Why My Daughter May Not Be Allowed To Have Friends
Finally! That's one of the lovely pictures Amanda took of my darling children :)
So, here we go...my daughter has a little playmate here at the apartment complex. The girl has been over a few times now. I already had to laugh because the girl, J, said "I had to quit ballet because the outfit showed my shoulders." I looked at her and asked if her bathingsuit covered more or less than her ballet outfit. She said, less, but she was IN THE WATER with the bathingsuit so nobody saw her shoulders. I said, "So, you never stand when you swim? You always are doggy paddling? Is that why nobody sees your shoulders?" Clearly, her brain started to explode and I realized I had best backpedal. "Um, well, if it bothers you of course you shouldn't do it and wear that outfit...." Then she happily told me that clogging required them to wear full shirts. Ok then.
Well, see, my daughter is worse. What happens when you take a smart girl who has been given the facts of life by her mom? Here's what happens....
J: Well, I KNOW that people have to be married to make babies.
Ariana, looking amazed: Who told you that nonsense? It's a good IDEA to be married first, but the way to make one is the same if you're married or not.
Oh yeah. My children will be banned from associating with the pure. That's all I can say. First I show them humping ducks...and then I tell her the stork did NOT bring them to me. You have to understand that this is also the girl who told me that she figured out that Santa didn't exist because he used our wrapping paper and had my handwriting, "But don't worry I won't tell Jared." Apparently, there was no such promise to not tell other kids about sex. Ok, so let's look on the bright side: at least now J won't be having sex with her bf at 14 thinking it was ok because they weren't married and so she'd never get pregnant!
So, here we go...my daughter has a little playmate here at the apartment complex. The girl has been over a few times now. I already had to laugh because the girl, J, said "I had to quit ballet because the outfit showed my shoulders." I looked at her and asked if her bathingsuit covered more or less than her ballet outfit. She said, less, but she was IN THE WATER with the bathingsuit so nobody saw her shoulders. I said, "So, you never stand when you swim? You always are doggy paddling? Is that why nobody sees your shoulders?" Clearly, her brain started to explode and I realized I had best backpedal. "Um, well, if it bothers you of course you shouldn't do it and wear that outfit...." Then she happily told me that clogging required them to wear full shirts. Ok then.
Well, see, my daughter is worse. What happens when you take a smart girl who has been given the facts of life by her mom? Here's what happens....
J: Well, I KNOW that people have to be married to make babies.
Ariana, looking amazed: Who told you that nonsense? It's a good IDEA to be married first, but the way to make one is the same if you're married or not.
Oh yeah. My children will be banned from associating with the pure. That's all I can say. First I show them humping ducks...and then I tell her the stork did NOT bring them to me. You have to understand that this is also the girl who told me that she figured out that Santa didn't exist because he used our wrapping paper and had my handwriting, "But don't worry I won't tell Jared." Apparently, there was no such promise to not tell other kids about sex. Ok, so let's look on the bright side: at least now J won't be having sex with her bf at 14 thinking it was ok because they weren't married and so she'd never get pregnant!
I am proud of how smart Ari is! She makes up for at least two or three kids from your area who suffer from bad education and terrible parenting...Perhaps she can persuade them that gay people are not the devil too next ;)
I wonder how she feels about showing off her...um...
No, if shoulders are a problem, she won't be pregnant by 14!
I wonder what other bits of nonsense J's mother has told her? I thought that kind of mother had become a relic, but I guess not.
You really have a nice blog.
Alex--I'd love for her to continue the onslaught on ignorance in the area, but I'm afraid that might leave her not allowed to play with ANYONE ;)
Laura--a good friend of mine (in fact, I'm going to her wedding this Friday) had such body issues what with nudity frowned on in her house plus self-esteem issues with her body that she ONLY had sex with her shirt on until she was in her 40's. So, I'm not so sure about that ;)
Gary--I wish that people would not give misinformation to their children like that, but around here it's rather common. Sadly.
GOOD FREAKIN' JOB!! Too many adults are avoiding the difficult topics because they're awkward. Sooner or later, kids are going to have to make their own choices. All you can do is arm them with the facts, and hope they make the best ones.
What? You don't have to be married?
Reminds me of when a friend's neighbor's children weren't allowed to attend his child's birthday party because, according to the kids (in an extremely heavy Southern accent), the invitation "had a picture of the devil on it." True - it was the WB's Tasmanian devil, but a devil nonetheless.
Even when you are married, having babies may not always happen.
Many parents are still "protecting" their children from the facts of life, sad to say.
I found a 9 and 7 YO in my garage over 25 years ago doing the bop with a tiny woodie and nakedness.
I have always and early educated my children on choosing who touches them and why they needed to be careful with sex.
They could probably spell condom before they could spell candy..LOL!
It's a nasty place out there, they need all the protection I can give them.
There are 45 Pagans registered with Witchvox in Greenville, proper, alone! As most of them are as flaky as we, you can count on plenty of "serendipitous" pregnancies, and several magickids. So don't worry about poor, brilliant little Ari not having any friends. Got heathens aplenty, right there.
I wonder if young teenboppers (as J will hopefully be one day) have ever gotten pregnant because they didn't think they could as single women.
I'm also now wondering why your friend couldn't make love without a shirt until her 40s. What happened by that time?
They'll be plenty of sex ed at school to let them know the basic facts. Schools around here are taking on more and more of the family's responsibilities. =o( (And some of it is kinda silly. For example, no sugar is allowed at Anna and Matthew's school now. If I were to pack a lunch and put a cookie in there, they would take it away from them.) It's regretful that the parents who don't talk to their kids make it so that everyone else's kids have to waste time (that could be used for learning other things) getting watered down versions of what they already learned at home.
The kids are growing! They are both so cute!
My youngest son was of the same mind as your daughter's friend...until his best friend - a male version of Ariana - gave him the facts!
Thankfully that topic has yet to be approached by my offspring, but he does have a friend who likes to whip out his thing. I wasn't sure if I should discourage the friendship, but the parents come from fine religious stock so I imagine they are instructing the child in the ways of the Lord. I guess I've never gotten a hang of this religious thing; my son still likes to sit on whoopy cushions and make noises. Maybe I'm from the devil. Grant would know.
Hope you weren't offended by my wine rant on Fatty's blog. It was the first snob metaphor that came to my poor blogging grammatically challenged head.
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