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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Alex Logic

Alex has a unique way of looking at the world, and I am very grateful for it.

One of his main philosophies amazed me completely when he first expressed it. I'm used to it now, but most other women aren't, so when he casually flips out his belief on this topic, it usually surprises. Ask Angie! She was surprised! haha!

Here's his philosophy: if you are up doing work, I need to be up doing work too. If you are sitting down, then I can rest as well. Amazingly simple, yet how many men think that way? I love it! I am ALWAYS assured that if I am up cooking, he's tending to children or mopping or changing lightbulbs. If I'm doing laundry, he's wiping off the kids' table on the porch. If I'm making up a grocery list and organizing coupons, he's washing dishes in the kitchen. For well over two years he's done this one--he did it before we even were dating, and I made the mistake of thinking he was doing it just to impress me. No, that's really how he feels, and really how he is.

What I love the most about his attitude is that it encourages ME to do more around the house too. When I feel like I have a true partner, I am energized and emboldened to do more. For instance, I've been meaning to sort through the kids' candy bags for quite a while, but especially since we had a new burst of candy come in for Halloween. They collect all their candy in one big bag or bowl apiece, and after dinner they can select a certain number of pieces. Sometimes, pieces get to the bottom of the bowl or bag that sit there forever and should be thrown out. I found some chocolates from last Christmas that needed to go bye-bye, plus Ari's bowl needed to be cleaned out because some pixie stix had burst open and it was sugary everywhere. When have I EVER had the energy to do this task I've been meaning to do for months? Well, it was Sunday morning, and Alex and I had woken up early since we had gone to bed early Saturday night (too much fun with Amanda, Angie, and Keri at the Duke/Clemson game). When I woke up, I started folding laundry and putting up the kids' clothes. Alex then immediately got up and started to vacuum. Wow! Then he switched out the bulbs in the kitchen and mopped while I made him breakfast and started in on the candy organization. Why not? Twice as much work done in the same amount of time! What gets more energizing than that???

And then of course I have the rest of the day free then. In all actuality, I am pretty sure that's part of his Evil Plan. See, if I am doing four hours of housework, that means that's four hours we can't be frisky. If he helps me and cuts it down to two, then that's two more hours back for play. Hmmm...he's a smart one!

Remember, he also has FRENCH logic going on there. What is French logic? Here, as Alex explains it to me:

Snuggling...sitting on the sofa, curled up, head on his shoulder.

French above, but eventually turns into sex.

Napping...the couple heads to bed for a mid-day rest.

French above, but right before the nap, it turns into sex.

Massage...getting out the oils and having back, legs, and arms rubbed.

French above, but ends up in an internal massage.

Haha! Yes, I think I like French logic too.

I think the most striking example of how far Alex takes his philosophy of "If you are working, I need to work too," was last spring when I was trying to finish up the grading the night before the grades were due. The kids were at the Ex's house, and I was furiously sitting on the sofa grading away. He insisted on helping. So, I handed him the sections of the exams that were matching or whatnot and let him go at it. When he finished, I was still in the middle of a stack of essays. He did NOT like the idea of going to bed or playing around on the computer since I was still working, so he massaged my feet while I worked. Later on, he got up and made me food. He also fetched me drinks, too. I had to practically SHOO him off to do something else. He wouldn't go to sleep, though...not until I took a two hour nap and then continued to grade.

I like Alex's world. I really, really do. I don't plan on leaving it!


Blogger Kira said...

Yes, of the happiest and most functional sort that leads back to amazing sex! WOOHOO! ;)

5:05 AM  
Blogger cookie monster said...

got sex on the brain do we?

9:09 AM  
Blogger Chief Slacker said...

I'm teh same way, I always have a hard time staying out when the persoin I'm with is doing something. I'll keep stopping in and asking if I can do anything to help. Feels weird not to.

10:31 AM  
Blogger April said...

Please convince Alex to run for president in the next election. I know that's not possible, but the thought is lovely! Alex could start camps for men all over the U.S. teaching them how to make women happy. (without saying what we want to hear just to get into our pants. Men need to realize that a happy woman = lots of sex!)

10:51 AM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

[pity party flag on] I don't know if I'll ever figure it out. I think I've done the Alex logic thing. I don't know if my problem is relating to people in general or just to women I'm interested in. I didn't used to be a fat 43-year-old -- it's not just my looks. Maybe I'm a little too independent, and I'm probably not exciting enough. [pity party flag off]

10:16 AM  

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