Please Clean My House
And please grade my papers, too.
After a week of plague, I am now suffering from round THREE of illness. Now I have a plain ol' cold. Yay.
I have the crappiest immunity system in the universe. My daughter is right behind me. Curiously, it takes a lot for Jared to get sick. I'm VERY glad for that fact.
You know what works great as a decongestant for me when I have a cold? Sudafed. What has been reformulated due to Speedy the Wonder Meth Lab? Sudafed. I have to buy a multi-purpose cold med to get the sudafed generic ingredient now, I realized. Bastards.
Did you Americans know that codeine is legal over the counter stuff in England and Canada? Has anybody told them how addictive that is? Yet I can't buy straight up Sudafed in America anymore due to some meth heads? Aw, fuck you!
Oh well. This is the last week of classes at Ye Ol' Community College, and then there's exam week, and then there's FOUR WEEKS OF VACATION! Woohoo! I just need to grade and get things in order for two more weeks...that's it...then I am done.
Well, no, then I get to make Ariana a candy costume for her Christmas pagent.
Ok, THEN I am done!
After a week of plague, I am now suffering from round THREE of illness. Now I have a plain ol' cold. Yay.
I have the crappiest immunity system in the universe. My daughter is right behind me. Curiously, it takes a lot for Jared to get sick. I'm VERY glad for that fact.
You know what works great as a decongestant for me when I have a cold? Sudafed. What has been reformulated due to Speedy the Wonder Meth Lab? Sudafed. I have to buy a multi-purpose cold med to get the sudafed generic ingredient now, I realized. Bastards.
Did you Americans know that codeine is legal over the counter stuff in England and Canada? Has anybody told them how addictive that is? Yet I can't buy straight up Sudafed in America anymore due to some meth heads? Aw, fuck you!
Oh well. This is the last week of classes at Ye Ol' Community College, and then there's exam week, and then there's FOUR WEEKS OF VACATION! Woohoo! I just need to grade and get things in order for two more weeks...that's it...then I am done.
Well, no, then I get to make Ariana a candy costume for her Christmas pagent.
Ok, THEN I am done!
I think you can still buy it, you just have to go sign a book at the pharmacy so they can keep track and be sure you're not buying enough to start your own meth lab. I have horrible sinuses. I get sinus headaches with ever change in the barometer. The only thing that keeps them in check (otherwise they become migraines) is a combination of Sudafed (or generic) and Ibuprofen. I've stocked up because I don't want to have to go sign my life away at the pharmacy counter. It's NOT like I'm buying a narcotic!! It sucks!
I know it shouldn't be that annoying to go to the counter, but I NEVER have my driver's license, so it does become a pain in my arse. All because some drug is ripping through our country, as if this will really help people who really want to make the damn stuff!
A candy cane costume? I want to see that.
Have I told you that whenever I read your posts about grading that I am so happy that I'm no longer teaching college? Hurray me! (Sorry, Kira. Really, I feel your pain).
Mandy--I get sinus headaches a lot too. That's my dad's gift to me. That'd indeed be another time I need sudafed. I think I can go to the Target and get straight up sudafed if I carry a card to the pharmacy and jump through hoops, but still! I had asked the pharmacist about sudafed and he told me that, quite frankly, he wasn't sure WHAT they were doing right now as they wanted to use a different type of decongestant for colds that meth heads could not use. I think that's the sudafed PE that I see out on the shelves. I used to be able to buy this cold and allergy med that had sudafed in it, and that sucker shot down sinus issues. I can't find it anymore. Bah.
MR--I agree. If somebody wants to make meth, they'll do it. They'll get the sudafed somehow if it's still available. What does it stop? I DID ask that of the pharmacist too and he said that it mostly curtailed shoplifting by meth heads of the product in question...
EM--it's more like a peppermint I think than a candy cane. I'm not good at costumes at all, but my sister (Who is excellent at crafts) sent me idiot proof instructions on how to make this one, so I'm giving it a whirl! And if you feel nostalgic at all, I can run some of these papers to ya, Edgy Mama! After all, you're only like an hour or so away from me :)
Codeine addictive ????? Christ man, I've got the jitters, where did I put my stash ?????
