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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

What Brews In My Head

It's been a rough month. When all else has failed, I tried to remember this portion of my previous French essay:

Alors, j’ai de la chance. J’ai une bonne famille et des bons amis. Tout va bien.

I AM lucky. I have a great family and great friends, so all must always be good.

Sometimes I wonder how I manage to be darned happy no matter what life throws at me.

See, in the last month I have lived daily with the actuality that Alex would be forced to leave the country by November 10th (deported, forced, has to take a jet plane...whatever you like). Immigration has screwed us over so many times that I can't even count. The last incident was that they wanted to send Alex to LONDON, as they messed up (long story). Then it was worse than we thought. We got a message from the American Embassy that we had to gather documents and then call them to tell them we had them so he could have his interview (the final step for his green card).


Another problem: we can't have somebody like Cookie call for us (and I know he would because he rocks!) because it has to be me or Alex who calls.

Third problem: Alex tried to email them that he was in America and couldn't call, but he did have his documents and could we have an appointment now?

Fourth problem: we received an answer email that stated, this email has been deleted because we don't read your fucking emails you stupid bastards unless we ASK you to email us.


So what do we do now? Well, after hours on the phone with immigration, we find out that there is another option: FILL OUT ANOTHER FORM, give immigration $1010 we don't have, and lo, we can have Alex not be forced out of the country on the 10th! Then we can have the appointment here in America...six to twelve months from now. Sigh. So we had to fill out the form in a hurry, pay a place to do a certified translation of two French documents they needed ($80 more down the hole), and overnight the application. Theoretically, they got it on Friday so they can't make Alex go away. He also applied for a Work Permit, which if they don't screw us over again, should have him working by February.

We are broke.

We have, thanks to the weakened dollar, about $750 per month I have to transfer to his French account for his student loans to pay back his in-euros loan (they make 'em pay 'em back in five years instead of ten, and they allow for NO personal circumstances to interfere with that payback time). We need him working. But he won't start working until February or whenever they give him the work permit. His green card won't follow for at least another three to six months.....

....but shit, as long as he's not deported, I'm ok.

Every night I wake up three to four times, stare at his snoring form, his smooth back, his strong jawline, his dark hair and light skin contrasting with a shiny satin blue pillowcase, begging the divine to not take him away from me. It's my biggest fear. I find the best thing ever in my life, and he's forced to leave. I hope immigration gets that paperwork and processes it and lets him stay. I can't take it otherwise, and neither can my kids.

Yet, when I think of how great my life is, I can't...get mad about this. It's hard to describe. I have a man in my life who makes everything easier. The kids are healthier and happier than they've ever been. We have so much fun. We laugh, we giggle, we goof around. How great is it that we've even had this much fun? How great is it that I have a man who is terrific beyond belief in my life?

I mean, my definition of sexy has changed. It used to be, bad boy, hot body, smells good.

Now, we still have smells good as an item, but more importantly is...doesn't mind changing diapers...plays chess with my six year old son for two hours and patiently teaches him all the rules...vacuums...mops...tucks in Ariana and Jared with a smile on his face every single night...doesn't mind being woken up at 3a for "activity"...cleans up the kitchen when I cook...brings me flowers for no reason at all...takes care of all the excel spreadsheets for my me a massage every night....THAT is freakin' sexy to me! So, I have him. I will have him, even if there are roadblocks. My kids rock, we can pay our bills, and my friends are oh so supportive. HOW can I complain? Yes, immigration is being a butthead. But one day it'll all be ok! That's so much more than most ever get. I'm grateful.


What else is going on? Well, Ariana was the top reader in the whole school for the first nine weeks thanks to Harry Potter. And no, neither of us give a rat's ass if Dumbledore was gay. My son has to have speech therapy because he can't pronounce R, L, TH, and S correctly. He'll get R corrected easily enough, the professional says, because he says it right in the middle of the word but not in front of the word. The others will be a problem because his tongue goes in the wrong direction entirely for them. She told us it's hard work only that will get him on track. But you know what? My son DOES work hard on everything. He's so orderly and hardworking! It'll eventually be ok. Firepaw is still my baby, but Ariana is definitely a good replacement. She hauls the cat around like he's a purse...and he's ok with that...haha! He's got a tummy now because after neutering, he more easily gains weight. Both cats, though, are doing great right now (so's the fish). I guess you could say we're all fine here. There's the usual bumps in the road, but I honestly feel pretty ok with them. I know they'll pass. After all, the last thing left in Pandora's box was hope....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping no news was good news with immigration. I cannot believe that someone like Alex goes through this much trouble when there are so many people here not doing it the right way and not being hassled at all. I hope it's all straight by February.

