Pardon Me While I Puke
I was supposed to start up teaching in my usual adjunct position next Monday at the local community college.
Did you see the words "supposed to"????
I was just told that sessions had to be cancelled, and so therefore they probably won't need me for the fall. Now, I've worked there for three years. I get fantastic evals. I get along great with the staff. They already screwed me over RE: full-time position earlier this summer, but I didn't think it was THIS bad. What did I do? I review in my head over and over and over again...and nothing comes up. The one time I remember a conflict--serious--with a student, I handled it so well the Vice Dean of the school sent me not one but TWO thank you notes.
I've never had a job wherein they didn't beg me to stay when it was time to leave. I've never NOT been promoted and applauded. I am a hard worker, especially when I care about something as much as I do teaching. I'm just....stunned.
Well, stunned and panicking. I have two children to feed. I already was broke. I was relying on starting up next week for income. I might be able to do some hours in the Writing Center as a tutor, but that won't do more than maybe pay my basics.
So...pardon me while I puke. I have no idea what I'm going to do. None.
Did you see the words "supposed to"????
I was just told that sessions had to be cancelled, and so therefore they probably won't need me for the fall. Now, I've worked there for three years. I get fantastic evals. I get along great with the staff. They already screwed me over RE: full-time position earlier this summer, but I didn't think it was THIS bad. What did I do? I review in my head over and over and over again...and nothing comes up. The one time I remember a conflict--serious--with a student, I handled it so well the Vice Dean of the school sent me not one but TWO thank you notes.
I've never had a job wherein they didn't beg me to stay when it was time to leave. I've never NOT been promoted and applauded. I am a hard worker, especially when I care about something as much as I do teaching. I'm just....stunned.
Well, stunned and panicking. I have two children to feed. I already was broke. I was relying on starting up next week for income. I might be able to do some hours in the Writing Center as a tutor, but that won't do more than maybe pay my basics.
So...pardon me while I puke. I have no idea what I'm going to do. None.
I cannot believe that. I am absolutely disgusted. Would you be interested in doing what Anna's doing for 10 an hour on the grant? It's very boring, but you could do it from your computer at home. It's temp work b/c once it's all done, the job itself would end. But it would at least get some money coming in while you look for something. Let me know if you do b/c I can get you some files to work on...
Again - I'm just absolutely in shock that they did that to you. I
Crap. I"m really sorry. Let me know if I can help. I probably can't, but I want to.
Another idea - you could do substitute teaching. Some counties have a training program you have to go through, but most just require a SLED check (which takes a few days - it's not like the one that takes six weeks) and get a TB test. The salary is decent when you have a master's, if I recall. Another thing you might consider is trying to get into the Master's in Teaching program at Clemson, which is basically for anyone who has a degree in something else, and then they want to teach in that field. You can do it in a year. Then, you could teach in high schools. The benefit of doing that would be you could get an assistantship, whic isn't the greatest salary, but it's something. Also, there are part time positions in both Pickens ( and Oconee ( right now in their Adult education programs, and that's primarily what you've been doing the last few years at Tech. I'll keep brainstorming...
There is quite a bit of politics involved at a lot of colleges. The answer to your question likely has nothing to do with you. Who knows? The money to pay you may have gone to the friend of a friend of a dean.
I hope you find something you like as well as that job. It sounds like it was a good one.
Oh Kira, that's such short notice. I really hope you get some work. And I'm sure it's nothing to do with your ability.
This post almost made ME throw up. I'm sure it'll work out.
AND, the thought did come to mind that this could be a blessing in disguise...maybe you could move to be closer to Alex???
Damn, that's absurd! Bastards... I wish there was something I could do to help, but not sure what given I'm a useless college student at the moment. Blah. I hope something turns up... Do let me know if there's anything I can do, somehow.
Now would be a good time to whack one of your fellow professors you don't like, then you could discreetly inquire if they have any last minute openings.
Good luck with the job hunt. Let me know if can be of help.
Ugh. I don't know what to say.
I'm pretty sure you got caught up in a game of office politics. Whoever likes you at the top is having a power struggle with whoever doesn't know you at the top. It's nothing that you did.
Did you sign a contract for the upcoming semester? Did you receive any written notice that you would be expected to teach?
Either way, I'd talk to your department chair to find out what's going on. If you don't trust the chair, go to the senior faculty who like you.
Something similar happened to me several years ago. Like you I had a spotless record of peer reviews, one of them given by the prof who terminated me (go figure). It was political in our case. Nothing personal. But at least I knew. And at least I could assess my future with the University.
Seems like someone could have given you some kind of warning, though. It might be time to search the Chronicle.
I've been basically anti-union my whole life, because the unions seemed like bunches of crooks. Now it seems like the employers are worse than the unions, so maybe it's time for everyone to unionize -- at least until the unions are more crooked than the employers again.
Angie--thanks again for the grant work. That'll help out a bit as I search for a new job. I can't do the adult ed because I don't have SC teaching certification, though.
Joe--You know, Joe, you're one of those friends who would help me out no matter what, and I know that. Thank you very much.
Gary--I'm sure it does boil down to politics. I'm still not certain as to HOW it all happened, though...and that bothers me.
Amanda--I really appreciate all the searching around you've done for me. In fact, you've probably looked harder than I have (hello, depression that renders me sluggish! how are YOU today?). My dream at this point is that Clemson surprises me with a last minute job offer for teaching, but I'm not holding my breath.
Jezzy--I have this paranoid fear that secretly, all my students who have sent me emails and notes and come by to see me and say I changed their lives for the better...were lying...and they did it because they didn't want to hurt my feelings, and in actuality I suck, and that's why I'm gone. Am I feeling a little down and paranoid right now? You betcha!
Laura--custody issues prevent me from moving from the area, plus the kids really THRIVE at their (free) school. The teachers are great and the parents are involved. I'd hate to yank them out of there. It'd be trauma for everybody.
Ency! You live! Are you back at Duke yet for the term? You need to email me and let me know how the year went...I had better hear that you loved it ALL since I sorta feel responsible for pushing you there...haha!
Grant--thanks for the suggestion. I think at this point, though, I'd rather just find a job elsewhere and not worry about the place anymore. If they did it once, they can do it again.
NWJR--I know how you feel., no contract was signed for the term. They don't have you sign the contract until after the term starts. It's been pretty much assumed that I would be hired for a full load of classes each term since I have been there...and I now. I emailed my boss two weeks ago about a schedule, and she waited until this week to inform me I had no job. Yes, there's politics going on I'm sure, but I don't think I'll ever find out. Sigh.
So sorry, hon. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Maybe this IS a blessing in to be closer to Alex or an even better position somewhere else....Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Crap and double it!
Prayed and see you came out ok!
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