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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Trips and More Trips

So, earlier this month I headed out with the kids to Florida to visit my parents, plus attend a surprise 40th birthday party for my friend Rio. Rio is his nickname; we all called him that when we were in high school, but admittedly I'm the only one who still insists on doing so. He doesn't mind, though. Everybody else calls him Jorge. Rio lives in St. Louis with his lovely wife and adorable little girl. He has his own business that makes documentaries or instruction films or whatever else a company needs in that media. Because it's his own business, he really can't just up and leave most times. In this particular case, a beloved cousin of his was getting married and his little girl was to be the flower girl. So, they all flew in for the weekend, and although his wife knew of the surprise party being thrown by Rio's mom, Rio was kept in the dark successfully until the last minute. It was a blast! All of the most important people from my high school years were there. I keep in touch with all of them, but we rarely get to see each other in person. These guys have always been a lifeline to me. They are the sort of folks to do things like, oh, burn one of their two weeks of vacation that year to come up and tile my kitchen and dining room floor (that'd be Rob and Madella). Or to realize that I probably need a washer a dryer right away when I move out of hell and into my own apartment, and so immediately mail me a check for $800 (that'd be Lee). They're my pack. They're my tribe. Here's something that I learned long ago: make friends with the geeks. We never drank or had sex or went wild; we went to movies, ordered out pizza, and played Dungeons and Dragons. Geeks are loyal and loving, and when the chips are down, all geek friends help out as best as they can. Well, at least, that's been my experience!

I was AMAZED when I saw Lee. She's lost 70 lbs since I last saw her in Sept of 2006. I haven't seen her that skinny since she was a senior in high school! However, more importantly than the weight issue--after all, my Lee has always been beautiful no matter what she's weighed or what her age or whatever has happened because she's just got the most gorgeous soul--was her mental and spiritual health. I have never seen Lee positive on a consistent basis and content with life to boot. Now I have. It made me feel very happy for her. Lee also was turning 40 this month (on the 20th), so she wanted to go out to Pleasure Island to celebrate. PI is a bar/club area owned by Disney in Orlando. Then we decided, hell, if we're in Orlando we should eat at an Emeril's restaurant too...we ate at the asian themed one, and it was awesome! After that, we met up with three of her girlfriends from work to do the dancing thing. It was only the third (3rd) time in my life I've gone dancing. I totally surprised myself by loving it. However, my lack of experience in a social setting with dancing led to an awkward moment for me. Most of the time, I was dancing with the girls. That was great fun. Earlier on in the evening, a guy had come up to Lee and I and handed us some drinks, saying we "won the prize" as being "the only two women here under 300 lbs." He had no idea how offensive that was to Lee after she realized that last year, he'd have put her in that category before she lost the weight! He stuck around us for a while, group dancing with Lee, me, and her three friends. When he left, I figured that was the end of guys being around us and wanting to dance, and that was fine by me. Alex had to remain back here in SC because of work, and I didn't really feel like dancing with an inferior man ;) Anyway, later on in the evening, this guy who was probably ten years younger than me (WHAT is it with younger men and me? WHY don't men my own age or older ever hit on me?) just started...dancing with me. What's the protocol there? Well, I had no idea, but I decided that it was fine to dance with him as long as I made no eye contact to encourage him to, well, you know, think it was more than dancing. Lee told me later on that he was a very attractive guy with a very defined body because his shirt was buttoned down. Oblivious me didn't notice that because I was too busy wondering what one did when a guy just comes up and dances with you. Then he tried to dance....well, what do you call it? Salsa? Where the guy and girl are basically having sex with their clothes on while they're on the dance floor? His hands started to appear on my body, and I panicked. In retrospect, I'm glad I didn't just slug him (my first instinct). Instead, I mouthed over to Lee, "HELP ME!", so she carted me off the dance floor. Then she instructed me on how to handle the situation and keep a guy dancing with you but his hands off. I took notes on her technique, and I shall remember for the future. Lee got a kick out of it because she said, wow...all these girls in our group are single except you, and he had to single you out! He really lost out there! That made me laugh. I was wearing my wedding ring, of course, but you can't see that so well on a dancing girl in a dark room, I suppose. Or else he didn't care. I've noticed a lot of folks don't care about the married issue. Anyway! After I escaped the situation, I was able to calm down enough to feel flattered. I'm getting older and I've picked up a little weight over the years, but baby, I still got it...haha!

