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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Beautiful Weekend

I had a great weekend. I realized this time that we ARE a family unit in every major sense of the word (me, Alex, the kids). Alex acts as their father, and the kids treat him as a spare dad too. I had these visions when I had children that we'd be able to do activities like a family and have some sort of cohesion, but that only happened briefly with Ariana, and then when I became pregnant with Jared, it all fell apart. The children never had mealtime together, and activities were not usually fun due to either dad being absent or dad and mom squabbling. Then we did the single mom thing...sure, the three of us did some fun stuff, but again, it wasn't the whole two-parent plus kids setup I had dreamed of both times when I was pregnant.

Well, now we're a family. Alex doesn't care about what people think just like me. I could SO get a chiquita banana sticker on his nose! We went to see Wallace and Gromit: Attack of the Wererabbit with Ariana and Jared on Saturday (it was fantastic by the way), and all four of us acted like we took stupid pills. That means, of course, that all four of us had a wonderful time. We danced around in the car and sang to MC Hammer's "Can't Touch This"--the version on the Shark Tales bonus cd--and then walked single file, Jared-Ari-Me-Alex, hands on each other's shoulders chanting, hup two three four! hup two three four! and marching from the parking lot into the theatre. Ari baked dessert for us in her Easy Bake Oven. Alex played with the kids on the PS2 while I fixed dinner. We went shopping together and laughed and joked while doing so. Alex bathed Jared and cleaned up after dinner; I did laundry and helped Ari with her Easy Bake cake (and that's only AFTER Alex had creatively used a knife to open up the little oven and insert the light bulb we had bought for it that day). When it was time for bed, Alex read to them as I folded laundry, and I could hear his voice clearly. At peace, I was. Like Yoda, I just sounded.

I have always wanted this situation. I really, really have. I know it's hard on me AND the kids to only have it on weekends, and I know that somewhere of course they would have wanted/preferred this situation with their father, but at least we have it now regardless.

So, to further illustrate my daughter's insane perceptions for a seven year old, let me tell you what happened at lunch on Saturday. We were at Laura's Favorite Place (IE, Panera bread) and I mentioned a troubling dream I had the night before. All I said was, in a neutral voice, "I had an unpleasant dream last night. (Alex's boss), of all people, came to tell me that I wasn't treating you like you deserve, and he listed off all the ways I wasn't being great to you," I told Alex. Ariana listened intently, and then watched Alex immediately pat my right hand and state, "Kira, listen to me, you TOTALLY deserve this relationship and me! Completely!" He looked very concerned, and he was obviously certain that he had interpreted the dream correctly. Then ARIANA added in her two cents' worth! I shit you little girl then mirrored Alex's look of concern and patted my left hand and really, this is it, word for word, and Alex can back me up...

"Mommy! Listen to me! Alex loves you very, very much and NOTHING will EVER change that, ok?"

Holy cow! I actually started laughing at that point because my daughter's obvservation had bowled me over. I see she has an option of being a good therapist one day if she wanted it! I guess maybe they were both right in some sense. I keep wondering when this will all go away. When it's good, it doesn't stay this good, right? But it has. For a while. Amazing.

All right, this time change is sending me for a loop. I think I will nap before grading. Man, I HATE grading. Have I mentioned that yet?


Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

Don't you just love Panera???

I'm glad Alex is the ONE! It's cool to have that two parent family. I'm sure the kids love knowing that their mom is happy and that their spare dad is reliable!


1:47 PM  
Blogger GM said...

Coolness, it's good to hear that you're happy. :)

Ari is eerily perceptive, I must say... Perhaps you should set up a detective service, I'm sure she'd be great at it. Besides, who wouldn't love the idea of a cute lil' kid detective? It can't lose!

2:31 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

YES! You have perfectly described the family unit I want. I never had this growing up, so it seems very foreign to me. I really do want the hubby, 2.5 kids, dog and house-with-the-picket-fence. All I've managed to get is the dog.

MMM - Panera!!

Ari is a genius. It's nice to know that my future sister-in-law is such a wonderful human. ;)

6:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

It was a truly wonderful weekend and I wished it had never ended. I went through a typical Kira withrawal day today: unable to smile, get anything done, think positive thoughs...

I keep thinking: only another year and a half or so!
But that is still far, far away...:(

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate being on a diet. If I weren't, I'd go to Panera tomorrow and get a cinnamon bagel with the hazelnut cream cheese...

Ariana is brilliant, you know.

I hate grading too. If it were truly up to me, I'd give every student an A, and we'd all just learn for fun.

6:36 PM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

Someday, one of my teacher blogger buddies is going to say, "I love reading essays and grading." I haven't yet figured out what nutzo it will be.

Hang onto that relationship. You thinking yet of double-wedding with Whizzer?

6:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh God I hate grading. Sometimes I really wish I was a professor at a university where I could just have my poor T.A. grade all the papers :)

And you know what else? It's really refreshing to read a blog that is about happy things, we all tend to vent a lot about negative things and forget to share happy things. Welcome to our society. Thanks for breaking that and making us smile :)

8:10 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

SC--I think it happened around two years of age. That would be when her father picked at me rather ferociously about something and I decided that I couldn't cry around her. So, I hid my feelings and went upstairs and shut the door so I could cry in peace (I was pregnant at the time...lots o' crying was appropriate!). The door opened up and so I stopped, sniffed, and watched Ariana come over to the bed. She climbed up there and patted my back and said, there there mommy, when daddy makes you cry, it's MY job to make you feel better. Yes, she was all of two and one half years old then. I, of course, had a talk with her about how she was supposed to be the CHILD and not worry about taking care of other people, but I always remember that moment as the single moment I realized my daughter was too aware for her own good. That's the moment the aliens took over.

Laura--oh yeah! Panera rocks. I love the fandango salad, chicken salad, broccoli cheese soup, and anything in the bakery area ;) And yes, you've hit upon one of the best things about the whole situation: my kids KNOW they can trust and rely upon Alex. He's become the male role model they really needed in a lot of ways.

Ency darling--yes, good idea. Exploit my child's talents! We shall call it Weasel Detective Service, eh? It DOES feel good to be happy. Hope things are going well at Duke...I left you a comment.

Amanda--yes, that's what I'd like too. I've only collected the man and the kids so far, but that's the hardest part I'd think, so I should be able to get the house and the dog. Oh wait...hmmm...I'm half a kid short...ok, so I'll round up and get another child later on. Yes, Ariana is brilliant. Oh! Amanda, before I forget, you and Jared are screwed. Your future husband is magically attracted to whatever the most expensive item is in the store and then wants THAT to be his toy he gets or whatever. Seeing as you have that ability too, I'll have to work on Jared entering a profession that makes a ton of money so you and he can live without amazing debt...haha!

Alex--yes, a year and a half has to pass before we can stay in the same place forever. It seems so far off, but not so far as the four years it was when you started up the IMBA program. We'll make it!

Angie--I SHOULD be on a diet. I know I should. I'm at max capacity for my clothes, but...I just haven't reached the breaking point yet wherein I have the willpower to match. Learning for fun sounds good...and I can then just mark A's on all the papers without worry of really grading them. Terrific solution, Angie!

Hoss--I don't know a single teacher who loves grading. When we were children and pretending to be teachers, it seemed to be so fun to grade! That feeling passed quickly once it became a real scenario. Double wedding with WW? Well, it could happen! Why not! Haha!

MR--yeah! That's why I need a I can teach at a uni and have a hapless TA do the grading! haha! And thanks for the comment. Yes, you're right that a lot of us come around here to let go of our worries and fears, and so the blogs end up being depressing or sad a lot of the times. And I can't guarantee you that we won't dive down to that level if something crap happens to me on any given day. But, on the whole, my life is good! I may be broke, and sometimes certain aspects of my life go wonky, but on the whole my life is good...good man, good kids, good cat, job I like, food on the table, roof over my head.

2:25 AM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Your daughter is scary smart, and also scary nice. But (he said in his Perpetual Voice of Doom) it does seem she spends a lot more time worrying about the emotional state of others than most kids her age do. I'm glad you talked to her about it. But you never know: when the hormones hit, she might turn into a bubble-gum popping blonde mantrap who spends all her time dissing the less pretty girls. :) Hopefully not.

8:36 AM  
Blogger April said...

I am literally crying right now for you. They're tears of happiness. Reading all of the little things that the 4 of you were doing and how perfect it all fits into place for you and your dreams, just gets me all warm and fuzzy and just happy for you. Like crying at a wedding when you know that the 2 people are actually in love, ya know.

Your children have such a wonderful mother and naturally deserve an equally wonderful man in their lives. Alex exceeds any expectations a single mother of 2 can dream of. How perfect. Hearing things like this makes you forget about some of the shit going on around you feel that there is good, and happiness. It is attainable for those who are giving and more than deserving.

I am so truly happy for you, Ari and Jared. The best part about this is that although you feel so lucky to have found Alex, you know he feels like the luckiest man in the world to have found the 3 of you.

I'm trying to stop crying, but I'm premenstrual and my boobs hurt.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Chief Slacker said...

YAY for things going well! And one day I'm quite sure the kids will appreciate growing up in to happy homes instead of one very unhappy one. again, YAY! :O)

2:32 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Joe--I remind her all the time that her first duty is to be a kid, but she seems to just have this "natural" caretaking personality. Actually, my mom tells me that I was much like her in that way. Might be a family thing.

April--pms? man, me too...I'm due Saturday and I'm already having painful tits. At least, it had BETTER be due to pms than pill failure! But, thanks! It's what we ALL deserve, right? A good spouse, wonderful children, and a lot of laughter? You're right that Alex thinks he's lucky to have all three of us too...isn't that strange yet great? What man looks forward to kids being a part of the package? Well, Alex does, apparently, and they adore him as a result!

CS--yes, they definitely appreciate the time with Alex in the happy environment. I wish I could have given them this situation with their father, but mostly because of my daughter. Jared truly can take or leave his daddy. He's grown more attached to him over the years, but it's slow and at the same rate as Alex. He asks me for Alex more than for his father when we're away from males at this point... Anyway, it's just Ari I worry about. She wants her daddy, but she wants her daddy to be reliable like Alex. You know what? That's just not an order I can fulfill.

4:38 PM  

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