Blogquiz: Drinking!
I woke up at 4a and can't get back to sleep. Woe is me. Good thing school hasn't started back up, or I'd be miserable today! And no, today's topic has NOTHING to do with why I woke up...haha! I just have periodic insomnia issues, unfortunately, and they intensify under stress.
So, here's the deal: I am going to type out a couple of questions, and I would love it if you, the reader, answer them in the comments. I'll answer them myself too, of course. I chose this topic because I thought that most people have enjoyed alcohol at some point and time in their lives. Sometimes, if you are like my ex, you've enjoyed it TOO much as well!
1) How much alcohol does it take for you to get rather intoxicated?
2) What kind of a drunk are you (happy, depressed, angry, oblivious, etc)? Can that change depending on circumstance?
3) Ever do something while intoxicated that you absolutely KNOW you would have never done sober?
4) Favorite kind of alcoholic beverage?
Ok, now my answers:
1) I am a lightweight, although not as light as I used to be. I used to get buzzed good and hard off of ONE drink. That's right...ONE. Now it takes two to three. I'm relieved that my tolerance level has gone up because now I can have a glass of wine with friends at dinner and drive home without fear. I seriously used to not be able to drive after only one drink, and so I couldn't drink anything anywhere at any time unless somebody else was driving! It takes about four drinks now for me to be really roasted.
Hey, I'm a midget, of course my tolerance is low. haha!
2) I am the world's most happy drunk. Very little will change this situation too...unlike my ex who starts out happy, but if any teeny tiny thing triggers him, he's viciously angry. If I am feeling a little sad and drink, I still flip into happy drunk mode. If I am totally depressed, I know better than to drink. It just makes it worse. I think I've made the mistake of doing that twice now. But, otherwise, I'm always in a happy mood and joke around like crazy.
3) Unfortunately, yes. I believe the incident in question my friend Terry (who reads this blog but never posts) should remember clearly. He was one of the two guys who told me to strip nude and dance like Aphrodite to the music....*coughs* I was at my last year at Duke, if I recall correctly. I don't recall correctly much more of that night, though. Yeah, I was that roasted. Welcome to college days! haha!
4) I prefer wine, usually dry reds, but dry whites are good too. That's my primary favorite. My favorite liquor is limoncello. I love chick drinks, brandy, tequila, and vodka a hell of a lot too, but I definitely drink wine far more than anything else. I very much was into the whole "glass of wine with dinner every night" thing in France...that works out so well if you can match the wine with the food! Yum!
All right, I'm still not tired. Damnit.
Anyway, answer away in the comments if you wish! I'm just a nosy woman! haha!
So, here's the deal: I am going to type out a couple of questions, and I would love it if you, the reader, answer them in the comments. I'll answer them myself too, of course. I chose this topic because I thought that most people have enjoyed alcohol at some point and time in their lives. Sometimes, if you are like my ex, you've enjoyed it TOO much as well!
1) How much alcohol does it take for you to get rather intoxicated?
2) What kind of a drunk are you (happy, depressed, angry, oblivious, etc)? Can that change depending on circumstance?
3) Ever do something while intoxicated that you absolutely KNOW you would have never done sober?
4) Favorite kind of alcoholic beverage?
Ok, now my answers:
1) I am a lightweight, although not as light as I used to be. I used to get buzzed good and hard off of ONE drink. That's right...ONE. Now it takes two to three. I'm relieved that my tolerance level has gone up because now I can have a glass of wine with friends at dinner and drive home without fear. I seriously used to not be able to drive after only one drink, and so I couldn't drink anything anywhere at any time unless somebody else was driving! It takes about four drinks now for me to be really roasted.
Hey, I'm a midget, of course my tolerance is low. haha!
2) I am the world's most happy drunk. Very little will change this situation too...unlike my ex who starts out happy, but if any teeny tiny thing triggers him, he's viciously angry. If I am feeling a little sad and drink, I still flip into happy drunk mode. If I am totally depressed, I know better than to drink. It just makes it worse. I think I've made the mistake of doing that twice now. But, otherwise, I'm always in a happy mood and joke around like crazy.
3) Unfortunately, yes. I believe the incident in question my friend Terry (who reads this blog but never posts) should remember clearly. He was one of the two guys who told me to strip nude and dance like Aphrodite to the music....*coughs* I was at my last year at Duke, if I recall correctly. I don't recall correctly much more of that night, though. Yeah, I was that roasted. Welcome to college days! haha!
4) I prefer wine, usually dry reds, but dry whites are good too. That's my primary favorite. My favorite liquor is limoncello. I love chick drinks, brandy, tequila, and vodka a hell of a lot too, but I definitely drink wine far more than anything else. I very much was into the whole "glass of wine with dinner every night" thing in France...that works out so well if you can match the wine with the food! Yum!
All right, I'm still not tired. Damnit.
Anyway, answer away in the comments if you wish! I'm just a nosy woman! haha!
1) How much alcohol does it take for you to get rather intoxicated?
Oh my GOD...I used to DRINK! A LOT! Back then, I'd start feeling a little buzz around 3, and I could continue to drink up to 8 or 9 in an evening and still function. Beyond that, it was anyone's guess!
Now I've been mellowed by motherhood. I feel it after one. On a big night, I'll have two. I had more on vacation and didn't like it b/c I couldn't sleep afterwards! Oooops! Forgot about that side effect!
