Easy Come, Easy Go
Well, after Alex got his job up in Rock Hill, we decided that our goal would be to manage to finish paying off my car, buy him a car and pay it off, and then get me good and knocked up in the spring. Then I'd move up with the kids (the ex willing) to Rock Hill over the summer, do an online course or two for Clemson, do the AP program, then quit working. Well, unless I could find some online classes to teach during the fall and spring--THAT would be manageable while pregnant and grumpy. Money would be very tight when we reverted to Alex's income because we still have his enormous student loans to pay off. Without those loans, we'd be able to manage fine on his salary and even purchase a house. But no, we realized that we'd have to wait out the rest of the life of the loans before we could do some house hunting (three and a half years, maybe four). Still, it was a happy plan. We were content with it. And even though the kids weren't crazy about moving away from their friends, they were up for the move to Rock Hill, too. And even though I'm not crazy about being knocked up again--I'm a miserable pregnant woman who does NOT glow--I was looking forward to having another baby with the man I love. Meanwhile, Ari says she's praying for twins. I told her that she could have the pick of the litter.
So, with these goals in mind, we would cut back on expenses but still be able to enjoy life a bit more than we have in the past because we'd have some decent money coming in. Sure, we had to support two households and start paying off two cars, but it was all feasible!
Then, of course, it all unraveled. Why, you ask? Because whatever bills and emergencies you have coming in seem to be related to your income...that's why! First, Alex's teeth started causing more problems. Between root canals and crowns, since July, we've plunked down about $1200 out of pocket on his teeth (dental ins--decent ins, too--took care of the rest). Then my sixteen and a half year old cat, Chian, was diagnosed with kidney issues. Ok, so we have to plunk down $45 in medicine for that and $40 in special food for him a month...we can swing that...oopsie, looks like he has diabetes, too! Now throw in some insulin, some syringes...aw, shit, looks like diabetes dumps sugar into the urine and encourages bladder infections in cats. Ok, now let's toss in some antibiotics for over a month into the mix. And extra litter used due to the infection (side note: good kitty won't go outside of the box even when he has a bad infection. It was so sad--he'd just crawl into the box and out again, napping near the box so he wouldn't miss it).
I started to mentally calculate how much extra work I could squeeze in at Total Wine, and then I tried to tally if our goals were still feasible. I didn't finish the calculations before Clemson University decided that in order to save money, they'd force each and every worker at Clemson to take five unpaid days off. So, starting in December, I guess my paycheck will be $100 light all the way through May. They also told lecturers--folks who only get paid to teach--that we had to somehow manage to take off those five days without cancelling classes. HAHAHAHA! Dudes, that's not possible! Did you just ask me to work for free? Why yes, yes, I believe you did.
We've cut back a fair bit, but boy was it sad after we had this temporary time of saying, sure! Let's get yankee candles and some fancy body wash! Still, I take in a deep breath and try to remember the following: we've got each other, gas prices are down to $1.82, we can pay the rent(s), we're eating well, our heat is on, Chian is acting like his old self, and we have two very reliable cars. Right now I'm in Super Budget Mode because not only do I have to figure out Christmas but also I have to figure out the kids' bdays (both the parties and the presents). But we can do it. We will definitely find a way. And I'm still gonna get that baby (um, unless I'm too old at this point, but I don't think 38-39 is too old, right?).
So, Jared received his first graded report card as a second grader. He received all As. His lowest grade was a 97, and that surprised me because although Ari did all As as a second grader, she always had at least one 93 or 94 in there somewhere. So, startled, I looked at Jared and said, "Wow! Your lowest grade is in social studies and it's a 97!" He replied in a mournful voice, "Yeah, I'm not so good at social studies." Bwahahaha! That cracked me right up.
And now for the "I will embarrass the crap out of my daughter" portion of the blog. Well, at least a normal ten-year-old would find it embarrassing for me to tell this tale, but Ari's as easily mortified as I am, so maybe not. She's developing breasts. She's still in training bras, but that won't last much longer. After returning from her father's house last time, she walked in the door, put down her stuff, lifted up her top and training bra completely, and then jumped up and down. "LOOK MOM!" she screamed out, "THEY BOUNCE!!!" Boy is she easily amused. I don't think we have much modesty going off, do we? Should I be scared about the teen years????
