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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Snarl! Snap! Anger!


For those of you who were wondering where the hell I've been the last couple of days, I am sad to report...nowhere fun. Sunday night was the last night that my computer worked. *cries*

It's now in the shop. I expect that it should be fixed by tomorrow because when I called them today and talked to them, they said they felt it would be done by then. I hope.

I am doing this quick post at the library as I run around doing exciting errands on my last day before I start up classes. Yes, exciting! Things like...getting the battery replaced on my car! Woohoo!

Anyway, if any of you are sending me emails too, now you know why I'm not responding. I'm sorry. You have no idea how lost I feel without my computer. Sure, my ex might have had addiction problems, but let's be honest: so do I. My addiction has a name, and I call it, Internet!

Hope y'all are doing well, and I'll be back when I can.


Blogger Chief Slacker said...

So are your fingertips having phantom feelings of a keyboard and mouse? :O)

1:05 PM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

No shit! I'm totally addicted too!

I tell myself I can't use the computer in the mornings, and then when I do, I don't get off in time to get other duties done.

I tell myself not to use it when the kids are up...but I do any way.

When I can't use it, I miss it and think about it.

I need another 12 step program.

4:15 PM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...

WAH!! I miss you. And I'm getting more psychotic by the day without access to my favorite therapist!!

Hurry back, damn it!!


7:00 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

April--haha! Well, I really felt badly over disappearing off the net for a few days and not having a way of posting on the blog really what happened. My computer hasn't died since the modem blew in a thunderstorm about 4 years ago, so I think I'm lucky. Most people have a lot more computer issues than I do. I was due, I suppose.

SC--yes. It was horrible. I would wander around the house aimlessly, wondering why I had to do my work and clean up the house instead of just sit on the computer. It was totally unfair!

Chief--I occupied my fingers adequately so that they didn't have those withdrawl symptoms.

Hum. That doesn't sound right.

Oh well! haha!

Laura--I truly think it has something to do with having two small children in the house and no real adult conversation. As you get more adult conversation at work, the need will lessen but NEVER go away because...every day, you get home and there's still two small children in the house who aren't as able to fulfull adult social needs as, gasp, other adults! Posting on blogs or forums or chatting on msn are ways around that.

Mandy--yes, and I just got your email you sent a couple of days ago and will respond today! I'm so sorry. Please know I would have responded sooner if I had A DAMN COMPUTER *growl growl* :) But hey, it's fixed now! woohoo!

12:28 PM  

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