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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

And a Teacher Calmed

Today was a much more satisfying day. An entire class found out that I was up for a full-time position and stated that they wanted to go to whomever and state that they wanted/needed me to be the teacher for Premiere! I didn't tell them where to go because, well, it looks like the Cult of Kira if that happens, you know? HAHA! "And here's some Kool Aid for joining the cult!" Anyway, it made me feel really good and emotional. One of those students from that class has even said, "Kira, I'm determined that you get a job somewhere. It doesn't even have to be here, but my sister is on the English faculty at maybe I can see if she can help you." I may not have money, but I have friends, students, family, loved ones who would do so much for me. I have the important stuff. Gosh, that gave me a warm and fuzzy glow.

Then, we had speeches in my 155 class...process analysis speeches. They generally do food because they know that's a weakness of mine. I got lasagna, a cookie, and a cupcake today. WOOHOO!

And the finale? Well, my darling made a post that actually made me flush. What an accomplishment! Awwwww!

Yes, a good day. Now I'll go grade some papers and drink a glass of wine.


Blogger Foilwoman said...

Alex's post is very sweet. Enjoy.

7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You deserve the job. Hands down. If you get it, I'll feel better about doing the presentations we're doing about community colleges providing a better climate than universities for women with children. If not, I'll have more reservations than those based on my personal experiences. When do you get to teach for them all that? I sincerely hope they just come observe you teaching an actual class this time. (That's how they do our rehires at CU.) Anyway, there is no one there who deserves it more than you do.

7:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Fingers crossed. Toes semi-crossed. Eyes crossed, face might stay this way now

Working on the positive juju for you :)

7:54 PM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...


8:57 PM  
Blogger April said...

Ok, I'm crying over here from reading the sweet things Alex said. Most women only dream of finding a man who feels that way about them. Both you and Alex are lucky to have each other!! You deserve it without a doubt! =)

6:16 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...

I wish some of my teachers had been drinking wine when they read my work. Maybe I'd have seen better grades, or at least more interesting comments.

6:35 AM  
Blogger NWJR said...

Wait a can DM?

Alex's words were very sweet.

6:40 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

You should tell the admin that all of your students, plus millions of loyal blog readers, are preparing to commit mass suicide if you don't get the position.

Alex is a lucky guy. I agree that you're pretty damned terrific, despite your failure to be Asian (your main character flaw). :p

7:41 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

I agree. Alex's post was very sweet. What a honey.

I hope you get the job!

12:25 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

Are we talking tenure-line here? I'll burn a candle for ya'...or something.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Chief Slacker said...

I hope they hire ya ;O) Did ya ghave fun drinking and grading? I am now wondering if ANY grading ever gets done without alcohol? Any teachers I know have to drink when they grade hehe.

Anyway, Slacker's Dating Odyssey has begun... check it out and feel free to take part in the challenge!!!

3:50 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

FW--thanks! I think I was most amused wherein he acknowledges my particular fault that I often just say what's on my mind with no regard to the fact that some things should probably not be announced in public. It's true. I lack tact. And he still loves me. Feels good.

Angie--last time, we had to do a teaching demo in front of the committee rather than them viewing me teaching an actual class. Since by the time they get their act together to do the various stages of the hiring process it will be summer, they'll have to do something similar once again. I mean, in the summers now only the full-timers get to teach. Therefore, they'll have to simulate a classroom to see us "teach." It's ridiculous, though. Of course I teach differently for six people with advanced degrees than I'd teach for a pile of students who probably barely made it through high school.

MR--thanks! All the good wishes and positive energy can't hurt.

WW--I'm guessing you're referring to Alex's post. To me, it's amazing not just that he feels that way...but that he has no problems being totally open about the fact that he feels that way. I think his post is going to be one of those things I refer back to repeatedly when I have a bad day.

April--yes, that's really it! Everybody wants to be loved for exactly whom he or she is, warts and all, and he seems to be able to do that. I guess I think the luck REALLY kicked in with us considering that we're from different countries. It's hard enough to meet people locally, ya know? haha!

NWJR--if I have one glass of wine, it relaxes me and puts me in a better mood to grade. If I have two, I grade lighter and make wacky comments. Therefore, I tend to settle down with just one glass. My students usually vote for two and have offered to by my alcohol...haha!

Grant--but being Asian means my distinctly t&a figure goes bye bye! I guess I'll have to keep that fatal flaw :) And Grant, if I tell my boss what you suggested, I will DEFINITELY be accused of being a Jim Jones type of cult leader! Oh well. If I'm not going to get the job, it might as well be an interesting tale to tell at the least!

Laura--Yes, Alex is amazing. I bet he'd mow my lawn I had one. Haha! And thanks for the well wishes. I need health benefits more than any other aspect of that job., it's not tenure like you'd have at a university. It's a community college. They have their adjuncts (temporary workers hired each term who can teach up to six classes a semester) and then their full-timers (teachers who teach five classes per term plus are required to advise some students during registration time). As an adjunct, I have to work in the tutoring place (Writing Center) in addition to my five to six classes a term just to make ends meet. I receive no health insurance or any other benefit, either. Therefore, getting this position will have me be paid $15k or so more a year for less work AND health benefits. I desperately want the job.

CS--it's to numb the pain of grading yet ANOTHER stack of crap papers ;) Alcohol is often a necessary component to the grading process.

12:31 AM  
Blogger Edgy Mama said...

Any chance your parents want to come up to Asheville after they visit you?

1:46 PM  

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