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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


I have resigned myself to four hours of sleep. Sigh.

It used to be that I had insomnia nearly every single night. That'd be the year before I finally managed to move out. I expected it. I occasionally took generic Benadryl as a sleep aid at my pharmacist's recommendation. She said that it was non-addictive and totally fine to take nightly, plus it was the active ingredient in Tylenol PM which already worked for me (and was a hell of a lot cheaper as generic benadryl, too). If I took no medicine, I had no sleep.

Well, the night that I moved out the insomnia disappeared. Imagine that. Since then, I usually get a few nights a year wherein I'm wacked out and can't sleep for some reason, but I can always point to a reason if I try. This week it's simple: cold meds. I've taken sudafed many days in a row during this cold which is, thankfully, now over. However, I know what sudafed does to me. For the next couple of nights, I'll have problems with sleep unless I turn to Mr. Benadryl, and I also will be prone to anxiety attacks. Ug. Unfortunately, sudafed is what keeps my nose clear so I can teach...which I am required to do even when sick. Well, if I were so sick I couldn't get up I'd call in, but otherwise, technically, we're not paid if we don't show up. The joys of adjuncthood! Plus, I hate other teachers contaminating my classes. Chuck could probably go in there and my students might accept him, but other than Chuck, I can't think of any teacher on campus who is enough of a sarcastic geeky smart ass to fill my shoes. And when we miss, SOMEBODY typically has to replace us for the day.

SO! Here I am. I've been awake since took me forever to get to sleep to begin with, and it was just a couple of hours and now I'm awake for the night. Do you want to know what really frustrates me? Alex isn't here. The last time I had a sleep episode, I woke up the poor sleeping Alex, had my way with him, and then was able to fall back asleep. Oddly, he did not mind being used in such a fashion...haha! A lot of people would be like *snort go away I'm sleeping, bite me snort snort roll over back to sleep*. Awww but not my martyr Alex! Although disoriented and confused until he became fully awake and realized what was going on, he was SUCH a good sport about it! I read a study once that said that women after sex became more alert and awake, and men became more sleepy. It's something to do with the hormones each gender release post-orgasm. Well, count me as the freak again then because if I can't sleep due to anxiety or worries, if I have sex, then I'm relaxed enough to pass out at that point. Therefore, it's wonderful to have an understanding man who will allow me to uhh...well...yeah...and Yeah. Thanks, Alex! You rock! HAHA!

Actually, now that I think about it, I'm just glad his libido matches mine. Ever been in a relationship wherein you wanted more sex than him/her, or less sex than him/her? It can create a lot of tension and frustration. Add that to the top ten list of compatability issues!

Ok, well, I might as well re-read The Dream of the Rood now since I'm covering that in English Lit I today...would have been easier to, an hour and a half ago, ravish Alex and go back to sleep, but NO! I have to wait another two weeks until he's over here! *grumbles*


Blogger Amanda said...

Hmmm, I get really sleepy after sex. I just want whomever happens to be there - that sounds kinda bad - to go away and let me sleep for a few hours.

Oh, where do we sign up for The Plan mentioned in the email??? I think that would make me very...oh, sorry!...vary happy!

4:41 AM  
Blogger Foilwoman said...

I was hoping that insomnia would end once I got things a bit more settled. You're post sounds like bad knews for me (because it's all about me).

8:28 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Amanda, I bring the alcohol, Angie brings the bring the rest! haha!

SC--older women rock *coughs* Alex is nine years younger than me...what's y'alls age difference? (I think redheads need younger men to keep up with them...that's my theory and I'm sticking to it!)

FW--nooooooooo!!! IT GETS LOTS BETTER. I'm ok with having insomnia four times a year versus NIGHTLY. I'm no math major, but leaving the ex got me 361 nights of sleep back. Seriously! It's GOOD news. know what you have to do...

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been relying on Mr. Benedryl quite a lote lately. I'm glad to know it isn't addictive...

You can count on me to bring the camcorder. We're still play SATC trivial pursuit, right?

11:53 AM  
Blogger Jezzy said...

Hmmm, the Benedryl isn't "addictive" in the true sense of the word, but you can easily form a reliance on it if used too often, and not be able to sleep well without it. *removes pharmacist hat*

As for the difference in sex drives - I've never been in a relationship where I haven't needed the help of my extensive selection of toys. Hm. Good for you, Kira, you're lucky to have found one with a matched sex drive!

3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I shoulda known Mr. Benedryl was too good to be true. Oh well - thanks for the heads up, Jezzy!

3:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm I put Kira to sleep ? :O
Hehehe I am a heavy sleeper and I need more sleep than Kira. She wears me out. I always worry about fulfilling her sexualy ;)

5:08 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Alex, darling! Once I got you 'trained up' to four hours, it was fine, honey! LOL

Jezzy--yeah, I guess I didn't ask the question the 'right' way to the pharmacist because I asked her if it was physically addictive, and she said no way. But, I suppose all medications taken regularly would lose effectiveness eventually, right?

And yes, EVERY SINGLE MALE I've been with beyond Alex has not been able to keep up with me. I'm relieved I finally have one who can. Sure, I wear him down, but he DOES manage to keep up with life's good! haha!

6:05 PM  

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