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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Figuring It All Out

So, I thought the ex would like the kids for a longer span since I'll be taking them for a huge time over Thanksgiving (we're going up to Raleigh to stay with my brother and family at The Mansion). I KNOW he loves his kids and loves spending time with them. Therefore, I was certain he'd want them this weekend to make up for some of the really extensive time I'll have them shortly. He looked all agitated when I suggested it. He said, "well, I'm not sure that's a good idea. I might not make it that long..." I thought, at first, he meant he might not make it that long RE: kids driving him nuts as kids are wont to do. Now, he's still unemployed, so when they are at school he has all the recovery time he wants, but maybe he meant the weekend would be rough? I insisted my plan was better.

Well, I slept on it. I realized what was NOT said in that conversation was, "I can't make it that long without getting smashed drunk, especially with the USC/Florida game this Saturday and me liking drinking during football games.

Damn, I'm slow sometimes.

So anyway, I called him up today, told him I figured that one out, and I'll have the kids over the weekend. Then he can get obliterated without little witnesses and everybody is happy. He was a much relieved man. You know, he could have just said it outright instead of making me figure it out. Oh well. At least I did!

I think we'll head down to Columbia to stay with Alex and have another family weekend then. We've already hit up the children's museum and the zoo, and two weeks ago we saw a movie. Chicken Little is out now though, so they might want to see that one. Or there's a playground near Alex's apartment. Maybe I can get him to take them there while I grade...damn I'm so behind on the grading. I whine about that constantly, but it's true. It will be my constant complaint until December 12th (the day grades for the fall are due).

Oh, and wine review of the day: Bolla Sangiovese di Romagna 2002. It was Suck. I drank a glass and corked the bottle and contemplated what meal I could cook with red wine so I had a use for the rest it. It was my first a) Bolla and b) Sangiovese, so I'm not sure which part of that equation most disagrees with me. All I know is that cherry nyquil? Yeah, they both have the same aftertaste and bouquet. How's THAT for techinical language? Hahahaha! Sorry!


Blogger Unknown said...

I will take the kids to the playground love of my life ;)

And that has nothing at all to do with the fact I want to escape Chicken Little. :D
Now if the kids wanted to go see a History of Violence though...Somehow I doubt it though.

Who cares about US football anyway? Hehehe. FIFA world cup in Germany 2006! Go France!

PS: reward for grading is French massage, French snuggling and French err...Well you know what I mean :D

4:12 PM  

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