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Location: Upstate, South Carolina, United States

I think that the Meredith Brooks' song, "Bitch," summarizes me rather nicely. Or, if you prefer, X. dell says I'm a life-smart literary scholar with a low BS tolerance...that also works!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Jakob B

When I volunteered at Ariana's school last Wednesday, I was introduced to the charming Jakob B. This second grader from Ariana's class is the bad boy/class clown, and he had decided he needed to entertain me through various means. Anybody here ever see A Christmas Story? If you haven't, you should. It's a Christmas classic. "You'll shoot your eye out!" Ralphie...the chinese waiters singing fawr rawr rawr rawr rawr...oh man...good stuff. Anyway, one famous scene from the movie is when Ralphie's brother, a notoriously picky eater, is told by their mother to "eat like a piggie" as a means to encourage the boy to eat. He giggles, pushes his face into the plate fully, and scarfs away, leaving very little on the plate and most of the food on his face.

Yes, in the lunchroom, my daughter Ariana was on one side and Jakob was on the other. He did his eat like a piggie impression for me, and then he raised his head up with pieces of red jello all over his face, including one singluarly large piece dangling from his nose.

He is cute, and he is the bad boy in class. Typically, that means that the girls in class would swoon over him. Jakob, however, has the hots for my daughter. He crowed at me in the middle of the meal, "She LIIIIKES me! Ariana LIIIIIKES me!" Ariana snorted and said as a matter of fact, no I don't. Haha! Jakob then declared that he was Ari's boyfriend and she was his girlfriend. Ariana rolled her eyes again and repeated: no you're not. So, I turned to Jakob and grinned. "I know who she LIIIIIKES and I'm sorry, Jakob, it's not you!" My daughter has a crush on this little boy named Matthew. Matthew is super smart. Matthew is a sweet, shy, gentle boy who reads upper level books with ease. Ari's had a bad crush on him for over a year. They make an adorable couple, as apparently my daredevil girl gets Matthew out of his shell a lot. I was talking to Matthew's mom at the fall festival a few months back, and she was pointing out how Ari was dragging Matthew down this super slide. "My son would NEVER, EVER do anything like that, but Ariana gets him to do all sorts of things! He's so timid, but she makes him bold!" In return, according to Ariana, Matthew reads to her. Now mind you--my daughter is one of the very few children in her class who reads above level. She doesn't need to be read to. Matthew just does it because he likes her. Awwww...I love Matthew too! Apparently, Ariana's two closest girlfriends know she loves Matthew too because when I made my comment to Jakob, they cried out, "Yes! She loves Matthew!" haha!

Of course Jakob B was undeterred. He insisted she was his regardless, or would be in the end. Ariana just rolled her eyes and continued to eat. I thought it was just hilarious.

It reminded me of my own days as a gradeschooler. I can remember the full names of all the little boys I had a crush on! For first grade, it was Keith Willet. For second grade, it was Lewis Carron. For third, fourth, and fifth grade, it was Michael Shepp. Oddly, all three of those boys I ran into in later years, and all three then hit on me, and by then I didn't want them. Such is the fickleness of women!

After the whole day, Ariana told me that Jakob reminded her of her dad. "Jakob should be daddy's son. Daddy is such a pig...he never cleans his house at ALL. And Jakob is just a piggy all the time too."

Oohhh...and then she proceeded to tell me how Matthew was much better because he was kind and nice like Alex...

Is it too much to hope for that she'll skip the "I like bad boys" phase most girls go through? I didn't, so I guess I never expected Ariana could...


On one side of me at the dinner table at Thanksgiving at my brother's house I had my sister-in-law's brother-in-law (a military man who is very conservative and a republican) and then my beloved French boyfriend, Alex, on the other side (he's more conservative than many Frenchmen because he's more of a liberal than a socialist, but hey, still the opposite end of the political spectrum). It was also a symbolic arrangement because I really am more of what you might call a centrist in my political orientation, and there I was smack in between them. Depends on the issue for me totally as far as how I will swing. Anyway! For some, this might have been a recipe for disaster. For us, it turned out to be the best part of Thanksgiving.

The French love great, delicious, long dinners and then avid intellectual discussion afterwards. Apparently, so did this fellow. He had just come back from Iraq (safely, thank goodness), and he had an interesting spin on a lot of things. Alex, having lived his entire life in Europe, had a completely different orientation towards the debates too. Wow! All of us were grinning, discussing avidly, talking about this point or that. Nobody had a closed mind. Everybody listened when the other spoke. Nobody jumped to conclusions, and we all listened to the points or evidence shown by the other for their point of view. It was a great brain exercise! I wish all people approached political conversations like this. There was no rolling of eyes, jeering, name calling, belittling, or any of the other childish behavior I see often in these types of discussion. There was just earnest discussion and debate of many different issues. I think the most interesting thing I learned that night that I didn't know was from our new friend: he told us that he had no idea why people complained about the French being ungrateful to the US as they were the ONLY country after WW II to pay off their war debt to the US. I had NO idea of that fact...and neither did Alex. Cool!

Anyway, I think we'll get to see him at a Christmas party when we head to my brother's house for Christmas. I hope he's able to be around for it! I have no idea when he has leave next since he's military.


Blogger Amanda said...

Ari definitely needs to skip the bad boy phase; it took me 27 years to get over it. Matthew sounds like a great choice. The shy, quiet ones are much more fun (and usually mentally stable!)

7:34 AM  
Blogger Terry Mancour said...

"Such is the fickleness of women!"

Yeah, women pretty much suck that way. "I want a stable, nice, tender, intelligent man . . ." and when you try to be that, they will call you and call you and talk for hours . . . about the "bad boys" that they are really attracted to. My sex life didn't turn around until I quit trying to be that boy that all the girls SAY they want, and started being the rougue with a touch of asshole that girls are REALLY attracted to.

