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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Back to Atlanta

Yes, shortly we leave to go back to Atlanta to pick up Chian. I think Grant will be delighted to start getting some sleep again. Chian must have REALLY loved Grant to have kept him up all night...every night...well, except for the Night of the Projectile Vomiting of one of Grant's friends. That apparently lulled him to sleep.

The trip to my brother's place was good. He treated us all to an NHL game...Florida Panthers vs. Carolina Hurricanes. The 'Canes won, so everybody was thrilled. I had never really watched a hockey match before, so it was exciting for me. My nephew caught a t-shirt they threw out to the audience, and that was great. I told him to catch one for me too, but he wouldn't. Bastard :)

We also got to see the movie Night at the Museum, which we all enjoyed. I love going to the movies.

However, now that the holidays are almost over, I have a decision to make. See, I hate...I mean HATE...clothes shopping for myself. I am not a typical woman that way. I don't like to buy shoes. I don't like to buy purses. I don't like to buy jewelry or clothes. Nope. Not at all. If I have spare money, I will by wine, cheese, and chocolate. Or if I have a lot of spare money, I'll go on a trip. Maybe I'll buy some books. That's it. To me, I cringe when I have to buy myself clothes. It feels like such a waste of money. Yet...I'm at a point now wherein I've gained so much weight that none of my clothes are comfortable. I barely have any that I can wear, and the biggest stuff in my wardrobe is tight. I have two choices: diet/exercise and lose weight to fit into existing clothes, or go out and buy new clothes. The cheaper option is, of course, number one.

No, I don't make New Year's resolutions, so I'm not resolving to go on a diet. I am especially not going to go on a diet before we visit Grant. You have NO IDEA how good we get fed when we go down there. I'm NOT missing out on that!!! But...I know I've gained another five pounds between April's Bloggercon and now. When will it stop? My metabolism has officially slowed a little more, and I act like I'm 20 when I eat. I am even bursting out of my bras. You know your bra is too small when you have to shake the girls back into them several times per day. I'm just not comfortable with my body the way it is right now. So...I'm contemplating doing something about it in the near future. It's hard for me to even consider when I enjoy food so damned much. Maybe if I just start exercising that could be enough...maybe...


When we arrived at my brother's house last week, my son immediately remembered he did not finish his thank you notes. He was upset. I still can't believe how much he's grown and matured in the last year. NOBODY can, really, as he's now moved into the "not normal" category for a six-year-old boy. We went to the Monet exhibit in Raleigh, and both of my children were more into it than the adults. I can't believe that they studied every picture, listened to the commentary on one of those recording things you can rent, and discussed the content of the pictures throughout the whole museum. Wow. Jared had a lot to say about the art, but he cracked us all up when he announced, wide-eyed, halfway through the museum, "Hey...this Monet guy's pretty good. He must be one of the best!"

One of my brother's friends has twin boys around Jared's age. She was amazed at Jared's temperment and his ability to enjoy Monet. In fact, it saddened her because she fretted something was wrong with her boys that they were so active and self-absorbed. I had to reassure her that I was in charge of a Mommy's Morning Out program for a while, and HER kids were the normal ones. She seemed relieved to hear it.


You know what? I love how Alex just fits in so perfectly with my family. They all ADORE the man. But what's not to adore? He dotes on the kids like they are his own, he dotes on me constantly, and he's always willing to help at the drop of a hat. He's a good man. My dad cracks me up, though. Whenever Alex leaps up to do something and all the women in the family smile at him for being so helpful, he grumbles, "Alex, you're pissing me off! You're making me look bad again!" It doesn't matter how often he says it--it still cracks me up!

Ok, so it's off to Atlanta again. Woohoo!


Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Hey, thanks for coming over to Durham and having lunch with me. It was good to see y'all.

8:31 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...

So does this mean Chian's going to stop blogging?

8:58 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

Jennifer calls the weight business "being on the gain train". sucks. I'm on the gain train, too. And, like you, I don't enjoy buying clothes. Ugh. Bon courage.

Have fun in Hotlanta and eat.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Juanita said...