My mom taught Jared how to swim. She had already taught Ariana two or three years ago, so it was Jared's turn. She taught all of us how to swim and half of her grandchildren to boot. It's a talent I do not possess (teaching a child to swim, that far as swimming itself goes, I swim like a fish!).

Lee also got me to help her pick out wines for a wine tasting she was going to hold. That was a BLAST! The chain is called "Cork and Olive," and they sell more obscure wines from smaller producers plus gourmet olive oil and dipping spices. You can walk in there at any time of day and get samples of some of their wines and the olive oil. Neat store. Anyway, they throw wine tastings if you request them, and they send out one of their wine educators with the wine to elucidate the product to the audience--also very cool. It ends up being sort of like a pampered chef party in that if the group orders a lot, you get discounts and free stuff as the host(ess). So, there I was babbling to Lee about this wine and that one and this piece of information or that, and the wine educator/store owner stared at me, blinked, and said, "Ok, here's how it works: I will give you the wines and YOU go to the wine tasting and do the talking!" I was so incredibly flattered when he added that he was learning a lot just from listening to me. All this studying and interest has really paid off!

And speaking of that, when we got home I attended a wine tasting/wine class at the local Total Wine and More. This class was on Burgundy, and I enjoyed it. I realized that I knew just about all the information that the wine educator shared with us on the region, plus a few things more. I DID learn a couple of new things, too, and got to try a hell of a lot of good wines. I think I made a new friend, too. I deliberately sat next to Daniesha as she just gave off a familiar aura that made me feel very comfortable. We started chatting. She's very new to the wine scene and knows nothing. When I say nothing, I mean she also has problems locating wine regions and placing them in the right country because she has a typical American background in world geography. However, she does NOT want to keep in the dark any longer! It's the teacher in me that makes me fall all over myself to help folks who are that motivated to learn. We had a blast throughout the two hour class, and then I took her around the store afterwards to get some more wine. We decided that we'd always sit together during the next wine tastings that were coming up. So much fun!

This weekend, we head to Raleigh to see my brother and his family. And then, right after that, Alex's brother James comes for a visit from France. I thought the summer was supposed to be free time and relaxation, but I have to say that I feel busier now than I did during the school year. Whew! Anyway, we are so enjoying this summer. I hope y'all are doing the same!


Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Kira, I'd'a never guessed that by now you haven't learned how to get men's hands off you. :)

I had a fun time going to wine tastings at Fowler's, even as the store reconstituted itself twice. But I've never had anyone ask me to run a tasting or anything like that. That's great. Maybe someday. Or maybe some woman won't be able to keep her hands off me during one. ;)

Ooh, Raleigh? You know, I have a car (again) now, and still have lots of free time.... *smooch* *grope* :-P

12:53 PM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

Lee sounds like Patti...big...small...always beautiful.

Glad you're having fun. This summer has been insanely busy. I'm almost ready for the school year to start up so I can get some REST! :)

3:06 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

(1) Happy birthday to your friend Jorge.

(2) I envy that you've had those kind of friends, and for so long. I've moved around so much, it's hard to stay in touch with anybody.

(3) I bet that guy didn't have the slightest clue as to why what he said was so offensive (to me too). He would probably say that (a) you and Lee have no sense of humor, or (b)you were some kind of man-hating-lesbian-feminist fascist, or whatever the current term is. Outrageously sad that we've learned so little over the last forty years.

(4) Sounds like you're having a wonderful summer. I'm gonna guess that the wine tasting class isn't quite as much fun as it sounds.

3:16 PM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

And I'm going to guess that the wine-tasting class is more fun than you described. (That way, one of us -- the b**gger immediately above and me -- has to be right. Me!)

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to Lee for her weight loss!!! How did she do it?

Glad you're having some nice memories this summer! I can't believe it's almost August already.