I agree with you about sexy. To me, sexy is the kind of man who calls the no kill shelter to see what kind of food the pets there need and takes them some without telling anyone... just doing it because it's the right thing to do.

I'd love to see a pic of Ari carrying
Firepaw like a purse!

8:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, emigration is being a pain in the ass, but even bureaucracy can not keep me away from you my love. We shall find solutions in the long run.
That said, I am glad you redefined your definition of sexy to include my ‘horde’ ;)
I have never understood how come some men can find diaper duty to be beneath them. How can you not want to take care of your own child?
Anyway Firepaw is doing great and is getting less and less skittish. He still runs all over the place as fast as he can whenever he 1) wants to 2) sees a shadow 3) hears a loud noise.
He also sleeps all day until Kira comes back from work. At that point he gets up and comes to greet her. A few times she has been late and I could see Firepaw looking for her. Very cute.
I am hoping that a new US president will mean that the dollar regains some power and the euro weakens…That could turn those 750 dollars into 450 euros if it was even on a 1-1 basis….sigh.
Je t’aime ma cherie.

PS: Serius was probably Gay too lol

5:21 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I'd like to say I'm surprised, but I'm not. The government likes to screw with people. Unfortunately, it's usually the people who are trying to do the right thing that get screwed the most.

You forgot one important thing about your month: You made Amanda happy when you showed up with choclate cupcakes!! Those cupcakes are better than a man!

7:09 AM  
Blogger Laurita said...

Everything has a way of working out. I hope it works out in a quick and painless way for you guys.

STRESS!!!! :(

12:54 PM  
Blogger Grant said...

Get that stupid red thing to leave me alone, especially when I'm trying to sleep.

And don't even think about letting them deport Alex - he's good to me as long as he doesn't have his water pistol. If he goes, you may go and then I'll be shipped off to that creepy guy again.

3:56 PM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

You're nicely upbeat in spite of the problems (immigration, money). I knew I should have expected it of you: So it goes.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Foilwoman said...

You have everything nicely in perspective, but I think it's time to get whatever elected official is responsible for your congressional district: I think that's Bob Inglis (someone in your family gives to the Republicans, right?), see this link He's on the Foreign Affairs committee, and may actually have some power over someone at Homeland Security. Or not. But get on the phone to his constituent service office and explain all, especially the $1010 that could have been contributed to his goddamn reelection campaing. Or one of your Senators, James DeMint ( or Lindsay Graham( Both senators state that they are happy to help you deal with a non-responsibve government agency. Happy. Make them happy.

Call, write, forward them a copy of the email.

Keep me posted, and if you want me to call or stop by offices in DC (hey, I'll shave my legs, wear heels, and put on lipstick to go talk to the assistant to the legislative aide to a Southern Senator) I'll be happy to do that. I actually think that you, your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, and any other registered South Carolina voter you can find should take it upon themselves to make Alex's immigration troubles their top constituent service priority.

I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed too. Hugs to everyone, and sorry you have to experience this. Our immigration bureaucracy, whose motto is:

You're not a citizen, so we really don't give a flying fuck. So let's get the guys who pass or don't pass HSA's budget in on the act. Keep me posted.

8:55 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

Foilwoman, that's commendable. Glad to see at least one of us could give advice that might actually do something.

Kira, that sucks big time. With all of those Catch-22s, you'd almost think that Alex's paperwork wouldn't count unless he completed it while jumping up and down and holding his nose while filling out the forms.


9:41 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Maybe you could write a sickness-induced blog today...I mean, it's not like you're doing anything!!

8:25 AM  
Blogger Juanita said...

What a collosal hassle! I hope it works out. Let us know.

7:05 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

I have no sensible advice, but I do have a sledgehammer if you need to knock some sense into some folks.

Just let me know.

3:59 AM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

Then what happened?

8:51 AM  

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