No! Chian must continue to blog. He's (she's) freakin' hilarious! And Kira, sorry you're on the Gain Train, but at least you're enjoying the ride! You are SO a girl after my own heart. And yes, I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

9:57 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Just pick a day and I'll drag your ass shopping. Screaming and kicking doesn't work with me; shopping is an art that all well-rounded (HA!) people must master. If you're a good girl, we'll stop for Godiva truffles, herb rolls at the Fresh Market and ice cream on the way home!!

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend Jackie is the same way about clothes; the other day, when Amy & I were making suggestions for things she could do when she became Ruler of the World, I suggested giving me a walk-in closet. She said, with absoulute sincerity, "But if you had a walk-in closet, you'd have to go buy enough clothes to fill it," as if that were a bad thing. She wants me to help her do a makeover when it's time for her to go interview (which won't be long, as she's beginning her dissertation in January). Good luck with the shopping!

6:02 PM  
Blogger Chian said...

I can't believe you took Alex with you and not me. I have seniority. I've been sleeping with you for years, and yet you dumped me on The Creepy One where I was starved for food and affection.

Take note, Alex - she may do that to you someday when she grows weary of you.

7:08 AM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

I hate shopping period, whether it's for myself or anyone else. But I especially hate shopping for clothes. Nothing like clothes shopping to remind you of how old you've gotten.

I'm happy to see that Alex is fitting in. After all, he kinda married into the entire family (everyone does).

1:05 PM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I'm beginning to be suspicious of Alex. Does he never do/see/say/be anything that is not top-rate? When he's next asleep, ask if he's an alien.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Enemy of the Republic said...

Ha, ha--Oldhorsetailsnake makes a good point. Happy New Year@

11:05 PM  
Blogger C-dell said...

Hello. You have a really nice blog here. The stories are interesting. you have unique approches to things.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Grant said...

Where's your updated post? We want to know whether or not you survived your trip. And why aren't you allowing anonymous comments, you wuss?

1:52 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Joe--I'm just sorry we couldn't stick around and help with the move! I figure three people with crap backs equals one healthy back, so it'd have been ok. The doggies are sweet. They should be fun to take care of!

NWJR--yes, unfortunately, the most gifted blogger in blogland, MY CAT, is no longer writing. On the upside, it means he's no longer able to post pictures of my sleeping rear end on the net. Bonus!

Laura--oh yes, I ate. And ate. And ate. If I have to ride the weight gain train, I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it!

Juanita--Glad you're back blogging so you have a good avenue for release. There's nothing like it! And yes, you can sit up in first class on the train with me, ok? Bring Laura. You can convince me that I should exercise for health, but you can't convince me I need to eliminate every item of food and drink I hold dear.

Amanda--can't we just skip the clothes shopping and head straight for the ice cream and Godiva? :)

Angie--see, you're like my sister that way. My sister really loves clothes shopping and has used every available space in the house for her clothes and shoes. She justifies it by saying that two of her three girls wear her size right now, so it's really ALL of their clothes. Hahaha! The bonus for us, though, is that Ariana gets a lot of the hand me downs. Giselle, the youngest, will end up being shorter than her, so the clothes are slowing down as Ariana grows faster than Giselle. However, Giselle refuses to wear pink or white, and that was child number two's favorite colors. So, Ariana just received EIGHT SWEATERS her size in pink and white (and one multicolored one that had too much pink in it for Giselle's taste). Eight! Going to Rose's house is like going to a clothing store.

Chian--You're neutered. Alex is not. Alex wins., part of it is that he WANTS to fit in too. My ex never cared if anybody in the family liked him, and he'd hide in his room when they visited or we visited them. Hence, the family loves Alex's open and gregarious ways.

Hoss--well, um, in the last year he phrased one thing incorrectly that made me feel bad. Then he clarified immediately afterwards and apologized. That's it. Is that enough to qualify for non-alien status?

EotR--Happy New Year to you too!

C-dell--thanks! My kids tell me I'm weird. I guess that translates into a more unique approach!

Grant--I survived, but no thanks to you :)

1:32 PM  

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