Thanks, Kelly.

1:59 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Amanda--yes, let's hope her good taste continues!

Angie--I just eventually found that the bad guys caused more grief than they ever did joy! I'm hoping that Anna and Ariana don't have to learn that message and instead stick with the good guys :)

Terry--No, some of us just learn that the asshole is not worth it. I like the touch of bastard, yes...Alex has that. But he's the consumate nice guy. And I never wanna go back to the assholes. NEVER. Besides, you're basically a good guy, Terry, so, that comparison fails. I would hate to think that you base your opinions on women from your experiences with Kelly or Moira. There are women out there who want the nice guy. Ask me. Ask Amanda. Ask WordWhiz. We like our nice guy with backbone, but we like our nice guy, period!

GBM--well, I can't really change who she fancies ever, really! That's chemistry! Whether it be male or female, bad boy or good, pheremones just rule and there's not much a mom can do about it. If there were, plenty of marriages would have never taken place...haha!

2:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

She can fancy whoever she likes...One of my bosses has offered to lend me one of his shotguns.
That is for the bad boys. Anyway, Ari likes to see her mummy happy and she has seen that giving red roses and chocolates helps. Bad boys don't do that consistently.
I think my example will help her choose someone nice. And if it doesn't, that is what the shotgun is for.

I also look forward to more great political debates and opportunities for learning. :)

5:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Why oh why are we programmed the way we are? I just told Sam, half joking, that maybe to spice things up he needed to be more of a jerk sometimes. I'm still wondering how much I was really joking...

As for intelligent conversation, isn't that the most awesome thing when you can have a wonderful open discussion about things where people are respectful and educated about the side they are supporting? I can't imagine how much more fun the world would be...

8:11 PM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Two (no, three [wait, five]) questions: (1) Why shouldn't Mr. Druid base his opinion on the aforementioned exemplars? BTW, I can hazard a guess at who Mr. Druid's third, non-married exemplar might be. (2) Is "nice guy" necessarily opposed to "backbone," "delicious," or "intellectual?" (3) Where are these women who like long, intelligent discussion after long, indulgent dining? They're never around when you need them is all I can say. ;)

9:06 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

Alex--see, that's one way to get a frenchman to change his mind on gun control issues: give him a daughter who is of dating age. Haha!

MR--Exactly! There is that old saying, "you can disagree without being disagreeable," and that one certainly applied to our conversation. It was a blast! And you can only be exposed to new ideas if you don't only talk to folks who mimic your own, you know?

1)Because not all women are like that. It's like me deciding that all men are fucking asshole jackasses who are self centered because of my experiences with a couple of men. That's not how men are like, and there is more than Alex out there to prove it. Two, three girls are not a big enough sample size to stereotype half the human race. When we stereotype, we tend to make assumptions that lead us away from those who are different and good as quickly as those who fit our model.
2) You misunderstand. There is nice guy with backbone/not doormat...and there is plain nice guy. The plain nice guy wants peace and to make you happy so much he capitulates to everything you want, regardless of his own feelings, and he loses his soul/self in the process. That's somebody who takes the nice guy concept too far. It's not opposed for a nice guy to have backbone/delicious/be intellectual...but it's not an automatic he has them, either. As you know, Joe, I'm a very (VERY) strong willed woman with a fiesty attitude. If a man can't stand up to me, then I will end up walking all over him, which is good neither for me nor for him. I need my nice guy to be able to say, "Kira, I love you, and I know that you want to do X, but that's not what I want to do right now, so I'm afraid that'll have to be for another day," etc.
3) One of these women is right here! And you know it, Joe :) That's why you wuv me (even though you damn well won't grab my ass...*cries*)

5:31 AM  
Blogger Terry Mancour said...

Re: Ass Grabbing:

I'll do it for him, next opportunity. He's too much of a "nice guy".

9:42 AM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

Dear Mr. Druid:

I'm going to grab your ass the next time I see you: grabbing your ass will not drive me insane.

Wuv, and a happy solstice,


3:54 PM  
Blogger Joseph H. Vilas said...

I know women say they want a nice guy. But what generally happens is they wind up with someone who's not. Maybe those bad boys spend more time looking for dates, or don't take rejection as hard. Maybe it's some sort of bad boy/excitement thing. I don't know what it is, but I'd be a fool not to disagree with you. How many women do you know who've gone out with guys who were eventually shown to be bad boys? In fact, it's a habit for some. Come on -- y'all 'fess up. :)

5:44 PM  
Blogger Kira said...

I know plenty of women who go after bad boys. I also know plenty of women who don't want to see another bad boy as long as she lives ;)

That's like saying men only like bitches. I know plenty of men who seem to only like bitches (thank god Alex is one of them...haha!), but that doesn't mean that some guys really don't prefer a nice girl, eh?

Count me in on the list of girls who are through with bastards. You can't deny it, Joe: Alex is the consummate nice guy. And he's got me. So...I guess for some of us, the bad guy just is NOT it.

6:37 PM  
Blogger April said...

Jakob is going to be like Z's boyfriend when he grows up. Being all possessive and shit. I've had my fair share of possessive men, and it's not fun. As for my idea of a "nice guy" I don't want someone who is a push-over and is constantly up my ass. His life should be able to exist without me in it. Yet the little things are what count. Like coke in glass bottles or limoncello when we've had a hard day at work. Right Kira? Great, intelligent conversation is also a must. I know that all sounds too picky, but it's out there and Alex is proof!!

I still have a love letter from a boy in second grade. It says this:

April, (written OVER Jennifer's name!)

I love you very much. I fell like maring you rite now.


Isn't that sweet??? Jennifer can kiss my ass!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

5:19 PM  

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