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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Bird

In honor of my son's fifth birthday, I will tell a tale from when he was just a year and a half old.

My now almost 14 yr old cat Chian is an indoor only cat now in his old age. He just sits around, eats, sleeps, poops, then sleeps some more. In his younger days out at the old house, he used to go in and out as he pleased. He was a fantastic hunter. He caught every rodent imaginable, and then he placed said rodent on the doorstep for me. Typically, the catch would be moles or mice. He could never get a bird, however.

Well, one day I was outside with the kids when we witnessed a bird fly into a window of our house. He landed, unconscious or dead, on the ground instantly as a result. Stunned, we then watched an overjoyed Chian scream out in cat meows, "Manna from heaven! Thank you Bast!" and leap on the bird's form, chomp on it, and run off. The instant and gleeful expression on the cat's face turned a sad moment of mourning for the bird into copious giggles from the children. I couldn't blame them.

Later on that evening, Jared stood about ten feet away from our front door. He seemed to be meditating on the door. He was not verbal much at all at a year and a half, so there was no commentary with it. Ariana stared at him, and she went, "OH NO! Don't DO IT, JARED!" Perplexed, I could not figure out why she panicked until my little son did a running leap for the door, smashed in it very loudly, and then collapsed in a dramatic pose onto the ground, very artistically. As he then sprawled out as if dead, Ari started laughing. "You're NOT the bird, Jared!" I could see the grin on his face. Yup, my son was pretending to be a bird crashing into the house and dying. There was the beginnings of my son's sense of humor.

(Note: my daughter wasn't much better at a year and a half. She WAS very verbal, and when my sister watched her in the high chair once eating raisins, she asked Ari with a smile what she was eating. Without missing a beat, Ariana grinned up at her and shouted out, BUGS!)


So my day was as such: 530a, son wakes up, declares it's his birthday and where are his presents?


Then I volunteered at their school for the day. I was run ragged. I have NO idea how my daughter's teacher does it, honestly. Some of those kids need intensive one on one time in order to get where they need to be. They're not getting the help at home, and Ari's teacher has 20 kids so she can't give them what they need in the classroom. I wish that our public schools had a teacher child ratio of 12 to 1 instead of 20 or more to 1. I also realized that my daughter really IS brilliant. I always thought she was beyond genius, of course, but I never realized HOW ahead of the bunch she is until I saw her classmates. Her teacher talked as a matter of fact of "WHEN Ariana goes to the gifted and talented program...." I had no idea something like that existed here, and I have no idea what grade it starts. I guess I should look into it. The most amazing thing about Ariana vs. the rest of the students is that a new concept can be introduced to her ONCE, no matter what the subject, and she's got it, completed it, and moved on. Meanwhile, she waits for the rest of the class to figure it out or helps them. I love my daughter's kind heart.


And my last worry...Alex is supposed to be going into USC for his last year in the dual IMBA program in France and the US. He has the highest Test of English as a Foreign Language score in the school. He already had a 3.82 at USC (the US' number one IMBA school) the one term he was there. His GMAT scores (business exam) were 640, approximately 13 points HIGHER than the average USC student in the IMBA program. His class rank and grades from his school are very high. There's one slot open, and there is no doubt that Alex should get it from his school.

However, he was just informed by his stupid ass French school that there are seven kids wanting US schools, and so he needs to list off a second choice "just in case." Now mind you, one of his professors at USC even wrote one of his recommendations for this program. If USC chose, they'd choose Alex. The end. But we already learned when they placed two girls who had lower scores on EVERY SINGLE THING that Alex had from the French school as higher to go to USC on the one semester they did...that the French school sucks and can't figure out their head from their ass. So now I'm worried. VERY worried. As in, if the kids weren't here, I think Drunk would be in order. I can't stand the idea of him being away for a year...a year...oh god, two hours away has been bad enough. We've been separated regularly for two years already...oh WHY? I can't handle it. He finds out by January if they'll let him in. Honestly, all the stats say it should be Alex and no other that they put in that slot. But we know his school is irrational, and there is nothing we can do about it...

So I worry. Maybe I'll just eat more of Jared's birthday cake and that will calm me down...


Blogger WordWhiz said...

It's the persecution of the white male. My ex was a college professor. When he graduated from Duke with his PhD, he watched many jobs go to ABD women whose qualifications fell FAR short of his. It's reverse discrimination. In an attempt to achieve an unrealistic balance, white males are pushed asside in favor of quota-enhancing placements of lesser candidates. I hope you're worrying over nothing. January is not far away. Maybe it will all work out fine. I'll be praying for you. Good luck!

3:40 AM  
Blogger Foilwoman said...

You have no control over this. So just hope for the best, acknowledge you have no control, and try to think of contingency plans. Maybe a letter or a phone call. WW, I don't think the French are into persecuting white males so much, so it's probably just bureaucracy in action. Anyway, I hope it works out. Good luck.

6:30 AM  
Blogger Grant said...

With the Frenchman out of the way, it will be Zorzan's turn to move in on the sassy redhead with the sword. Wait, am I typing this or just thinking it? Which one involves the keyboard again? Can she hear my thoughts? Will she make the leap of logic and be the first to realize why Grant and Zorzan are never photographed together? :p

HBD to the kid, and I hope everything works out for you two. If it doesn't, bear in mind that I'm still inexplicably single.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

Things will work out. Trust me. You've survived worse.

Ari is brilliant. Jared is the perfect man under 21; one less year for me to wait!! (Just for the record...L is the perfect man in the 20-25 category, and Alex is tops in the over 25 group.)

Hope you're feeling better...I'll drink some rum for you. ;)

11:03 AM  
Blogger Foilwoman said...

Grant: Sorry about the inexplicable singleness. Maybe it's the bloodstained Santa holding the severed head that scares people (read: women) off? Just saying.

6:54 AM  
Blogger cookie monster said...

theres not a lot you can do to influence what happens with alex' situation so id say just chill for now and cross that bridge when it comes to it

or maybe i should just shut up!

11:17 AM  
Blogger Canoes under my shoes said...

Now I'm nervous for you!!! French schools SUCK ASS (sorry Alex, but they DO). It IS the bureaucracy at play. I've got a bunch of theories going through my head...the persecuted white man theory runs far behind the "maybe one of the girls flirted with the director" theory or the "maybe someone else knows someone who knows someone" theory.

Kids are so damned funny. I love that Jared was working on this elaborate imaginative play acting, and that Ariana was on his wavelength. That's too funny.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Jezzy said...

Here's to hoping for the best. x

Meanwhile, cake is always a quick happiness fix.

3:39 PM  
Blogger cookie monster said...

especially space cake! mmmmm

4:46 PM  

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