MC--Yes. Codeine addictive. Although I'm aware you are making a joke, I'd just like to note that it's a physically addictive substance and that's why it has to be given by doctor's orders here. I actually KNOW folks who have collected codeine pills and hoarded them and taken them out of friend's cabinets! But you have no worries. It's legal where you are, so you don't HAVE to have a stash. Enjoy ;)
See, I'm a lightweight when it comes to meds. One dose of Triaminic, and I'm unconscious for hours.
I agree wholeheartedly with Edgy Mama - I'm soooooo glad that I don't have to grade papers anymore. After a while, those grammar mistakes start to make sense.
Call me if you need help with the costume. I can be creative and craft when necessary.
Maybe you can make a bargain with the students - whoever scores the most sudafed for you gets an A for the semester. :p
You poor thing! I hate having a cold. The product that works the best for me is Equate (Walmart) brand Cold and Sinus. Me likey. It'll dry me up in an instant.
My daughter just got over a 24 hour barf-a-thon. I'm guessing she picked up on the bug that kept me up the night before Thanksgiving. I expect the other kid to have it in 5-6 days.
Actually, I dropped the kid in question off at day care this morning (she's been barf free for 24 hours)...and I'm hoping that I can get away with that. She was looking pretty droopy.
I know one person VERY WELL who would buy codeine over the internet. I'm guessing that this person used it as a cure for the brown bottle flu.
Good luck with the grading!
I live near what is notoriously known as "Meth Valley", because of the high concentration of meth labs in the area. Something about the rural area and the ease of obtaining ammonia draws in the scumbags.
It's a huge problem for local law enforcement, and the sad fact is, getting cold medicine is rough. Watching your neighbor's house burn down because a renegade meth lab was in the neighborhood is, I'm sure, even rougher.
Still...ya gotta wonder.
I wonder what I can get for my Sudafed stash now that Big Brother is watching? Since I'm not cookin' up speed any more, I have little need for it. But I'm using part of my old apparatus to make moonshine again. I'll do that until the gummint starts monitoring my corn and yeast purchases. Or maybe I'll be nice and just give Kira my illicit goods. Then she can re-sell it and buy some All-Clad.
Kira, have I tried before to talk you into doing the nasal lavage thing? It really helps, it's nearly free, and there are no side effects to speak of.
it probably won't make you feel any better to know that meth can still be made without sudafed and that this whole ban on it has just made the meth cooks come up with more ingenious ways of making it (i happen to know a few shady people, that is the only reason i know this, not because i am actually making the stuff). where there is a will there is a way. i'm not condoning it, i'm just saying that i personally don't think that it can be stopped.
oh, and when i went to buy sudafed, they almost wouldn't sell it to me because they needed a manager to sell it to me and they couldn't find one. i was standing there with a box of kleenex, sneezing, obviously sick, but since i apparently look like a meth cook, i almost couldn't get any.
sorry your sick again. if i was closer i'd help you clean. my friends can usually count on me to vacuum and i do a killer job cleaning the kitchen.
I'll keep your cushions warm for you!! ha ha.
Seriously, I hope you feel better sugar lips!
SC--making this costume out of the materials my sister sent me will be much cheaper than renting a costume...although I'd rather rent one 'cause I'm lazy ;) But I'm broke before lazy, so there you go!
Amanda--I'd have to catch you on that seventh day of rest in order to get help, right? haha! you go girl!
Grant--if I'm going to offer out A's, I think I need to ask for more than sudafed!
Laura--so far it's just been Ariana sick too. Jared has his dad's immunity system, and he rarely gets stuff. I like the equate brands because they are cheap. However, I hate going to WalMart. Too many people. Brrrr.
NWJW--yeah, but the question making the sudafed behind the counter making fewer meth labs? That's what I'd really want to know!
Joe--but you are my all clad provider, dear! ;) Yes, you told me about the nasal thingy and I just can't stand the idea of doing it. Call me a pussy! Go ahead! ;)
Sandra--LMAO! Oh yes! When I think of the platonic ideal of Meth Head Ness, it's YOU dear! Gees. What, did they think you were the best actress in the world, faking being sick?
Thanks for the wishes about cleaning my house! It's still messy and I hate it. But I just sorta drag my drugged up carcass to work and feel too tired to mess with it when I get home right now.
April--what cushions? My rack? Hmmm you know, that's a quick way for us to make money, April...a picture of you "warming my cushions" for me is SURE to make a mint...hahahaha!
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