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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I Will Never Do Half-Nekkid Thursday Again

I just read Sandra's blog today and found out about this tradition. I don't think I will make it any regular part of my blog because I only have one (1) half-nekkid picture I'm willing to share.

I like this one. Honestly. I did it with a webcam a year ago and I like how it is sensual and erotic, but not porn. It shows everything and nothing. Humor me. I'm very fond of this picture.


It's always odd to me to see how my hair color looks in different photos. Put me in bright sunlight, or any really bright light, and you see a LOT of red (see July 26th or June 26th on my blog for outside I get whistled at with mumbles of, "nice redhead" when in the sun outside. But sometimes, inside, it looks more brown. In this photo, on the right hand side you can see the red in my hair. On the left hand side, it looks more brown. I'm addressing these comments to the ladies because I'm aware that the men are not staring at my hair. Haha!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can see a lot of red in my hair when I'm in sunlight. Of course, I've dyed it so much that some of that is probably because of the dye. For a year and a half or so, I went hardcore redhead. I liked it.

4:41 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I was actualy lookin at the hair dearest but that could also be because I have seen this pic a lot.
Great picture of you :D
I'll make more ;)

4:50 AM  
Blogger SS said...

yay! i like your pic. very sexy!

5:50 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Hey! I've seen those before!! (Sorry, had to say it)

My hair does the same thing. In the light, I have a lot of red, but under normal conditions (i.e., lack of coloring)I have more dark brown with just a touch of auburn. I've always wanted my aunt's red hair, but I had to settle for auburn highlights.

5:52 AM  
Blogger Chief Slacker said...

Hey, I was looking at both thank you very much! ;O) And yeah, very sexy!

8:07 AM  
Blogger cookie monster said...

mmmmm. tony like. tony like very much!

10:37 AM  
Blogger Jezzy said...

you look fantastic. Very nice piccy. x

4:00 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Angie--you know, what I loved to use in the past was a red shampoo that amplifies your red highlights's by Tressa and it's called Fluid Fire. You can buy it at some salons. Maybe that'd do it if you wanted more red but not wanting to dye it red?

SC--LOL! Yes, the fur bikini is the only one I've worn. I prefer one pieces, and that's been true even when I was anorexically skinny (like, 99 lbs).

Alex--I'd appreciate it hehe :) You can make as many as you like, love!


Amanda--well, you've seen them without the hair in the way! LOL

CS--ok, ok, since you have an interest in hair color, I can buy that you looked at both ;) hehe thanks!

Tony, dear! I thought I was old! *sticks tongue out at him* :)

April--yes. We can now do the mutual praising of tits. That sounds fair, right? haha!

Jezzy--thanks! I'm fond of it because it isn't slutty (to me) but it's sensual instead.

4:47 PM  

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