2) What kind of a drunk are you (happy, depressed, angry, oblivious, etc)? Can that change depending on circumstance?
I'm usually a happy drunk, but I have, in the past, felt provoked and have been an occasional mean drunk. Happy 90% of the time, mean 5%, oblivious the last 5%.
3) Ever do something while intoxicated that you absolutely KNOW you would have never done sober?
Um...yes...and his name was Ray. Gah! Should've known just by the name!
4) Favorite kind of alcoholic beverage?
I used to drink a lot of beer. I still like unfiltered wheat with lemon. I love red wine but it gives me a headache. Fact is, I'll drink it all. I don't really like brown liquors or anything mixed with Coke (ruins the flavor of the Coke!).
1) It depends on what I'm drinking. I can drink beer all night and still be classified as buzzed. I usually limit my wine and champagne to no more than three glasses - not because I'm drunk, but because the hangovers hurt worse. With the exception of tequilla shots, I can hold my alcohol.
2) Generally, I'm a happy, overly honest drunk. I LOVE everyone. The only time this really changes is when I've had too much hard liquor and I start getting sleepy. Drunk or not, I'm a bitch when I'm sleepy.
3) Drunken phone calls, IMs, and emails are minor offenses in my list of misbehavior. My favorite drunken act of stupidity was telling a certain someone that he had the smallest dick I'd ever seen. Gotta love an honest drunk! Good times...;)
4) I love margaritas. Anything with salt is good. If I have a choice, I'd take beer or liquor over wine. I love draughts and ales. After reading this, I think I may be an alcoholic.
1) About 2 glasses to get a good buzz, three to be drunk. I am refering to a nice, stong Gin and Tonic here.
I had to half liter beers in the last couple of days and I noticed they had no effect on me. Not even a buzz.
2) I am a very happy drunk :)
I can recall once when I was depressed but that's it. Otherwise i am laughing and joking and singing.
3) OH YES! Sadly I remember them too.
The most famous one is diving into the largest fountain in the city...I was sick to death the next day as it was in the north of France and it was end of november...
4) Gin and tonic :)
I like some beers too as well as wine :)
Since I don't drink, I shall answer these in the Glorious Slavic Way!
1. Several gallons of undiluted vodka. We Slavs drink well!
2. Disturbingly violent and lecherous.
3. I suppose all those people with broken backs might say I did, but I try not to think about them too much - ruins the appetite, you know? Although it does lead to more drinking! Hurrah, Comrade!
4. Vodka + Red Bull + Jolt Espresso. Mmm, so good...
It's Chuck. So, I'm trying this site again. No, I haven't posted an entry yet, lol. Honestly, I hate using Blogger, which is why I haven't been on all summer. I much prefer Live Journal. At any rate, hi! So, do you think we'll find out what the hell we're going to teach before classes actually start? That's the only thing that really irritates the hell out of me about...what do you call it...The Premiere Technical School? Robin asked if you were coming back, and I told her I thought so but that I haven't spoken to you. Anywho, I thought I'd answer your quizzy, albeit a little late.
1) It depends. If I'm drinking hard liquor, it takes around 8-9 drinks for me to feel anything. But, I seem to get intoxicated much faster on beer. I think it's the carbonation, or at least I'm going to blame it on that. Half a dozen beers and I'm feeling G.O.O.D.
2) I'm usually a happy drunk. I get extremely flirtacious, too. The only time I ever drink is when I'm out having fun, or at least attempting to have fun, so I'm never "drowning my sorrows." I don't think I've ever been an angry drunk because if someone pisses me off when I'm inebriated, I usually just get a holier-than-thou attitude and laugh the person off.
3) Hmmmm. I can't say I've done anything drunk that I wouldn't do sober. Then again, I'd do most anything sober anyway, haha. I did roll on ecstacy at a Madonna concert once and proceed to suck on the fingers of random people at the concert and in the parking lot waiting to leave. That's something I'd never do sober, lol.
4) My favorite drink is bourbon and coke, more precisely Gentleman Jack and coke. I'm also a big fan of vodka and amaretto, especially an amaretto sour. Beer works for certain occasions. I like foreign beers better than domestic. The two things I can't stand are gin and any type of tonics. I'm also not embarrassed to admit I like frou-frou drinks like Midori, schnapps, daquiris, or anything else that comes with an umbrella or is popular in a gay bar. Come to think of it, besides gin, I'll drink anything. Holy fuck! Does that make me a Gaboholic?!?
Laura--me too if I have more than the two to three it takes for a really good buzz. If I have four or more, sleep is erratic and miserable.
So, did you sneak out the next morning rather than deal with Ray? Haha!
Amanda--but see, alcohol just brought out the honesty factor, right? I mean, he really DID have the smallest dick you'd ever seen? haha!
Alex--it cracks me up! Here I am talking about drunken behavior that had me stripping nude and doing indecent things with two guys, Laura mentions a man she wouldn't have normally touched, and Chuck is sucking off appendages of random strangers. But what is YOUR memory? Diving into a fountain on a cold day. Haha! I love you baby :)
Ency--that was hilarious! Hurrah, Commrade, indeed!
Chuck--YOU LIVE!!!! WOOHOOO! Yes, I just wrote Robin an email back to let her know I definitely want my classes. It's been a rough summer financially. How did you survive? What did you do this summer?
And yeah, I can't stand gin and tonics too. Alex has tried them on me since he likes them so much, and bleh, I just couldn't get into them. Oh well. More for him!
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