So, with these goals in mind, we would cut back on expenses but still be able to enjoy life a bit more than we have in the past because we'd have some decent money coming in. Sure, we had to support two households and start paying off two cars, but it was all feasible!
Then, of course, it all unraveled. Why, you ask? Because whatever bills and emergencies you have coming in seem to be related to your income...that's why! First, Alex's teeth started causing more problems. Between root canals and crowns, since July, we've plunked down about $1200 out of pocket on his teeth (dental ins--decent ins, too--took care of the rest). Then my sixteen and a half year old cat, Chian, was diagnosed with kidney issues. Ok, so we have to plunk down $45 in medicine for that and $40 in special food for him a month...we can swing that...oopsie, looks like he has diabetes, too! Now throw in some insulin, some syringes...aw, shit, looks like diabetes dumps sugar into the urine and encourages bladder infections in cats. Ok, now let's toss in some antibiotics for over a month into the mix. And extra litter used due to the infection (side note: good kitty won't go outside of the box even when he has a bad infection. It was so sad--he'd just crawl into the box and out again, napping near the box so he wouldn't miss it).
I started to mentally calculate how much extra work I could squeeze in at Total Wine, and then I tried to tally if our goals were still feasible. I didn't finish the calculations before Clemson University decided that in order to save money, they'd force each and every worker at Clemson to take five unpaid days off. So, starting in December, I guess my paycheck will be $100 light all the way through May. They also told lecturers--folks who only get paid to teach--that we had to somehow manage to take off those five days without cancelling classes. HAHAHAHA! Dudes, that's not possible! Did you just ask me to work for free? Why yes, yes, I believe you did.
We've cut back a fair bit, but boy was it sad after we had this temporary time of saying, sure! Let's get yankee candles and some fancy body wash! Still, I take in a deep breath and try to remember the following: we've got each other, gas prices are down to $1.82, we can pay the rent(s), we're eating well, our heat is on, Chian is acting like his old self, and we have two very reliable cars. Right now I'm in Super Budget Mode because not only do I have to figure out Christmas but also I have to figure out the kids' bdays (both the parties and the presents). But we can do it. We will definitely find a way. And I'm still gonna get that baby (um, unless I'm too old at this point, but I don't think 38-39 is too old, right?).
So, Jared received his first graded report card as a second grader. He received all As. His lowest grade was a 97, and that surprised me because although Ari did all As as a second grader, she always had at least one 93 or 94 in there somewhere. So, startled, I looked at Jared and said, "Wow! Your lowest grade is in social studies and it's a 97!" He replied in a mournful voice, "Yeah, I'm not so good at social studies." Bwahahaha! That cracked me right up.
And now for the "I will embarrass the crap out of my daughter" portion of the blog. Well, at least a normal ten-year-old would find it embarrassing for me to tell this tale, but Ari's as easily mortified as I am, so maybe not. She's developing breasts. She's still in training bras, but that won't last much longer. After returning from her father's house last time, she walked in the door, put down her stuff, lifted up her top and training bra completely, and then jumped up and down. "LOOK MOM!" she screamed out, "THEY BOUNCE!!!" Boy is she easily amused. I don't think we have much modesty going off, do we? Should I be scared about the teen years????
Money troubles S-U-C-K!!! It's amazing to me how you can have a little extra and then up jumps a need to suck it right up. I appreciate the reference to Yankee candles and nice body wash. Totally get that...the remarkable, even if small, discretionary spending.
Could be worse (read your email for an explanation). Today's announcement made my problems disappear completely.
You think Ari is amused? Wait until the little boys in her class realize they bounce! Boobs and modesty don't go together - show 'em if you got 'em!
PS - Clemson sucks, and I love being away from those dumbshits.
You know how work always expands to meet the deadline? I think expenses always rise to meet income.
At least you have a good attitude about the whole thing. Your optimism is inspiring.
