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I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Monday, September 25, 2006

More Snippets

It's all I have time for! Small little bits of information...oh well. I suppose it's better than not blogging!


I am wondering if my charter email is working at all. I haven't received emails at all this last day, and that's never happened in about two years. Also, Grant didn't even receive an email I sent him on Thur, and I'm not even sure he had received my resent copy. If you've been emailing to my charter account and I'm not answering, let me know in the comments below!


Further proof that I adore Ariana's boyfriend:

She decided for his birthday she was going to get him a Build-a-bear pet. I told her that was ok, but it had to be one of the cheaper ones (that'd be a choice of two teddy bears, a koala, and a puppy). She decided on the puppy, and then she had him outfitted in a little blue polo type shirt. Now, as cute as this puppy was, all I could think in my head was that the other boys would make fun of him for getting such a gift (it's third grade, guys). I was worried that he'd be embarrassed by it since he was getting it at school, and that the other boys would tease and that'd make him react funny too. But no! He blew off the other boys' reactions, and he said it was least ten times. He then ran off to show it to his mom (his mom works at the school). She thought it was wonderful, too. Andrew's mom is well aware that all Andrew has wanted out of life over the last two years was to have Ari be his girlfriend, and I think she was almost relieved that Ari did this for him as a sign that she cared, too. Apparently, Andrew carried it about and made it bark and said that it was ok to keep the name "Puppy" that Ari had put on the birth certificate (she wanted to let him decide the name).

Because I possess an overactive imagination, I picture the two of them "dating" until they hit fifth grade. At that point, I visualize Andrew going off to the local middle school, and then Ari going to a private school because by then, we can afford it. They cry. They swear they'll keep in touch. But fate conspires against them, and they lose track of each other. Then, both Freshman at Duke (hey, I'm allowed to dream that my daughter will go to my alma mater!), they stumble across each other and laugh. They had already had a few miserable dating experiences. They don't expect much out of the opposite sex. But hey, here they are again! So they go out on a date, and Andrew takes her back to his dorm room TO TALK ONLY BECAUSE THIS IS MY DAUGHTER WE ARE DISCUSSING, and there she sees...Puppy! On his bed! Worn, but loved.

And then I get three grandchildren, and they live happily ever after.


My ex's brother is married to a very close friend of mine. She used to be my best friend (well, I used to feel I had two and she was one of them), but after the divorce, it made things awkward since being around me was a constant reminder of what I escaped...and what she still had to deal with. I DO like my ex brother in law. He, like my ex, is a good guy who just is royally screwed up. Well, he screwed up too far this time.

I'm sad for their child. It will be difficult for him. I know what she feels like right now, too. However, knowing how much my ex's brother is like my ex, I know she's doing the right thing. I think I'm getting my best friend back. I'm supposed to say, "It's under bad circumstances."

But let's be real. I've been waiting for her to escape for years, and I'm happy for her that now she gets to have a real, good, quality life with her son. I don't think it makes me a bad person to say, THANK GOODNESS! It's ABOUT TIME! I'm relieved for her is what I am.


I'm getting my schedule under control to some degree now! Yay! I think next semester will be TONS easier, too. Then I can continue my wine studies more, and maybe try and take the Certified Specialist of Wine test sometime next year. I'd like that. Oh, and take French next spring. I couldn't get it into my schedule this term, so maybe next term. I'm liking Clemson. I still refuse to wear orange though. I just...hate that color. I'll do purple, however. I told my students: get me a purple Clemson shirt, and I'll proudly wear it. orange. Brrr.


Oh, and married life? Yeah, it's marvelous. But then again, it's mostly due to the man I married.


And finally--Ariana had a straight-A progress report. I dangled another American Girl doll under her nose as a reward if she manages straight A's all the way through again this year. I'm not above shameless bribery. Jared doesn't get grades in kindergarten, but he seems to be having a good time of it anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Purple is perfectly plausible too. =o)

Glad the schedule is getting under control. Mine will be much better next week after Digital Xpress is over.

See ya tomorrow!

5:10 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

My oldest actually TOOK her BF to Build-A-Bear with her. He sucked it up and took it like a man. I was proud of him.

Of course, when he dumped her, I wasn't happy. But up until then, he behaved nicely.

Great post; I enjoyed the hell out of this one.

