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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Enjoy My Life!

The kids and I travel in the car together a lot. I have learned to filter out their discussions for the most part and just drive on in order to keep my sanity. However, sometimes I just can't help but listen...please keep in mind that Jared is five and Ari is eight. Do you see what kind of hell I'm in for during the teen years?

Jared: Knock knock!

Ari: Who's there?

Jared: Tick tock!

Ari: Tick tock who?

Jared: Ticky tocky tock tock tick tick tocky hoooo haaaa!


Ariana: Jared, that's not a knock knock joke.

Please keep in mind that this girl was the creator of the infamous orange knock knock goes like this...knock knock! who's there? orange! orange who? orange bonk you on the head!

Jared: YES IT IS!


Jared: It's a good joke and it's funny!

Ariana: It can't be a joke or else I'd laugh! That's not funny! You're silly!

(random tussling sounds in the back seat as I sigh)

Jared: How about this one? Knock knock!

Ariana, sighing: who's there?

Jared: Chicken!

Ariana, suspiciously: Chicken who?

Jared, said JUST LIKE Forrest Gump: Chick-en Butt-ocks!

(rampant giggling from the back seat)

(later, Ariana insists that FRIED chicken buttocks sounds better, then...)


Ariana, giggling: No I didn't!

Jared: Yes you did!

Ari: No, it doesn't STINK bad enough to be MINE!

Yeah. Pitty me. This is my life. Oh yeah, this is my life....


Blogger Prom said...

Do you have a tape or cd player in your car? I suggest a visit to your local library to pick up books on tape. I drive a lot - it saves me from bad music on the radio hell and might even save you from kid dribble.

12:59 PM  
Blogger Buff Huntley said...

Kira --
I got the books you sent, and I promise to read them to TigerGrrl on her next sleepover. THANK YOU! If you email me with your address, I'll send Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter on to you for your children. The pictures alone are really cool.

1:03 PM  
Blogger NWJR said...

Hee hee. He said, "tooted". Hee hee....

3:17 PM  
Blogger OldHorsetailSnake said...

You sure that Dad doesn't want custody ALL THE TIME?

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol - it will only get more creative as the years go by. And louder. Much, much louder.

3:28 PM  
Blogger X. Dell said...

I'm totally grooving on Jared's sense of humor.

"Knock, Knock."

"Who's There?"

"Did I ever tell you the one about the broken pencil?"

"Did I ever tell you the one about the broken pencil who?"


"Forget it. It's pointless."

4:05 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Prom--the unfortunate news is that my cd player in the car is broken. I am debating splurging on a new stereo, but it's hard to justify that when the lean summer months are upon us now. Still, I've gone a month now with no radio/cd player, and it's miserable when one drives two hours there, two hours back every weekend. I will probably break down and get a new one soon...and then I can see about your advice!

Innana--I'm glad you have the books now! I hope FW looked at them too just because they have the best messages ever. If FW wrote down my address anywhere (because she had it on the return addy on the box), use that. If not, let me know and I can email you my address.

5:17 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Amanda--yes. They are like me. But you weren't supposed to tell! haha!

NWJR--yeah, they will say fart, but they both prefer toot as the word for gas.

Hoss--he used to want that. Then he had to take care of them by himself for a weekend here and there, and now he never mentions that at all...haha!

Angie--so, you're saying 'buy earphones,' eh?*groans* Awful pun. I guess that was a redundant statement!

5:19 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

Farts are always funny. Always.

10:28 AM  

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