I guess the children of state employees can play a rousing game of "Pin the Tail and Horns on Governor Mark Sanford" instead of opening Christmas presents this year. His efforts to eradicate public education from the face of the earth are definitely succeeding in this economy.
Seriously, I should thank him. Nothing like a 21% cut in the ol' salary to light a fire under my butt to finish my dissertation, lol! I'm gonna be a doc really soon now, lol.
It'll all be okay though. I keep thinking back to the Christmases when Anna was a baby, and we really were poor. Even in times like this, it doesn't compare to that. So, we are blessed, all in all.
How much for the little girl? She would make the perfect J-psycho bunny girlfriend. But if the boobs keep growing I'll have to return her.
You're right, you'll get through the financial difficulties. I'm actually going through the same problem. After moving in with Joe, we both figured that financially things would be easier for both of us. But after replacing my engine, things just starting going down hill. Ethan's after school program conveniently forgot to mention that they bill you a month in advance. So that's TWO months I have to pay rather than the one I had budgeted for. Then the furnace went out and we had to replace that. Then my new engine started leaking oil. Then I got into a minor fender bender for which I have a $500 deductible. Christmas is coming up, etc....so yeah, I know how you feel. But, it can only get better, right?
My mom had my last sister when she was 42. She had some serious complications, but they both turned out ok. So I think that you won't be too old to have a baby.
And I had boobs when I was around Ari's age. They weren't fun at all because I was the only one and I got picked on a lot. Until they became an object of desire, then no one made fun of me. =)
Teen years are veeeeeery fun!! Yeah right, good luck with that! =)
That would have been something to see. Well, maybe not.....Yes, very definitely not.
Kira: I don't think 38-39 is too old for a baby. I had my first (TG) at 38 and my second at 43. It does get harder (parenting, I mean, not procreating, that remains fun) with age. But while some risks increase, well, life's a risk.
As for having smart kids, go you and them. And no, Ariana being amused by her body's changes is great. She's going to be a healthy, not-too-self-conscious teen, and that's a good thing. So pat yourself on the back for raising smart secure kids and get ready to bring a third one into the world. This planet sure could use more intelligent spunky people. So get to work, you and Alex. It's a tough job, that procreating, but you two are up to the task, I'm sure.
Laura--I actually hate eliminating the small things worse than the big things! I'm a woman of details. The whole day can be shit, but if I have a godiva truffle, suddenly it's salvaged. I'm planning on having some extra money for the January sales to get up a few of those items, though (well, unless something else goes wrong :P)
Amanda--you're right. My situation is NOT that bad, relatively speaking. And at this point, I would like to be away from Clemson too. There are some great people in my dept., but on the whole I have been sadly disappointed in those folks and the decisions that they make. The whole focus seems to be on preserving themselves instead of helping the whole of the dept. and the students.
NWJR--I think that I've had enough trauma in my life at this point that I can always point to a time in my life wherein things were much, much worse. So, finding the positive aspects in my life seems to actually get easier as the world continues to spin on its axis!
Angie--indeed. I will never forget the week I ran out of food and had no money to buy more. I have actually bought my kids nice Christmas presents, and I have enough money left over to buy a few more for my nieces/nephews/etc. So, life is still easier than it has been!
Grant--she's MY daughter. I think you'll have to face up that she'll have tits. I'm sorry if that's a deal breaker.
April--yeah, I've been reading about the severity of your money problems, and damn, when it rains, it pours! But at least you've got a great support system and source of comfort in Joe. That always makes even the shittiest time become manageable.
Hoss--No, it was something to see, but then it was something to quickly forget, if you catch my meaning :)
FW--just please tell me that I won't have a baby who will try to kick her way out like DG did! I could live without that part! But yes, in our household we aren't taught shame of body nor shame in asking questions about our body. I'm sure that IS part of the reason why Ariana is so self-confident and delighted with growing older. I think the best part of watching her grow up, though, is seeing how minimally she's affected by peer pressure. If I could have wished anything for my daughter, it would be the power and strength to be herself. And I'm thrilled that she seems to have received that gift.
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