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I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Replacement for song below

Woopsie! I realized after reading WordWhiz's comment below that she SO did not appreciate my ex's talents in the artistic sphere...haha! So, I dug through my stuff and found a replacement for her.

This poem was written by the infamous Bellybutton. Amanda nicknamed him, and you just have to trust me that the nick is completely appropriate. Anyway, he's actually had a couple of poems published, so when he tossed this one off to me in like ten minutes (yes, he composed it while we were talking), he apologized that it was "not that good." Excuse me? Not that good? It reminds me of Alex apologizing to me that, since for his scholastic career he's had to write in French, that his English writing skills are 'bad.' You guys have seen his writing at this point...I don't think any of us would think his English writing skills are bad!

Ok, without further ado, the replacement poem for WW:

Last night sitting under stars
I dreamt of you under moon's glow
And thought of what you mean to me
As the fire's flames flickered low
I dreamt of time spent in your arms
Of the passion rising in your eyes
Shining like the twinkling stars
Set like diamonds in velvet skies
I dreamt of your kiss upon my lips
Of drawing your face so near to mine
I longed for your breath upon my cheek
Sweet whispers from my heart to thine
I ached with the need to have you close
To spend time locked in love's embrace
To feel your warmth rush through my body
To tell you I love you face to face
For words alone cannot express
The ways in which I love you so
And so I must sit under the stars
And dream of you under moonlight's glow

I think it is lovely!

Oh, and in case you are wondering, "Kira! Alex reads this blog, why are you posting up a love poem from a former flame?" Well, he knows all about my entire past and doesn't care. He's just not the jealous type. Besides, he's very aware that, in the end, he won, so that's all he cares about...haha!


Ok, so I made this lovely gorgonzola, cream, and wine sauce over pasta dish earlier in the summer. It was great. I remember tasting it and thinking it was great. But, the night I made it, I got very sick. The end result was that I puked it all up. So, I made it tonight, and I KNOW it smells good. And I KNOW it tastes good. But I just can't eat it without feeling nausated....sigh. This sucks. I hate how sometimes whatever we ate or drank when we get sick becomes a forbidden item to consume in the future. I know it's biologically sound (how else do we learn not to try certain plants and animals than that we get sick after eating them? seems logical to me), but it still sucks.


Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, Kira is right!
There is no point in being jealous when you are the one who gets to be caressed, whispered "I love yous", etc.
If you have her love, why be jealous if another man wants her too? Just grin at him laugh and kiss your woman. :D

That said, Bellybutton is a good, screwed up guy. And Rob is an ass but he is funny. And my cushy tushy is still better than his.
*insert mad laughter*

9:00 PM  
Blogger Kira said...


Daily, I think you do things that leave people no doubt why you are the greatest love of my life, and the last one I will ever have *kiss*
(pssst it IS a great ass, just so the rest of you know...very pinchable!)

3:57 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Isn't it amazing that I haven't fallen madly in love with Bellybutton? He may well be the only screwed up man I haven't dated. Plus, he has certain benefits....[i need a damn devil emoticon to go here!]

6:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very lovely poem indeed!

11:58 AM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...

That was beautiful. I'm honored to have inspired you to post it. Like my ex and his one, enormous romantic gesture, even the biggest schmucks get it right SOMETIMES! (That almost makes it WORSE because they clearly KNOW what to do...they just don't CARE enough to DO IT!) Wow...that suddenly struck a chord too... strange...

8:42 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Amanda--yes, but just remember, sometimes there's such a thing as TOO big....haha!

Mandy--gee, I wonder WHY that struck a chord? But you're right. I think that was one of the most awful parts of Bellybutton: he knew exactly what to do, and then didn't. Sigh.

8:59 PM  

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