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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Vegas Bound!

...if I don't post for a couple of days, it's because I'm with fellow bloggers in LAS VEGAS, BABIES! Yeah! Basically, I have two exams to administer today. Then Alex helps me grade the finals, and I compute the final grades. Then I enter them into the computer...get some sleep in theory...and take off with Alex tomorrow (Friday) AM to go to Vegas. He might bring his laptop, and during the short window of time when I'm not intoxicated nor gambling nor chatting nor being indecent in some way (joining WordWhiz on the revolving piano bar? haha!), I might be able to post, but no promises. I don't get back until late Monday night. I've never been to Vegas, so I'm looking forward to it.

It will take actual amounts of alcohol to get me intoxicated. I just realized last night that I might be um...well, indulging in alcohol more than usual these last few months because suddenly, at 36 years of age, I'm able to drink a bit before getting buzzed. Last night I was stressed about grading, so I did a shot of limoncello. Nothing. I tried two. Hmmm. Nothing. Now, you're looking at the girl who used to be able to sniff a cork and get drunk, so this was a total surprise to me. I can now drink two glasses of wine and be unaffected. Amazing! I used to need just one glass to giggle like an idiot. I am no longer a cheap date...sniff. I don't drink every night, so I'm not sure how I finally developed some amount of tolerance (I'm betting Grant is laughing at my idea of tolerance to alcohol right now!). Oh well! I guess I'll have to try harder while I'm out in LV without the'll be one of those rare moments when I CAN cut loose like that since I will have no kids AND not be driving anywhere. Watch out, Nevada!

Seeya soon, guys!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, at 34, I'm still a giggling idiot after one glass of wine... and you've seen what happens after a shot of limoncello. Not pretty.

Have fun in Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!

5:32 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...

I'm soooooo jealous.

Drink one for me! And have fun!

6:58 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...

I'm soooooo jealous.

Drink one for me! And have fun!

6:58 AM  
Blogger Valerie - Still Riding Forward said...

I wanna go too!

7:10 AM  
Blogger Nails said...

Drinking and gambling? That's all you're going to do in Vegas? Not planning on visiting any ... oh... I dunno.... wedding chapels perhaps?

7:51 AM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

I'll be in the Penthouse, Sweetie. Lose the boyfriend and come see me get you drunk.

8:00 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

Actually, despite years of practice, I've always been something of a lightweight. Although, recently I noticed plain beer isn't getting me where I want to be and I had a tendency to stay up too late when I drank, so I experimented and found three shots of bourbon spaced throughout the evening gets me drunk without making me stay up late, drink too much beer, or have a hangover in the morning. Something about our 36th year - livers must harden.

8:43 AM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

It's too bad you can't get buzzed sniffing on the cork anymore. That would save a lot of money.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

VEGAS Baby!!! Where are you staying? Mandolay Bay??? That'd be my choice. The pool there is to die for. Alex will have to go to Paris and pick up some French goodies (they're actually not half bad).

Have fun.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Jezzy said...

Lucky you! Have a wonderful time!

11:00 PM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Have fun!

4:55 AM  
Blogger Paige said...

"It takes a lot to get me drunk"

You said it at the beginning of the night...Famous Last Words. All I can say is I hope you got back to your hotel room alright!

11:47 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Angie--well, I'm still a lightweight when it comes down to it, but I'm just not as bad as before! Am I the only one who still will drink the limoncello? haha!

NWJR--I think I drank one for everybody on blogger Saturday night...brrr

Val--we would have loved to have you! it was a blast. it's cool to place people's faces and personalities to their blogs.

Kyaroko--well, it's not an option to go to the wedding chapel when there's all that extra (FUN) paperwork to fill out when marrying an international. Besides, I'm not going to miss out on an opportunity to marry in France :)

Hoss--it was SO GREAT seeing you! I was drunk...but you left the party too early. Oh well. Maybe next year :)

Grant--maybe it's a matter of beating the shit out of one's liver until it doesn't dare say another thing? It would have saved me a lot of money. However, remember: I'm female. If I'm in a bar or around any male of the species, I can probably get free drinks anyway. So, it's not so bad for me.

Amanda--it took me look at limoncello again. However, I'm back to enjoying it.

Laura--we stayed at the flamingo. This was my first trip out there, so any hotel would have been exciting. We DID go to the Paris hotel, and the pastisseries were pretty decent. Yes, the place is Americanized, but it still made Alex homesick...

Jezzy--I did! It was a blast.

Joe--yes, that's what LV is for, right? I tell ya though...too many good restaurants, not enough money and time...yum!

Margaret--thanks! I had a great time, and yes part of the fun was just meeting people I've seen pictures of or talked to via comments or posts. I've had great luck meeting folks I first encountered on the net. I hope that luck continues!

Paige--waitasecond...I could NOT have said that it takes a lot to get me drunk! I couldn't say that...because it doesn't! haha! It takes less alcohol than it used to, but I'm still on the lighter end of the scale. You were right to be concerned that I got back to the hotel room all right. If Alex had not been there, I don't know what the hell happened. I don't remember much about the trip from Max's onwards. Alex tells me I took my shoes off and went running around the hotel. WEEEE! I think it totally amused him, so that worked. What didn't work was three triple shots of tequila. Remind me to never be so stupid again. I can't THINK of alcohol yet without being nauseated...

8:45 PM  

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