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I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And so it begins again

The summer has ended, and I'm not sure how it happened so quickly. The kids started up school today, and I start up tomorrow. So it goes.

This year starts up in a different fashion: I'm aware that it's most probable that it's my last year at Clemson, at least for now. Sure, I could manage to not get pregnant, and Alex could need to find a job back home, and in that case I'd still be a teacher next year. Otherwise, though, I'm taking a break for a few years (unless there are online teaching opportunities, but there's NO WAY I will put a newborn into daycare if I have a choice). So, it's with melancholy and joy mixed together that I contemplate this break from the one job I've ever enjoyed.

Doing the syllabi has been fine for the Brit Lit and two World Lit classes I am to teach, but 20th to 21st century lit??? Man, that's hard to construct considering that it's 600 or so years outside of my speciality. At first, I was really skittish about doing this class. Now I'm excited. A geek who loves fantasy and sci fi has so many options to throw in entertaining yet literary works in the modern era. I just found another short story, very short in fact, that is facinating to me: Atwood's "Happy Endings." Considering how the man/men are portrayed in this short piece, it's feminist in orientation for sure. But the structure? The format? So strange, yet so interesting. This is what contemporary literature has to offer...the new, the creative, the different. I think I'm going to love this class.

Ariana has started up the school year with her chosen homeroom teacher, Ms. Cheek ("Momma! I want to get Ms. Cheek because she's crazy and strict, just like you!" Yup, that's a great version of who I am...haha!). She says fifth grade looks to be interesting, and we'll see how it all turns out as the year unfolds. Jared has Ms. Yates, a teacher whom Ariana had for second grade as well. We LOVE Ms. Yates. Sure, she can be a bit scattered sometimes, but she's got the critical part for a second grade teacher besides knowledge--heart. When Ariana had her as a teacher, she inspired from Ari the best that my daughter could give in an academic setting. Ariana was allowed to help out the other students when she finished her work, and that kept her from getting bored. She felt useful, and she liked that. Ms. Yates had told me before she had Jared that she was nervous about getting him in her classroom because he was so incredibly brilliant. Then she turned to Jared that day and said, "Will you help me teach?" He nodded seriously, and that was that. Meanwhile, though, I thought the SAME thing that I thought when Ariana was in second grade, when she told me that Ari was insanely intelligent...really? He/she is?

I know that sounds like a dork. I mean, parents are infamous for believing their children are capable of MORE, not LESS, than what they can do. And it's not like I've ever told my kids anything short of, "You can do whatever you set your mind to do!" It's just that, well, um, it's all normal in my family. I mean, they are comparable to most of my nieces and nephews in capacity, and they are nowhere near my nephew Adam who was reading at two and a half and doing long division with remainders at four. So, I just figured that they were "normal" kids. And even though somehow I'm aware that might not be true, it still shocks me to hear it.

What is intelligence anyway? For my kids, if I look at it carefully, it's the ability to problem solve and create new answers where there seem to be none. But they are very different in how their brains work! My daughter has an amazing abstract, theoretical brain. My son has an amazing mechanical, spatial brain. It depends on the circumstance as to who shines.

They're great kids, regardless. I never was more proud than when both of them won the citizen of the year award for their respective grades. Any kid can be born with a brain, but how many have a heart? Their compassion and desire to help make others' lives easier make me more proud than gifted programs and straight As. No wonder I enjoy spending so much time with them.


Blogger Unknown said...

I miss them terribly. I figured you might post today: another example of how much we know each other.

I wish I was there for many reasons and it really makes me sad that I will miss so much this year.

I was also really proud of their citizen of the year award. Both of them! Our kids rock. And since I don't come from a background with a smart family, let me say for both of us that our kids are Uber brilliant.

Je t'aime.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just posted a beaming mom blog too, lol! I agree - compassion and empathy are the most important assets that we can instill in our kids, and it seems you and Alex do that brilliantly!

I finally got my 215 syllabus the way I wanted it, but wow - what an amazing array of choices!!! It's just too much, kind of like the buffet on a cruise. All you can do is pick what speaks to you most and savor the flavors!

I'm still in 516, btw. I'm glad I've stayed in the same place there since I've moved to every floor in Tillman all these years. You know, we are going to explore online teaching through the regular year as part of our Greening Strode proposal. Maybe they'll be online offerings for you. We'll try!

5:55 PM  
Blogger Laurita said...

Going back to school is kind of fun. Yes, that's me who said that.

I can't believe you have a 5th and 2nd grader! (cool!)

6:55 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

My kids have been my greatest joy and my greatest frustration--sometimes simultaneously. But you know, they've all turned out to be awesome. I'm so proud of all of them.

Great post. As always.

9:57 PM  
Blogger Grant said...

Okay, when did this turn into a mommy blog? *puke*

7:17 AM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Such jewels. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out!

3:18 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Grant's right! I want my snarky Kira back! But I totally agree that your kids are mutants with brains and manners that other people stare at in amazement and wish their kids were a tenth as great as yours.

(And that was a horrible sentence!)

10:06 AM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

You know, I can't remember a time when the year didn't really start in September.

Your kids sound just fine to me, so I really wouldn't think so much in terms of intelligence, but in terms of development, maximizing their gifts without worrying about IQ envy.

6:28 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Alex--well, sure, but anybody's smart compared to your mum ;) hehehehe :) Je t'aime aussi!

Angie--you know, that online situation would be a godsend. Seriously. I keep trying to figure out how I can stay at home with a baby AND us not go broke while we pay off Alex's student loans, and it's hard to figure. And you know what? For me, every year, at the beginning of the year, I get a new office! I don't mind, though. I know it has to happen that way sometimes. Grace seemed upset that she had to move me, and I told her that it was fine--I didn't think it was worth whining. She said that lots of folks had whined at her about office moving, and I just laughed and replied, well then, they haven't had enough trauma in their lives if they really think that's worth the complaint!

Laura--yeah, you know, I never look forward to the start of school...but once it starts, I'm excited as all get out. I have good classes this year, so that helps!

NWJR--And if you didn't say just that about your kids, I'd accuse you of being a bad dad :) Good daddy!

Grant--I did it deliberately to piss you off. Did it work? Huh, huh?

Hoss--that's the best part...seeing it all play out. It's scary and exciting all at once.

Amanda--it's hard to be snarky when I'm more happy/content than I've ever been in my life. However, that snarkiness doesn't go away. Just ask my students...haha! I have to be properly inspired ;)

X. Dell--actually, although I expect them to do their full potential with scholastics, what's emphasized in this household as being the most important is just being a good person. By that I don't mean, "follow every order you're given and be quiet." I know some folks think good kids equal that statement. What I mean is innate kindness, charity, concern, and helpfulness. If they evolve into adults who have an awareness of their position in the global community and act upon that in a compassionate manner, I'll feel that they truly reached the top of their potential.

6:02 PM  
Blogger Monogram Queen said...

Happy Anniversary - Grant sent me!

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just landed from Grant's place and I wanted to say - nice blog! As well as Happy Anniversary! Have a rockin' day!

10:00 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

Happy anniversary. And blog more - I never hear from you.

11:14 AM  

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