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot - our raise will be on this upcoming paycheck. I talked with payroll today. Soooo, you should be able to get Chian's surgery. =o)

5:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

As long as we can't date back the grandchildren to the day she sees Puppy on his bed, I am cool with this ;)

I can hear myself growl deep down through. He is doing good so far though but as a man, I am well too aware of what even my best friends are like...


And I would go so far as to call it bribery btw. I mean they do it in business and they call it performance rewards or incentive plans...Much more diplomatic :D

5:45 PM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

OK, Kira, so when would you like your daughter to lose her virginity? As your daughter and a (say) 19-year-old frosh at Duke, I'd expect her to be horny as a goat. :)

What's a "Certified Specialist of Wine?" I'm already jealous and I don't even know what it is.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I loved "incentive plan".

Now I have to make one up for me!

9:18 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

I didn't send an e-mail yesterday, but I did today. I did get the e-mail you resent, but not the original.

Also, blogger isn't letting me comment today, so I'll e-mail you this comment about not getting your e-mail.

11:21 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

I'm happy for your former sis-in-law, too! It's rough at first, but holy cow, is it WORTH it. Hell...who am I's rough all the time. The only thing ROUGHER would be staying.


And Ari? She's taking after you in choosing a good mate.

4:53 PM  
Blogger Gary said...

I'm not at all against bribing kids to get good grades. I got bribed when I was in school and it really did help my motivation.

6:59 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

(1) Congratulations to Ari for being smart--not just about books and school, but about life.

(2) The second semester anywhere is always easier than the first.

(3) I take it your ex's sister-in-law is divorcing his brother. I cannot say that I'm unhappy for her, but it always saddens me to hear that a marriage didn't live up to its expectation.

10:35 PM  
Blogger Jezzy said...

Really enjoyed your daughter's futuristic love story there. Hope it pans out that way!

10:41 PM  
Blogger Juanita said...

I love your future-fantasy for Ari! And I'll admit here and now to day-dreaming a bit about my daughter finding happily-ever-after. Unfortunately, I wasn't creative enough to come up with something as good as your fantasy. Do you think you could work up a little futurama for my daughter?

12:56 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Angie--well, I really didn't have a doubt in my mind that you'd object to my preference for purple over orange!

NWJR--you know, we did that to Alex too. I say "we" because it was me and the kids. Basically, the whole family is obligated to have matching build a bear cats (the orange tabby one). The kids each have one, and me. Now Alex does too since our marriage. He was a good sport about it all. We also sent cats to Alex's younger sister and brother because they're our family too. His brother told us thank you, although his cat appeared to be an alcoholic...haha!

Amanda--you get more milk and cookies if you are a good girl. It has always been thus.

Alex--incentive plan it is then...haha!

Joe--I sent you an email a few days ago about the certification. I hope you got it. As far as my daughter losing her virginity, I was thinking like, I dunno, never? Ok, well, maybe 30 after she's been married a couple of years. That'll be fine.

Val--well, yes, I find it always helps to have rewards for goals:)

Grant--I think I followed that.

Laura--Ari actually told me that she picked out one "like Alex." You know you got out in time when your daughter says stuff like that! And yes, my friend will have it rough, but staying was much harder on her. And I'll help her as much as I can. You know how much I believe in chocolate therapy :)

Gary--I wasn't bribed, and there were times I just couldn't get myself to care about grades because school was so damned boring. I think that's why I am trying this method with my daughter. I know she is often bored because she gets the concepts right away. I want to give her a reason to keep paying attention anyway., me too about hearing about any divorce, but in this case I'm just glad she's out of a bad situation. My ex's brother has to be the most self-centered man I've ever met in my life. I DO see good in him, and I feel badly for him, but she's totally better off without him. I remember when they got engaged and I had a heart attack. I actually pulled aside my ex's brother and told him that I'd kill him if he hurt her. He whined, "But what if she hurts ME?" Bah, I had no worries about THAT happening. And lo, I was right. That reminds me. I need to kill him now.

Jezzy--it'd be cool if it did! I have an overactive imaginagion I suppose ;) Still, I like this boy a lot. He's smart, sweet, and adores her.

Juanita--however I write up the Teen Queen's story, it ends with her having a baby girl of her own and seeing how hard it is to get her to listen to her mother, and her apologizing profusely to you for the rest of her days for putting you through hell ;)

6:12 PM  

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