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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Cookie Asked Nicely

...and who can resist Cookie Monster when he does just that?

I'm going to do the lists that CM posted on his blog. Here we go!

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die:

1) Write a story or book or somesuch and get it published

2) Reproduce one last time

3) Buy a house

4) Send my kids to they don't have to pull an Angie and kill themselves to get their degree(s)

5) Learn French

6) Travel to at least three (3) new countries I've never seen before now

7) Get health insurance

7 Things I Cannot Do

1) Draw

2) Play a musical instrument competently

3) Fix a car

4) Belch the alphabet

5) Diet

6) Exercise regularly for longer than a couple of months

7) Quantum Physics


7 Things That Attract me to the same or opposite sex

1) Black hair (the darker, the better), blue eyes, strong jawline

2) Intelligence

3) Quick wit

4) Paternal instinct towards animals and children

5) High libido

6) Understanding of the word "partner" rather than "do it all, biatch"

7) "Warm" rather than cold and distant

7 Things I Say Most Often

1) Crap, hell, damn

2) HEY! (Usually said loudly to interrupt mayhem by children)

3) No (Remember: children)

4) Yes, and I would like a million dollars (said in response to preposterous requests that my children or other people make)

5) Hi, hungry! My name is Kira! (I say this about three to four times a day...every time my children say "I'm hungry"...)

6) Je t'aime (not just to's the one thing in French Ari will say back and forth too)

7) I don't think so

7 Celebrity Crushes

Please note: although I will certainly stare at pictures of Sean Bean, etc, I don't often give this one much thought, so bear with me here as I puzzle through names

1) Matthew Broderick (please don't ask...just watch Ladyhawk and shut up)

2) Viggo Mortensen (I hope that's Aragorn at least)

3) Johnny Depp

4) Alan Rickman (Snape! Snape! Snape! Actually, it's his voice that makes me wet)

5) Angelina Jolie (at least, if I were to switch teams, she's my first choice)

6) Orlando Bloom (mostly for Legolas and his character in Pirates of the Carribean)

7) Sean Bean (Boromir! Do we see a LotR theme here?)

7 People I Want To Do This List (trying not to tag those already tagged)

1) Amanda

2) Angie

3) Laura

4) April

5) Mandy

6) Sandra

7) A*

HAHAHA! Now YOU try it! :)


Blogger WordWhiz said...

I didn't know you wanted to reproduce again! And I thought I knew everything about you. Huh...go figure.

Okay...I guess I've been tagged. I'm off to post

7:30 PM  
Blogger WordWhiz said...


8:35 PM  
Blogger A* said...

Oh damn. Ok. Will do it first thing tomorrow. Off to bed now. :P

8:46 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Mandy--if I don't end up having one more child, I'm fine. However, there are several factors in my decision to want a third and final child. First of all, Alex has never been able to experience a child of his own from birth onwards. Sure, he treats mine as his and even thinks of them as his children, but I know his hyper paternal instinct would love to start it from scratch and go from there. Secondly, I've never had a good pregnancy/childbirth/etc. experience thanks to how my ex behaved (he was barely acceptable with Ari and he was a bastard with Jared). I just wonder what it's like. Thirdly, my daughter really, really wants us to expand the family. Fourthly, I really love children and so a third would be great. Sometimes I think I'm crazy for wanting another baby, but I swear it's just one more. It HAS to be. My dr. said that since I had to have c-sections with the first two, I only have one more shot (otherwise, rupture of the uterus is too great).

A*--"oh damn" sounds about my reaction too...LOL The hardest one for me was the celeb list. I just don't think of celebs in terms of "screw me now!" typically, so I had to mull that one over for an hour.

4:15 AM  
Blogger Kira said...

Oh come on, SC! That's a totally hot, really sexy way to put it! Right? Right? Lie to me baby! LOL!

4:57 AM  
Blogger Foilwoman said...

Kira: I can't resist Cookie either. Good thing he hasn't figured out how to take advantage of that yet, hmmm?

7:36 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

SC--rats! Well, maybe if the Redhead said it with a purr in some nice lingerie, that'd do it?

FW--indeed! He has several of us here wrapped around his fingers, and he hasn't taken advantage of it. Another reason why he's such a great guy!

6:43 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

There is something about Legolas that is SO HOT! (Aragorn looked like he needed a shower)!

I'll do it.

11:48 AM  
Blogger April said...

Sorry it took me so long to post my answers. I've been trying to cut back from reading blogs during the day at work. So, I just read that I was tagged today (Sunday). However, it's done.

8:10 AM  

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