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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Don't Ask Questions You Don't Want Answered

My students should know better than to ask questions unless they want them answered.

In my English Literature I class, we had group projects yesterday. In between the projects, we have a lull time while the next group sets up. They usually add medieval or renaissance food as part of their cultural projects because they know I'm food obsessive and food means I'm happy...I rock! Well, before the first group set up, I was talking to the class about things in general and I found out from the Clemson students who are taking my class and only my class over at Tech that my class is the hardest class they have ever taken.

Wow. I still can't believe that. I was trying to determine what made it so hard, and I thought maybe it was the amount of reading they had to do. No, they stated, it wasn't the reading because they've had classes that required that much reading. I was trying to determine if some aspect of my teaching the material could make it easier to absorb, and they stated no way, I clarified everything beautifully so they COULD learn it. It was just hard. Well, ok. Then they asked me why I wasn't at Clemson teaching at Tech since I have a degree from Duke. I told them about needing a PhD for a great shot at teaching at a University and how I DID want to get one of the instructorships at Clemson, and what happened there, etc. Ok, so next project started...

In between that one and the last one, we talked again. Somehow, we ended up talking about misplaced ideas on what Southerners do. One of them discussed how people thought beastiality was common here but it never happened. I laughed and told them that my ex was a former prosecutor, then relayed to them a few tales (all of which involved German Sheppards) of actual cases in the upstate. Then I told them about a police officer I had in one class who also discussed once a case in the area involving a German Sheppard. The whole class laughed when I told them how a student asked after the police officer relayed his story, "Why is it always german sheppards? Is that a particularly attractive breed?"

So, another student was also latched onto the German Sheppard idea too, and he asked immediately, "What IS it though about German Sheppards? I mean, why not a poodle?"

Without missing a beat, I deadpanned, "Because the poodle is too small and would rip apart."

His reply was to scream and say, my eyes, my eyes, take the image away! I'm so sorry I asked! I wasn't thinking! Everybody else started laughing hard, and one guy from the back shouted out, "You should know by now that if you ask a question, no matter WHAT it's on, Kira's gonna answer you!"

Yeah. Don't ask questions you don't want answered!


Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Two words: duct tape. Besides, O Ex-Vet-Tech, aren't there standard-size poodles: non-miniature/toy? They'd probably be more resilient. And maybe they'd bite the fucker's dick off. ;)

Wow: bestiality, young adult sex... what's next? In-laws?

Oh wait, I know: Nazism. We used to host a mailing list for seeing eye/ear type animals. A list member raised a question/issue/joke about needing symbols for different type animals, whence came a question about the symbol needed for German Shepherds. Someone else suggested a swastika. Ok, bad joke, right? Well, another list member went ballistic, suggesting the list harbored Nazis/Nazi sympathizers. The complainer couldn't obtain sufficient satisfaction from the list owner. Complainer then came to me as the mailing list server help person. I read the posts and told her that while the joke was arguably in poor taste, and I was sorry she'd been insulted, I didn't think there was otherwise a problem. Then she went over my head; same response. Then over that person's head. He asked for everything in writing; I lost track after that.

By the way, the mailing list was run by an elderly liberal Jewish psychologist: not a likely candidate for Nazi sympathizer. I don't know much about the complainer, except she seemed (duh) paranoid. But I do wonder: the kind of person who gets it on with a German Shepherd -- what attracted them to the GS as a pet to start with? Or are there just an overabundance of GS's? Or an abundance of sexy ones? ;)

7:47 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Yes, there are standard poodles, but they are not as "seen" in public nor as common around here, and so when folks say poodle, they mean the toy or miniature variety. I would have mentioned the duct tape, but he would have cried at that point :) Obviously from the student's reaction, he was thinking small poodle too...which is what I thought was safe to assume.

I have decided that GS's just have to be a sexy breed, is all ;)

I think the woman had nothing better to do than decide offense was meant when it was not. Yeah, that was a poor taste joke, but it was a joke. If the jewish mailing list host wasn't offended, I think the woman needed to back off...

8:59 AM  
Blogger April said...

I didn't have a visual of the poodle ripping apart, more like getting stuck. Could you imagine a man running around with a poodle stuck on his dick?? HA HA HA HA!!

10:25 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

OK! What about a labradoodle?


I actually met a guy from MISSOURI (speaking of stereotypes) who, I was told by one of his friends, would go get sucked off by young calves. You cows, sucking reflex, the isolation of the farm...shudder.


11:25 AM  
Blogger cookie monster said...

noooooooooo! i was just going to eat my dinner and now i have that horrid image in my mind!

11:34 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

Now you'll know if one of your students discovers your blog. "Hey, baby, did you know I'm part German Shepherd - the sexy breed?"

12:13 PM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

April -- do you mean like this? I guess it's a horse instead of a dog, but it's close.... ;)

S.C. -- That's a great joke. The first time I heard it, I think the punch line was "But you suck one cock...." Goats are funnier. :)

1:57 PM  
Blogger Chief Slacker said...

I'm the same way, if you aska question I'm going to try and answer it for you. heh. If you dind't really WANT an answer, then it should have been a statement, not a squestion ;O)

2:13 PM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...

You're such a hoot! Have a GREAT holiday! Enjoy all that Alex time!

6:57 PM  
Blogger SS said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

11:16 PM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I hope you're ashamed.

No, not about the joke, about how you spelled "shepherd." Some English teacher. Hoss 1, Kira 0.

You were probably thinking Sam Sheppard, which is an entirely different story.

4:58 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

You were probably thinking Sam Sheppard, which is an entirely different story.

So Sam Sheppard walks into a bar with a poodle attached to his wanker...


3:41 PM  

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