I skipped Kindergarten. I was there for three days before the teacher wrote the word "underwear" on the board, I giggled hysterically, and then I was called out of the room. Thinking I was in trouble, my heart was racing as the teacher then gave me something to read just to see what I could do. In retrospect, that was a damn clever teacher. She had written the word up there to SEE if anybody giggled, hence being able to read it. What five year old can resist giggling at the word "underwear?"
Anyway, the big first graders didn't get naptime. I missed out on naptime. I want my naptime back. Additionally, I have a substantial part of my ethnic heritage checked as "Mexican." Mexicans believe in the siesta. So, I think I'm pretty much due for that two hour break in the middle of the day to use for napping.
I tell you what: if you guys let ME do it, I'll make sure YOU can too, ok?
I have to get back to grading now. Sigh. After a very full weekend of driving two hours to Columbia to get Alex, driving two hours back, waking up early to get to the Clemson game with Angie, Amanda, and eventually Keri, drinking too much, "seeing" a football game (more like little specks running around the field as we were in the Cloud Section), engaging in intelligent discourse with Angie, getting more food, driving back home, cleaning the house, driving two more hours to Columbia to drop Alex BACK off, and driving back two hours...well, I didn't have time to grade. I'm far behind on it, and so here I am. This is my blogging break. My blogging break is, now, sadly over.
And I want naptime.
*cries and throws tantrum*
Anyway, the big first graders didn't get naptime. I missed out on naptime. I want my naptime back. Additionally, I have a substantial part of my ethnic heritage checked as "Mexican." Mexicans believe in the siesta. So, I think I'm pretty much due for that two hour break in the middle of the day to use for napping.
I tell you what: if you guys let ME do it, I'll make sure YOU can too, ok?
I have to get back to grading now. Sigh. After a very full weekend of driving two hours to Columbia to get Alex, driving two hours back, waking up early to get to the Clemson game with Angie, Amanda, and eventually Keri, drinking too much, "seeing" a football game (more like little specks running around the field as we were in the Cloud Section), engaging in intelligent discourse with Angie, getting more food, driving back home, cleaning the house, driving two more hours to Columbia to drop Alex BACK off, and driving back two hours...well, I didn't have time to grade. I'm far behind on it, and so here I am. This is my blogging break. My blogging break is, now, sadly over.
And I want naptime.
*cries and throws tantrum*
I wish I could nap. No matter how tired I am, a nap always makes me feel worse - sort of a reminder that I really need MORE than just that hour or two of extra sleep. I just have to suffer through until I can get a full 8 hours.
Mandy--I can nap unless I'm too overtired. If I'm WAY beyond the realm of exhaustion, then napping doesn't work and I wake up with a headache, still very tired. My son doesn't nap during naptime. He lays back on his mat and contemplates the world. Hey, I'd even appreciate time to do that every day!
SC--you know, maybe I should. It'd be great to find out that my students can read ;)
being a security guard, i get paid to nap!
I myself wouldn't grade papers if the other option is a siesta. Let 'em read cake.
Is it jsut me or is tehre something cute about the idea of seeing you throwing a tantrum. heh. And I need to go wor for one of those big, coool companies who actually do have nap rooms. It's a growing trend!
My girl started first grade this year, and she really misses her nap. Who decided that six-year-olds (or 5-year-olds) can happily survive for 15 straight hours without rest?
In Mexico they have Siesta. During the hottest parts of the day every one goes home and naps ALL the stores are closed. They end up working from 8 to 2 and then from 4 to 7 or something like that.
At first it was hard to get use to, but now I need that power nap. Time is also good for a little mid-day slakkldjfslkdjl with the wife.
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