I'm finally going to try the recipe you sent this weekend. (I had already bought all the groceries for the previous week and was so busy with Scholars and the grant, I didn't have much time for cooking.) I'll let ya know how it goes.

4:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Older men do not hit on you because as you get older, you get wiser, and wise men know they are not worthy of you. For only I am the chosen one!


I wouldn't mind going dancing with you and friends love, but you need to get me a little tipsy if you want me to poledance and striptease on stage :D

6:27 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I think your height confuses the older men! They feel dirty hitting on such a little girl! ;)

Pleasure Island is the root of all evil...and I enjoyed every minute of it!

Have a great time in NC. I'll be hanging out with my football player this weekend. Can you recommend a good rope??

8:09 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

She lives!


Older men just take one look at you and think, "There's not enough Viagra in the world for me to keep up with her..."

Make sure to bring a camcorder when you get the Mad Wanderer to pole dance, that footage will be valuable down the line...

7:06 AM  
Blogger Enemy of the Republic said...

Oh, goodness, I thought you were gone. Have you seen or heard from Grant? God, I miss him!

2:27 PM  
Blogger Juanita said...

Oh boy! I would have panicked at that dancing situation, especially when the hands appeared. Good thing you kept your head. Cool deal on the wine tasting. I'm not surprised they want you to do the talking, you rock!

12:56 PM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I wanna go dancing with you and Mad W.! I'm buying whatever he wants to drink!

Woohoo! Thanks for the happy thought Mad! Thanks for the fun post K.!

6:42 AM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I wanna go dancing with you and Mad W.! I'm buying whatever he wants to drink!

Woohoo! Thanks for the happy thought Mad! Thanks for the fun post K.!

6:42 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...

Great. Now I have Duran Duran's "Rio" running through my head.

I may need a lobotomy before the day's over. :-)

5:49 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Joe--remember that I'll be up there for an extended Thanksgiving and Christmas! I expect to see you then. Otherwise, you know you're always welcome here :) I wish we had a house. Then we'd have enough territory for you to bring those sweet doggies with you (Ari would love it for sure! She ADORES doggies).

Laura--I feel the same way. Sure, I'll have a lot of reading to do, but the school year will still be more relaxed. Ironic, eh?'ve really lucked out with the friends. I, too, have moved around, but they all managed to stay in touch with me (well, at least the ones who mattered the most to me!). Every last one of my high school buddies is in contact with me, and most of my college buddies are too. Sadly, that's mostly due to their OWN determination. I am a crappy friend as far as First Contact goes. I think all of my friends can testify to that one! Fortunately, though, for some freakish reason, they think I'm worth it...and I'm grateful!

Hoss--you're right, actually. I had way more fun at that wine tasting than I thought I would! Mostly, it was the cool company that I met. I love new experiences.

Angie--Lee lost most of her weight through a modified Atkins diet. That is, a healthier version of it that watched carbs but was not obsessive about it, coupled with some sort of fat burner that her doc prescribed. I admire her determination like you can't believe. If I had that kind of motivation about ANYTHING, I'd have the world in my hand!

Alex--Bwhahahaha! Pole dance? Oh yeah! I so will get you drunk just to see that :)

Amanda--silk rope. Silk rope is always good :) And you're probably right...the shortness of Me probably throws them off to the age. Ah well! there are worse things in life!

SC--HAHAHAHA! Ok, you win. I like your explanation best of all. So did Alex.

EotR--yes, we see Grant often and I email him daily. I didn't mention it in the blog (and I should have), but we visited him both on the way down to Tampa and the way up. I love that man. He's so sweet (and yes, I've just blown his rep to cinders, haven't I?).

Juanita--well, you'd be in charge of beer tasting, right? :) You're a happily married gal, so you probably DO understand that whole hands thing better than others. I'd love to just dance. No hands. No encouragement.! And I could do that with any of my male friends, but apparently not with strangers. Oh well. Lee taught me a hell of a lot about how to keep it just the way I want it after that dance, so I think I can handle myself better in the future...

Val!!!! We'd love to go dancing with you too. Come on down :)

NWJR--sadly, we used to sing "Rio" to Rio in high school too...repeatedly...poor guy :)

9:02 PM  

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