do this because you'd rather be with a guy who didn't love your children or would abuse them, did you? You didn't do this because your children mean nothing compared to a man, did you? THAT is my complaint. THAT is my issue. I'm very sorry that you didn't see my position because you were relating it back to your own...when your own situation is quite different from the one I saw in SW III. If you want to talk about this more, please email me at And for the record, I don't hate anybody unless they hurt me or my kids...and you've done neither.

11:57 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...

Look what you started! This is the best blog "conversation" I've seen in a long, long time. It's stuff like this that the 'net was created for.


3:40 PM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Thank you Kira, It was just my button got pushed. I see I am still tender about what were very unpopular decisions more than 25 years ago.

It's done and it's all good. We have the love between us and survived.

I actually felt I could not pick a proper mate and that I would not be able to support us solo. (arg! sorry) I refused to drag my kids through the mess I was making of my life at the time.

There is, as always, way more to it than that but truth is I saw no way I could meet their needs myself and I needed help myself at the time. It was a dark spot in my life.

When you have given all of yourself and been abandoned and betrayed you no longer trust your judgement at all. You feel anyone would have done better than you have.

You don't trust yourself to take care of a goldfish, much less a child. You know the Force will protect them. You feel you can't.

I totally hope you hug all the kids and kiss Alex for me tonight.

9:06 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

Since I am not a fan of Star Wars, I had to look Padme up in Wikipedia. Interesting thing, however, is that she exists in fiction. In fiction, people don't commit suicide because they suffer from depression. They commit suicide because the writer makes them do it.

8:26 PM  

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